Wednesday, April 3, 2019

The Art Of A Madman's Con

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

 In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    President Buffoon has brazenly announced, “We’ll close the border for a very long time. I’m not playing around.” The truth is that he IS playing around. Once again, The Cretin is shooting off his moronic mind spilling out useless, inept, bloviated information. He told us that he was going to stop all aid going to Guatemala, Columbia, and El Salvador unless Mexico secures their border from the influx of migrants fleeing their countries. The fact still remains that aid going into those countries prevent an additional number of migrants from deciding to flee violence, oppression, poverty, abuse, and more.
    President Big Mouth had his Little Big Mouth Stormtrooper, Kellyanne Conway reinforcing his hard acting and demonstrative edicts. She has no shame.
    Regarding closing our southern border, and The Cretin’s foot stomping statement, “I’m not playing games”, when actually he is playing games. He is a man-child who is experienced in playing games. He lacks maturity. Currently, he may allow commercial trucks and day workers to cross the border; otherwise, we may see billions of dollars of interrupted trade affecting our economy. The White Nationalist Republican Party members gearing up for re-election might be soiling their diapers. A border closure will negatively impact food trade, and auto parts, along with many more items that will impact our economy.
    The Buffoon has an M.O.—he makes a big, Yuuge, dogmatic claim, and will use his executive presidential authority to follow through, but then, causing fear and concern throughout his Republican White Nationalist Party Brownshirts.
    His Brownshirts sweat because they fear any economic disruption will be blamed on them. So, he begins to back pedal. This is the behavior of an authoritarian. He makes loud, hostile, combative and anti-democratic proposals and then, backs away.
    What is this? Is this the Art Of A Madman’s Deal? Is this how he makes business deals? He makes big threats flailing his small hands and little, fat arms telling everyone that this is how the deal’s going down. But once the potential partners get nervous, and consider backing out, he them backs off and gives in preventing his suckers from getting away. Once the New York grifter hears that his potential business partners, or suckers, are taking the next cab outta town, he begins to bait them with sweet candy offers to stick around and get hooked by Putin’s Idiot Asset.
    This is how Trump operates. His Art Of The Con is based on manipulating all parties involved. He is a grifter—a person engaged in small scale swindling. Just think about Trump University, Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines, and Trump Casinos.
     Now, President Buffoon, who has no idea what democracy means, or how a president should behave. It has been reported by a credible civilian government employee that The Cretin wanted his poorly vetted buffoons to receive highly classified security clearances even when their applications were rejected, yet President Buffoon wanted those rejections overridden. One example is Jared Kushner, another N.Y. grifter, who lied on his application and had to correct those lies over and over again.

    This is how the president operates. He hated presidential executive orders when Obama wrote them, (Trump Tweeted in 2014, “Repubs must not allow Pres Obama to subvert the Constitution of the US for his own benefit & because he is unable to negotiate w/ Congress.”) but now that Trump is president, he loves to write them so he can go around Congress and make his favored unilateral decisions into temporary law that are extreme and outrageous, and are later challenged in the courts, often finding against The Buffoon’s orders.

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