Friday, April 19, 2019

The Mueller Report's Revelations About Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    Yes, collusion is not a legal term. The Mueller report looked at criminal conspiratorial actions engaged by the Trump campaign, as well as by his inner circle, to engage with Russian actors, and, if there was an intent to obstruct the Mueller investigation. People within Trump’s inner circle were playing interference as Trump intended to act out his desires to obstruct the Mueller investigation. It is illegal to have an intent to obstruct justice, and/or commit criminal conspiratorial acts, which the investigators failed to gather enough indictable evidence to pursue such an indictment; therefore, any action toward Trump, and others, has to be determined by Congress, as laid out by the U.S. Constitution.
    The report doesn’t exonerate Trump from committing a crime or obstructing justice. The report said that if there was strong enough evidence, Mueller would have indicted President Buffoon.
    The Russians within the Russian GRU (their intel community) saw the Trump campaign, and the Cretin’s family as vulnerable, gullible, and susceptible recipients to receive influential exchanges by America’s number one adversary—Russia and Putin. The Cretin’s inner circle, which included his grifter family members, were receptive enough to meet with Russians, receive data from Russians, and deliver data to Russians.
    Russia, Kremlin, and Putin wanted to see Trump elected and, therefore, engaged in actions to influence our election through voting machine tampering, along with the manipulation of the public through social media initiated by Russian cyber experts controlled by Russian intelligence and military agencies.
    Trump and his 4th Reich soldiers have been in bed with Russians for decades. As a result of The Trump Organization falling into financial collapse, Russian oligarchs holding illegally obtained cash needed a place to launder their piles of cash, so they approached Trump during his hard times. What occurred was Trump “selling” them Trump Tower propertied using this bundle of cash to bail himself out of near bankruptcy. In exchange for being financially saved, he became a Russian Idiot asset.
    This relationship with the Kremlin and Putin, and later, Trump’s efforts to develop properties in Moscow, which never materialized because he never connected with the necessary people because of an organized crime-like structure, deepened. Trump was not able to penetrate this hierarchical structure by paying off the right people needed to reach the necessary big boys, but he continued to try and find a way to cement a deal.
    Trump’s connection to Russia and the Kremlin, along with his inner circle’s Russian connections, made the Trump campaign a perfect “Mark” for Putin to elect his preferred candidate—his Idiot asset.
    Trump made every attempt to obstruct the Mueller investigation. That was clearly laid out in the Mueller report. The intentions to attempt obstruction is illegal and, if so moved, impeachable. It is a constitutional violation. Collusion by Trump, and his 4th Reich soldiers, is not a legal matter, but is a constitutional violation. Trump and his inner circle engaged in colluding behavior with Russians, in spite of their actions and engagements to technically do so, did not materializing, which would have resulted in an indictment; yet, the movement toward such actions, although failing to materialize, is still illegal, which could lead to prosecution.
    Trump could be held legally libel, if the Senate, House, and Justice department moved to indict. This will likely not happen, even if obstruction charges are possible.
    Trump’s “no collusion, no obstruction” proclamation is delusional. As we speak, State and Local prosecutors are investigating Trump and members of his grifter family, along with members within the inner circle.

    For many Democrats, and his base, this chapter in the Trump visit to the White House pretending to be the president, is over. Now there is an election to win.

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