Sunday, April 7, 2019

Trump's Market Leninism

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    Paul Krugman wrote a piece in the New York Times called “Donald Trump is Trying to Kill You”. It is hard to disagree with his viewpoint.
    “Even if he is a one-term president, Trump will have caused, directly or indirectly, the premature deaths of a large number of Americans,” wrote Krugman. He says some deaths will come as a result of white nationalists, who were called “fine people” by the president. He loves White Supremacists. They are his base voters and supporters.
    Other deaths will mount as a result of his failed response following Hurricane Maria that ravaged Puerto Rico, whose residents are U.S. citizens. Disasters, such as Hurricane Maria, are our new normal. He didn’t care. Remember—his answer to helping the suffering peoples was to throw paper towels to them when he decided to view the devastation.
    And then, President Buffoon has furthered the gutting of Obamacare, which has provided health care to millions of Americans, especially those with pre-existing conditions. Now he has vowed to bring forth a new and improved health care plan, thus far there is none, after the 2020 election. Let’s hope he is being fitted for an orange jumpsuit around that time.
    Krugman says “the biggest death toll is likely to come from Trump’s agenda of deregulation—or maybe we should call it “deregulation”, which his administration is curiously selective about which industries it wants to leave alone.” We know that he favors oil and gas drilling---“drill baby drill”--, which wants to invade public lands and parks and sanctuaries to extract oil and gas from deep under those lands. We are seeing spills, and mishaps as a result of these fracking techniques, as well as earthquakes in Oklahoma. He doesn’t care.
    Food inspections will likely be slackened increasing more and more toxic food products reaching the tables of Americans. The Cretin wants the industries, such as the hog industries, to inspect their own, instead of independent and regulated inspectors doing that job. Foodborne illness, such as: the Norovirus, Salmonella, Clostridium Perfingens, Campylobacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, as well as other toxins, bacterias, parasites or viruses will increase. People die from these toxins. He doesn’t care.
   Then there is the aircraft industry, which allowed Boeing’s Max 8 aircraft to fly-at-your-own-risk people around the world. These planes have already crashed, and others have had malfunctions causing a risk of crashing. Trump was the last world leader to ground these potentially planes from flying following the second crash killing everyone on board. He didn’t care.
    During the CPAC 2019 event he told everyone that wind turbines cause cancer. He seems to ignore the real fact that fracking fluids, methane released gases, and other practices in the industry kills soils, poisons waterways from leaching fracking ponds, and the poisoning of drinking well water from deeply fractured rock beds seeping fracking fluids into those deep water wells. Not only that, this industry uses millions upon millions of our valuable and precious water for their oil and gas extraction poisoning that water once it has been used.
    Krugman says, “And Trump seems deranged and irrational on so many issues that one more bizarre claim hardly seems to matter.” “After all, we normally think Republicans in general, and Trump in particular, as people who minimize or deny the “negative externalities” imposed by some business activities—the uncompensated costs they impose on other people or businesses.”

   This is the practice of the White Nationalist Republican Party, or a party that supports Market Leninism principles. The corporate and industrial elites dictate the rules established by government, which they control, and everyone else picks up the costs as a result of their greed and exploitation.

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