Wednesday, August 26, 2020

A Letter From The Desk Of Donald J. Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

George Carlin

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

Here is a letter Trump sent out to his supporters:

From the Oval Office Daycare Center Lego Table Desk of                         Donald J. Trump

   To all my Fan-dummies who support me and wear the most ridiculous outfits Americans can come up outside of Halloween. You all know that my middle name is John, which means that I pay for hookers.
   I hope you are loving my really great, and terrific convention. I am a very stable genius for putting all this together with the help of Fox News, which orchestrated all of it.
   Didn’t you all love Queen Melania’s speech. It was just the Be Bestest speech ever. She told all of you to stop bullying, but kept me out of it. She knows that I am the bestest bully ever.

   Now let’s get to work on 2021 and forever!!

   I want people to get sick from my really terrific virus—the Trump Virus, I love how they named it after me. I want people to die from it. This will help reduce the deplorable population in the country. We won’t have to worry about all my rich oligarchy pals who can insulate themselves from the Trump Virus. All of you, my special deplorables, I love deplorables, will be doing all the service work for all of us so we don’t risk getting sick. Thank you for sacrificing yourself for all us. The Lieutenant Governor of Texas asked all of you to sacrifice yourself by going back to work before the virus’ infectious rate flattened so all of us rich folks could rest by the pool as it got under control. Well, it never did get under control.
   By killing off a good many of you, we will reduce the government’s financial burden by paying Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, disability insurance and more stuff handed out by us.
   I want all you liberals to keep demonstrating. Using your free speech rights and keep protesting out there because I then want all my militia friends from anarchist groups, such a the Boogaloo Boys and Nazi groups to riot and destroy property by pretending to be those peaceful protesters so I can blame it all on those liberal elites for causing trouble. Then I can begin to occupy those liberal cities with my Dark Army troops and begin laying down the ground work for authoritarianism to protect all of our beautifully white suburbs. We can’t have Biden destroying our suburbs any more than they are already destroyed. You won’t find me going out into the suburbs, but I know you like living there. We like those beautiful suburbs to stay white. I will enforce my law and order fascist rules everywhere and you my dear supporters will love it.
   I want the Trump Virus to really take hold and impact our economy. I want that so, so much because once properties become vacant, and the owners cannot keep up those mortgages, my venture capital friends, who will give me a “finder’s fee”, will soak up those properties for pennies on the dollar. As the economy continues to shrink, fewer and fewer government services will be provided allowing my Market Leninist economic policies to take hold. The federal government will offer fewer and fewer services and support to the states and local economies. Isn’t that wonderful. We will shrink the economy and will shrink the debt by keeping interest rates at zero so the debt will cost less, and my Market Leninist pals can borrow government cash, free cash, to mop up distressed properties and businesses. It’s a YUUGE plan!!
   During this trying time, I will be pushing down wages, and eliminating the payroll tax so Social Security can disappear. You don’t need Social Security. You can save for your own retirement by signing up to stockbrokers, who will invest for you, while taking a fee even if the market drops at the time of your retirement. Oh well. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. That is what taking responsibility for yourselves means. But, that doesn’t apply to me. My daddy gave me $5 million dollars to make a life for myself. You know the story. I am a terrible businessman. I had to tap into Deutche Bank to lend me money I didn’t have or could pay back. And, then there is all the talk that Putin helped me out. Please don’t tell anyone about that!!
   Workers will have to save for their own retirement folks. You’ll get used to it. I will do away with regulations so businesses, such as the gas and oil industries can go wild and make lots of money without any worries of being sued for polluting our environment, or making people sick. I know this sounds so exciting to all my fan-dummy supporters.
   In my plan, I will privatize the post office doing away with the pension plan. State and local services will begin to shrink, as well, because of dropping tax revenues. Speaking of taxes, I will cut taxes, once again. As local tax revenues begin to shrink, communities will see fewer police, fire, garbage, and other services. I will fix it by allowing the privatization of these services, where people will have to pay for it, otherwise no one will answer your distress calls. You know what I am talking about because you have probably seen my ad blaming Biden for thinking this plan up, but in fact, it was my great idea.
   We will stop helping out public schools so they, too, will end up being privatized and then, we can all pay for our kids to go to the school of our choice. No more tax dollars involved. We will look at putting toll collection booths on all our highways even where there are no toll booths, at this time. The federal government will no longer support highways everywhere.
   The downfall to my plan is that as wages shrink, there will be less consumer spending. Your mortgages won’t be shrinking as your wages shrink. You might have to sell your house, but my venture capital pals will be right there to buy it up from you for pennies on the dollar. At that point, you can find an apartment or move in with relatives. Won’t that be cozy. As wages shrink, there will be fewer home deliveries, fewer UPS, FedEx, and Amazon deliveries; and, therefore, fewer jobs overall all. The 100 million people predicted to fall into poverty will likely be much higher, but lets not sweat those details right now.
    You are asking, “So, where are the tax dollars going?” Good question!! The military, of course. You never know when we might have to attack China, or Greenland.
   I know you all will continue to resist wearing masks and are freaking out over the thought of a vaccine needle puncturing your arm, so my very special virus will continue for sometime to come. We will see schools open and then close, as well as businesses. This will be our new normal and we will have to get used to it. I know, I know the rest of the world will have risen themselves out of the viral abyss and back into normalcy. We will too, but it may take the rest of my second term, but I will get the job done.
   Well my dear Republiqcanon friends—I have folded in Q’Anon and the Republican White Nationalist Party all into one---I must wrap this message up. Republiqcanon is our new name. Catchy isn’t it. This is how you say it-


You will get used to it before long. It is a tongue twister, I admit it.

   I appreciate your support and vote. Let’s make American more like Russia again. We can do it together.

Donald J. Trump

When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus in chaos.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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