Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Trump's Deep Ties To Putin

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    Trump’s delusional personal lawyer, who should be disbarred for violating legal ethical standards, Rudy Giuliani who told the media, “There’s nothing with taking information from Russia…”. “It depends on where it came from that a political campaign’s decision to use stolen information from foreign adversaries depends on the stolen material.” “They shouldn’t have stolen it, but the American people were just given more information.”
    Rudy Gooney Giuliani condoned the theft and sharing of data, which he believes is OK to use against any political adversaries even when received by a government that is our adversary.
    Even though Russians have been militarily supporting dictators, authoritarians, neo-fascist, along with spying on our political figures, as well as hacking into Internet computer servers, cell phones, and personal computers.
    Now, President Buffoon is screaming foul by suing to block the House from subpoenaing his financial documents. As Buffoon Jr told America, “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia” (Proof of Collusion”, Seth Abramson) when speaking about Trump’s SoHo project. “Russia makes up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our [Trump Organization] assets.”
    The Cretin is scared that he’ll be proven to be a Russian asset bought and paid for by the Kremlin. In “Proof of Collusion”, Russian oligarchs, organized crime syndicate operatives and others connected one way or another to Putin, have done business with the Trump Organization dating back into the 1980s. When Trump owned the Miss America Pageant, in the late 1990s, he did a favor for Putin by choosing Miss Russia to win the pageant, who later was dethroned because of her relationship (rumored marriage) to a Russian crime syndicate boss, as well as “failing to fulfill her crowned duties”.  Back in 2010, the Kremlin-owned development bank, Vnesheconombank (VEB) invested in Trump’s Toronto International Hotel and Tower project after it’s cash flow began to dry up. And Trump was aware that Putin has the power to dry up Russian investment, which would seriously damage Trump’s cash flow. Abramson writes that out of Trump’s 2044 property units, Russians owned 704, or one-third, of them located in 7 Trump buildings.
    No wonder President Buffoon is soiling his diaper. Once his tax documents are unveiled by Congress, all will see how intertwined Trump is with Russians and Russian bankers; otherwise, why would he want them hidden? He will be, once again, proven to be a pathological liar, and fraud, as well as a the CEO of The NYC Grifter Consortium.
    Trump has engaged in “high crimes and misdemeanors” by intentionally lying to Congress and Americans in order to get elected by denying his deep relationship with Russians, the Kremlin, specifically Putin. Yes, he can be impeached. Instead, he should just be defeated at the ballot box so he can be indicted as an ex-president by the Southern District of New York’s district attorney, and the New York State attorney’s general, along with his grifter family members.
    He is obstructing justice by suing over release of his tax documents. He intended to obstruct the Mueller investigation, but was not able to achieve his desires by some of the Brownshirts within his inner circle.
    The Cretin has many supports who don’t care if he is a wannabee mobster, and authoritarian, as well as a White Nationalist and Putin’s Idiot asset. This appears to make the entire Republican White Nationalist Party anti-democratic, and supporters of those American industrialists who believe in Market Leninism. If anyone cares, the actual Deep State is controlled by the Koch brothers, and the swamp lizards that are cranked out through their funded Think Tanks and from the halls of George Mason University, which has its roots in White Supremacy.

    What we have in the United States are two major parties: one being Democrats, and the other being Market Leninists. This is the direction the Koch brothers, and George Mason University has historically leaned into. For more information on this Republican White Nationalist Party read Nancy McLean’s book, “Democracy in Chains”.

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