Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Trump's 4th Reich

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    The Trump administration has morphed into The 4th Reich. President Buffoon has moved into high gear to end southern border immigration. He sacked Kirstjen Nielsen because she wasn’t evil enough. Now, Steven Miller, Trump’s field marshal lieutenant, will execute this agenda. There may be a plan to reinstate family separation.
    Attorney General Barr sat before the House committee members trying to explain his incompetence regarding the release of the Mueller report to the House. He keeps kicking the report down the road. When answering questions that turned to Obamacare-ACA and the lawsuit filed by Trump to end the ACA for millions of Americans relying on this health care plan, as well as the Medicaid expansion programs, Barr clearly showed he was not an independent officer, but Trump’s legal field marshal to The 4th Reich. He told his House questioners that they shouldn’t have anything to worry about if they feel Trump’s lawsuit will fail. He answered questions as if HE were answering for Trump.
    Barr has lowered the bar for what constitutes “the People’s” attorney general. If Democrats hadn’t won the House, The 4th Reich would be steamrolling over America’s democracy.
    The Buffoon President, the Idiot-in-Chief, is following the commands of his field marshals, who are the brains behind the policies; although, The Cretin insists that HE is in charge. Very funny. This administration is hoping to move the country closer to authoritarianism, as desired by the Koch brothers and their financially supported Think Tanks. Putin must be wetting his pants to see his Poodle follow his marching orders.
    As Barr continues to do Trump’s bidding, he is pursuing a review of the FBI’s probe of President Buffoon’s campaign practices in 2016.  It appears he has become the Republican White Nationalist Party’s chief legal counsel. He said, “I am reviewing the conduct of the investigation…”.
    In spite of the fact that individuals who surrounded President Buffoon’s campaign are now either behind bars or working on a plea deal were involved with Russian actors gave the FBI enough reason to open an investigation. To do otherwise would be a dereliction of duties. By pointing fingers at 2 agents, who on their own private time, discussed Trump’s incompetence, and then later, fired showed the bureau didn’t want to show bias even though these agents really didn’t violate their oath.
    The RWNP and their blowhards—Nunes, Graham, and the others keep going back to the infamous Steele dossier, which brought about the FISA order to investigate Carter Page, Trump’s campaign advisor. It was then that Comey, FBI director, at the time, probed into the actions of George Papodopolos, Trump’s foreign policy advisor. This guy had met with Russians in London to gather dirt on Hillary Clinton. That sounds worth investigating. And, Carter was investigated, and later, indicted for his collusion with Russians, while on a 2016 Moscow trip as an invited Moscow University speaker because of his ties to Trump. Then Page, contacted Trump officials that he had information given to him by these contacts that might help the campaign. He lied about it before admitting to it.
    It sure sounds like the FBI was doing their job, but Barr and his RWNP colleagues want to show otherwise.

    What is happening is that Trump and his field marshal lieutenants want to subvert the Constitution and the rule of law to further their dangerous agendas.

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