Friday, April 26, 2019

The Obstructing President

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

Obstruction of justice is defined by federal statute as any "interference with the orderly administration of law and justice" and governed by 18 U.S.C. §§ 1501-1521. Federal code identifies more than 20 specific types of obstruction, including "Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees" (18 U.S.C. § 1505), the specific code section cited in the Nixon and Clinton articles of impeachment.
Other ways an individual may commit this offense include, but are not limited to, the following acts:

    The crime can take any number of forms, whether it's bribery, tampering with evidence, lying to investigators, abusing one's power, or some other act intended to impede a criminal investigation. The federal obstruction of justice statute is written broadly and focuses more on the effect (or intended effect) of a particular action rather than the specific act itself. Therefore, seemingly innocuous acts could be construed as criminal activity if they have the intended effect of impeding justice.
After reading this definition of obstruction of justice, one can understand that President Buffoon has obstructed justice and has won the prize of impeachment. He doesn’t even have to spin the wheel on Wheel of Fortune to win an orange jumpsuit or a one way ticket back to Manhattan or Mar-A-Lago to play with China’s Market Leninists or spies who want to swim in his pool.
    Actually, once the Trump Chump is extricated from the Oval Office, along with his play toys and autocratic action figures following a complete fumigation, he will no longer have any significance, or political leverage with world figures. He will return to just being The Chump of New York.
    In the news, is a laundry list of obstruction of justice accusations. As the definition states,

 “The federal obstruction of justice statute is written broadly and focuses more on the effect, or intended effect, of a particular action rather than the specific act itself”.

    The Cretin wanted Corey Lewandowski, or The Lewd, (~June 19, 2017) once he was fired as a member of Trump’s Brownshirt inner circle, he was asked to pass a letter to A.G. Jeff Sessions, after being sent back out into the civilian world, to limit Robert Mueller’s investigative scope.  The Lewd was turned into a “Back Channel” courier, which was a role The Cretin’s son-in-law stepped into in order create talks with foreign leaders engaged in political dictatorships, autocracies, and more, in hopes to keep Mueller from investigating Trump’s colluding and/or obstruction of justice intentions or actions.
   As the Mueller report detailed The Cretin attempted and intended to obstruct justice, but The Lewd never did fulfill President Buffoon’s wishes.
   Here is what President Buffoon has tweeted, “Despite the fact that the Mueller Report was ‘composed’ by Trump Haters and Angry Democrats, who had unlimited funds and human resources, the end result was No Collusion, No Obstruction. Amazing!” The Cretin doesn’t seem to understand that the Constitution commands the Congress to investigate the president, or others in executive branch, when there may have been actions that obstruct or collude in order to obtain or further their power.
    The Cretin also went to (~June 17, 2017) Donald McGahn, the White House Counsel, to remove Mueller from his role as a Special Counsel. Trump said, “Mueller has to go.” He also said that he never said that, and “if I wanted to fire Mueller, I could have done it myself”. 

1.   The “Loyalty” Dinner
2.   Asking Comey to Drop the Flynn Probe
3.   Firing Preet Bharara
4.   Asking the Director of National Intelligence to Pressure Comey
5.  Asking Comey to “Lift the Cloud” of   
6.  the Russia Investigation
7.  Attacking Comey on the Eve of His     Senate Testimony
8.   Attacking Sally Yates on the Eve of Her Senate Testimony
9.   Following Up on His Request to Comey
10.                Firing Comey
11.                Concocting a Cover Story for Comey’s Firing
12.                Telling Russian Officials Comey’s Firing Was About the Russia Probe
13.                Admitting Comey’s Firing Was About the Russia Probe on National TV
14.                Threatening to Release Tapes of His Talks with Comey
15.                Publicly Threatening Mueller
16.                Attacking Attorney General Jeff Sessions for Recusing Himself
17.                Drafting a Misleading Statement About Don Jr.’s Russia Meeting
18.               Pressuring Multiple Senators to End Their Russia Probe
19.               Tweeting That He Knew Flynn Lied to the FBI

     If the Republican White Nationalist Party Senators want a chance to win the White House again, then they need to come out publicly that they would vote to impeach Trump. Otherwise, once the primary election is upon us, Trump will enter, if he is nominated, the presidential election cycle as a wounded candidate. The RWNP must choose: do they want a “clean” candidate to run for president, or do they want a dirty, slimy, corrupt, dumbass moron as their candidate?

      The House will continue their investigation into Trump, and subpoena those who can unwrap the questions that are still unanswered, or need further clarification.

     And finally, Trump has failed to uphold his oath when he was sworn in as President of the United States, when he pledged to protect and serve the nation. It is clear that he has failed to protect the country from Russia’s invasion, or attack, against our democracy and to secure our ability to vote without foreign disruptions and interference. Since elected, Trump has failed to institute and secure voting protections. Nothing has changed since Russia interfered and disrupted our 2016 election, which brought about their favored candidate- Donald J. Trump. That was their goal and Trump has done nothing to stop Putin from securing his Russian Idiot Asset from getting reelected.
     Fox News pundit, Judge Napolitano has come forward to say that Trump needs to be impeached because he has committed obstruction of justice.

What more do Republican White Nationalists want? When Fox News hosts begin to turn on Trump, then it is time to impeach the Moron-in-Chief.

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