Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Our Delusional President

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

    Trump is a cretin. There is no doubt about it. All he cares about is himself and cares less about the nation and protecting the nation from Russian interference in our 2020 election.
    When his former Homeland Security Secretary- Kirstjen Nielsen warned the White House of Russian interference in the upcoming election. She was warned by President Buffoon’s chief of staff, Mick Muvaney to keep such warnings under the president’s radar, since such a warning would upset The Cretin and his feelings that he is an illegitimate president because of the Russians interfering in his election. Wa,Wa,Wa. Everything is about him!!
    The Cretin wanted to see Herman Cain, Mr. Pizza Man, to sit on the Federal Reserve board because Cain could be his foot soldier stooge who could represent The Cretin’s views on the board. But, Cain decided to turn down the offer because it didn’t pay enough, according to his own comments.
    President Buffoon wants to influence independent government agencies wherever he can.
    He had his White Nationalist Party Congresspeople appoint his nominee to head the Federal Reserve when it has been reported that Jerome Powell has no idea how to handle the complexity of the job. His ability to comprehend the numbers is behind the curve. Trump wanted him there so he could influence Powell to follow his “recommendations” on interest rates.
    Now another way The Cretin is hoping to try to stop any attempt to impeach him by the House of Representatives is by heading over to the Supreme Court to get their support.
“If the partisan Dems ever tried to Impeach, I would first head to the U.S. Supreme Court.” “There no ‘High Crimes and Misdemeanors,’ there are no Crimes by me at all.”
    This Moron-in-Chief has no idea how government works, where the boundaries are, and the limits of presidential powers. He has no idea that his powers are not the same as those of Russia’s dictator/kleptocrat Vladimir Putin, who he idolizes.
    This guy is so afraid of impeachment. He is so afraid of having  six years of his tax returns evaluated by Congress. He is so afraid to be proven to be a lying, fake, and conman president.
    In the book, “Proof of Collusion”, by Seth Abramson, he documents thoroughly just how Vladimir Putiin spun a web of entrapment by laying bait wrapped in offers to supply funding for a Trump Organization Tower development project. This web of enticement was to snare Trump into laundering illegally obtained Russian mob money through Trump properties, bank transactions, golf course development projects and more. During 2013, when planning the Miss Universe event to be hosted in Moscow, Putin kept enticing Trump with a personal meeting, which never happened. Trump, enamored with his Man Crush to Vladimir (“Will he love me?” “Will he be my best friend?”), salivated when Vlad led him on with the hopes of a personal meeting. Putin set Trump up in a special hotel room with three Russian prostitutes (the pee-pee tape). This room was bugged and as a result, a secret tape of the orgy was recorded. This event has been confirmed by a couple of Trump’s personal friends. This hotel room event finally ensnared Trump into becoming Putin’s Poodle. Now Trump must listen to Putin’s directions.

   “I have been the most transparent President and administration ever-in the history of the country,” Trump told the press, when asked about his Brownshirts being subpoenaed by the House to answer questions. Once again, The Cretin has no idea that his lying is the most transparent thing about him.

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