Wednesday, April 17, 2019


The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    Pete Buttigieg’s slogan is “We Cannot Find Greatness In The Past”. The Cretin’s little Cretin, Cretin Jr. tweeted,

    “Did you know @MayorPete says we can’t find greatness in the past?! Someone teach him about George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, the Civil Rights Movement, storming Normandy, landing on the moon, the collapse of the Berlin War...”

    Sadly, Trump Jr. clearly illustrated in this tweet just how impulsive and dumb, and how proud he is to show America that he doesn’t care that he doesn’t think about his ideas before he writes them. In his tweet, Cretin Jr. wrote “Berlin War”. Sorry Dummy Donnie, you should have written Berlin Wall.

    Pete Buttigieg was saying, I am assuming, that the past is the past. We can learn from the experiences of the past, but change and greatness comes from the present and a plan for the future. The past includes experiences of greatness, as well as dreadful times. We learn from them, but leave them behind as we evaluate the changing times and how we, as a society, move forward toward a better time.
    But Cretin Jr. has trouble understanding the full context, which Pete was referencing. Like father, like son—dumb and dumber cannot comprehend the larger meaning of what others say. Neither one of these men-children are capable of reading for meaning.
    The New Yorker wrote that President Buffoon sometimes calls Ivanka “baby” in official presidential meetings. He actually believes that if Ivanka ever decided to run for president, she would be hard to beat. This illustrates his deluded mind. He has no idea that his reality is a total lie. He claims that Ivanka has created millions of jobs. A very laughable lie. ( New Yorker, “Inside Ivanka’s Dreamworld”, 4/12/19.) It is clear that Ivanka is another dull pencil in the Trump pencil box. They are a family of grifters. They captured their wealth by scamming, cheating, swindling, and lying to people. Ivanka captured much of her non-inherited wealth from making clothing accessories, and shoes via sweatshops in China. Her clothing line has been banished from many of America’s retail outlets. After campaigning to bring jobs back to America, the Cretin Klan continued to have their stuff made in Third World factories.
    And now, President Buffoon had to put his two-cents into the Notre Dame Cathedral fire. The Idiot-in-Chief, has once again, unveiled his man-child desire to wear a fireman’s hat and pretend to be a firefighter. President Buffoon said, while holding his forest fire rake, the way to tackle Notre Dame’s blazing tower fire was to dump tons of water from flying water tankers that would drop water from above the fire.
    Since he is a certifiable idiot, he had no idea that dumping tons of water would do far more damage, as water would permeate everything it coated. As the plan was executed, water was targeted at preserving the stone towers, containing the burn so its damage would cause the least possible destruction.

    On a final note, Vice President Putz Pence headed out to the oil fields to praise his Big Daddy Buffoon’s policies to Drill Baby Drill natural gas and oil to export. The fact is that now that the costs of solar panels and solar installation of the panels has dropped, the costs of producing oil and gas out prices solar. It is cheaper to use solar. It is time to push for a massive government initiative to move our energy needs away from oil and gas to solar and wind. It can be done. Unfortunately, the oil and gas companies don’t like it because they cannot make money from free energy sources, but President Buffoon and his little Buffoon like the idea of Market Leninism, which the oil and gas industry rule over.

"Hop aboard. Be My Dog, Mike."

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