Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Pre-Mueller Report Release

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    Sarah Sanders told Congress that the members are not smart enough to understand Trump’s corrupt tax returns. Apparently, he is actually saying that no one is smart enough, since Trump is a real dumbass who cannot understand his own tax returns. Since Trump is university failure, who bought his way to those universities, the fact is that Congress is filled with people who completely understands the taxes of a grifter fraud.
    Minutia Mnuchin is trying to tap down The Cretin’s Russian money-laundered, and “creative accounting” tax returns. And, they want to hide that President Buffoon isn’t as wealthy as he has claimed. In addition, is Trump being audited because of “Creative Accounting?” Did Trump receive income from foreign sources, such as Russian oligarchs? Why is it taking all these years to audit Trump’s taxes, anyway? They cannot be THAT complicated. Did Trump fudge his deductions, or any other part of the tax documents? I am sure that because he is our very Yuuge President Buffoon, his tax return audit is all done. I imagine he IS a priority. The Cretin is just real scared that America, and the world, would finally realize that The Buffoon is a Blond Bloviating Blowhard.
    The Guy in the White House is still soiling his big boy pants over a release of a redacted Mueller report on Thursday. The Idiot-in-Chief unleashed his paranoia, “Mueller, and the A.G. based on Mueller findings (and great intelligence), have already ruled No Collusion, No Collusion. These were crimes committed by Crooked Hillary, the DNC, Dirty Cops, and others! INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS”, tweeted President Buffoon. If he is so innocent, then why is he so freaked out, paranoid, angry, and twisting up his shorts? It is because he is a colluding conspiring conning man-child. He later rage tweeted, “The Mueller Report, which was written by 8 Angry Democrats who also happen to be Trump Haters (and Clinton Supporters), should have focused on the people who SPIED on my 2016 Campaign, and others who fabricated the whole Russia Hoax. That is, never forget, the crime.” (This Tweet was written better that The Cretin is capable of crafting, so someone else had to write this tweet blast for him.
    Sarah “Goerbels” Sanders said, “There was no collusion, which, I don’t know how you can interpret that any other way than total exoneration.”
    Some Trump administration insiders, who testified before Mueller are a bit worried that their statements will be read by the public once the report is released to us all. They are worried that Trump, and Republican White Nationalist Party members, will target them for their testimonies. One of Trump’s inner field marshals said there is “breakdown-anxiety” oozing from past and present field marshals.
    Trump’s entire life has been full of chaos. He runs the White House from his chaotic Oval Office. His 4th Reich stance has been based upon hate and bigotry. Now his target is Representative Omar, a Muslim woman, who has made controversial statements. Some believe those statements have been anti-Semitic. Whatever you think of her, an American President should never be the Grand Wizard of Hate encouraging others to focus their hate onto others. Omar has been the focus of hate and bodily harm. The Cretin fuels the hate through his attack tweets against her and will further his hate message by traveling to her Minnesota district to rally his MAGA base against all people who are not white and fundamentalist Christians.

    We are at a crossroads in our democracy. It needs to be anyone other than anyone from the RWNP to become president.

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