Thursday, April 4, 2019

Pre-Dementia Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    Donald J. Trump has been experiencing a pre-dementia condition. It appears he has had this condition for sometime now. His confusion is serious. Being he has been a man-child for a very long time, this condition is serious. Many psychiatrics have identified President Buffoon as having a mental illness, such as narcissistic personality disorder. So, now add on pre-dementia, and now we know that his time pretending to be president must end.
    When speaking with Apple CEO Tim Cook, President Buffoon called him Tim Apple. When speaking at the CPAC 2019 event he went off script for nearly 3 minutes and this is what he said:

Hillary wanted to put up wind. Wind. If you ― if you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations: Your house just went down 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer. You tell me that one, OK? “Rrrrr, rrrrr” ― you know the thing that makes the ― it’s so noisy. And of course it’s like a graveyard for birds. If you love birds, you’d never want to walk under a windmill because it’s a very sad, sad sight. It’s like a cemetery. We put a little, we put a little statute for the poor birds. It’s true. You know in California, if you shoot a bald eagle, they put you in jail for five years. And yet the windmills wipe ’em all out. It’s true. They wipe ’em out. It’s terrible. And I told the other day at CPAC. Great people at CPAC. We had an incredible thing. I had nothing to do. It was early on a Saturday morning. I had just gotten back from dealing with Kim Jong Un. We had a walk. He wasn’t ready for a deal but that’s OK because we get along great. He wasn’t ready. I told him, you’re not ready for a deal. That’s the first time anybody has ever told him that and left. It never happened to him before. Nobody’s ever left. But I said you’re not ready for a deal, but we’ll make a deal. We have a good relationship. We have a good relationship. But I told a story about, at CPAC. The woman, she wants to watch television. And she says to her husband, “Is the wind blowing? I’d love to watch a show tonight, darling. The wind hasn’t blown for three days. I can’t watch television, darling. Darling, please tell the wind to blow.” No, wind’s not so good. And you know, you have no idea how expensive it is to make those things. They’re all made in China and Germany, but the way, just in case you’re ― we don’t make ’em here, essentially. We don’t make ’em here. And by the way, the carbon, and all those things flying up in the air, you know the carbon footprint? President Obama used to talk about the carbon footprint, and then he’d hop on Air Force One, a big 747 with very old engines, and he’d fly to Hawaii to play a round of golf. You tell me, the carbon footprint.

He has been growing less and less coherent. Trump has made hundreds upon hundreds of bombastic statements, which fuels anger, hate and violence. President Buffoon says such statements to fuel the fire living inside his base. Trump, along with Pence, make bombastic statements regarding abortion. They fuel anger over late term abortion, which is rarely done. Such procedures are done when the fetus will be born seriously impaired, often with little brain functioning that could often make the child so painfully uncomfortable for the rest of his or her life, along with little head and extremity control, leading to absolutely no self-care and cognitive skill development. Is how YOU would like to live the rest of your life? Think about the pain you are having in your life today. Would you like to have such pain, or worse, from the moment you were born?
    Now we are hearing from The Cretin that he is backing off from his extreme statement to close the southern border completely. This is how he lives in the world. He makes extreme dogmatic statements, bullying others, and then reverses his stance when he feels the push back. The Cretin is a true moron! He has been and continues to be an incompetent decider. He is a seriously flawed decision-maker.
    Sadly, his base doesn’t care. They don’t care that he is a dumbass, who speaks incoherently. What they like is that he is a White Nationalist-White Supremacist. They don’t care that their health care will deteriorate under a Republican White Nationalist Party plan. They don’t care that the RWNP are “Market Leninists”---single party rule; government controlled by the wealthiest corporatists in the nation who design government policy to serve their wealth needs and not the needs of everyone else.

    It is time to fit The Cretin with an orange jumpsuit, then give him a bowl of Fish crackers, as he sits in the T.V. room watching his favorite idiots on Fox News.

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