Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Trump Got Sacked By Jonathan Swan of Axios

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here.


What's with Trump? Is he sitting on a foot stool? He appears to have crushed the cushion down to the frame. Look at Jonathan Swan. His cushion isn't crushed at all! Trump is one big fat sack of lard.

Jonathan Swan of Axios, set Dumb-Dumb Donnie to spill his marbles all over the floor. Swan was very savvy. He patted Trump on the head and gave him a cookie to make him believe he had an ally, when in fact, Swan went after him with a spear. Trump pulled out his 5th grade charts to show him that the country is doing “better than the world” with the Trump Virus. He pulled out his stale talking point of “When you test, you get more cases.” Then Swan countered Dumb-Dumb’s defense with the United States is doing horribly when you look at the ratio of deaths with the number of cases along with our overall population. Dumb-Dumb went ballastic! “No, you can’t do that!” Swan wouldn’t let it go. He had the ball! Swan responded with, “South Korea with a population of 51 million and only had 300 COVID deaths.” Trump fumbled with a counter remark by saying, “How do you know?” Then Swan grabbed the ball and said to The Cretin, “Are you doubting what South Korea is saying?” Then The Cretin had nothing to say but something like, “We don’t know.”
   WOW!! What a game!  Have we yet to see anyone play a better game against the Fascist-in-Chief?
   It appears that Trump is losing his plan to sabotage the Postal Service’s ability to deliver mail-in ballots on time. The Democrats have confronted Trump’s stooge who is the Postmaster General, by asking him that will he be able to guarantee that the mail system will operate as it has been? They told him that a great many Americans receive their medications by mail, especially during the time of the Trump Virus? He buckled against the pressure of Trump and told Congress that the ‘mail will go through!’

You can read and see The Cretin get slammed by Jonathan Swan’s interview HERE.

   We have witnessed a Mushroom Cloud-like explosion in Beirut, Lebanon. It was horrific!!! During Trump’s press conference, he was asked about it and he responded to a question by saying the explosion was a “horrible attack.” Horrible attack? Our full-blown moron in the White House was speaking without any knowledge about the cause of the attack. HE MADE HIS ANSWER UP FROM KNOWING NOTHING. What kind of moron is he, anyway?  The first thing he said was it was an attack. When confronted with his answer he responded with a response, which was something like “It seems that way.” WHAT? The entire world is watching this moron bullshit during a horrible explosion. This is Trump’s brain. He is so full of conspiracies that conspiracies are his “default setting”. It is his go-to response to everything he knows nothing about.
   Even before that press conference, the Lebanese government had come out and said that the explosion was due to fireworks igniting in a warehouse, and NOT an attack. Later, the government said that there was a ammonium nitrate stockpile, which had been stored for several years. There were hundreds of tons of the stuff that ignited and set off other explosive materials in the warehouse.
   Time and time again, Trump proves he is a very stupid person with the intellect of a child.

Ignoring stupidity is
sadly contagious. 

   Dr. Birx appears to be waking up from her Trump induced stupor. She is warning the nation about the virus and the importance of adhering to prevention protocols.

   The Atlantic magazine’s Sarah Zhang wrote in her piece called “The Coronavirus Is Never Going Away” is a clear wake-up call to follow strict prevention protocols.

 “One outcome is now looking almost certain: This virus is never going away.
The coronavirus is simply too widespread and too transmissible. The most likely scenario, experts say, is that the pandemic ends at some point—because enough people have been either infected or vaccinated—but the virus continues to circulate in lower levels around the globe. Cases will wax and wane over time. Outbreaks will pop up here and there. Even when a much-anticipated vaccine arrives, it is likely to only suppress but never completely eradicate the virus. (For context, consider that vaccines exist for more than a dozen human viruses but only one, smallpox, has ever been eradicated from the planet, and that took 15 years of immense global coordination.) We will probably be living with this virus for the rest of our lives.”
   “This has implications for a vaccine, too. Rather than a onetime deal, a COVID-19 vaccine, when it arrives, could require booster shots to maintain immunity over time. You might get it every year or every other year, much like a flu shot.
Even if the virus were somehow eliminated from the human population, it could keep circulating in animals—and spread to humans again.”
   Here it is. Because Trump and his White Nationalist Republicans ignored the reported warnings dating back to February of 2019, ending up disbanding this pandemic taskforce and firing some of the participants, we as a nation ended up deeply suffering very possibly falling into an economic depression. Later in December when the CDC and China and WHO reported on the outbreak beginning in Wuhan, China, the red flag went up again warning of a dangerously contagious virus which was about to spread across the world. Trump ignored that reported warning. He called it a “HOAX” and “a plot by Democrats.” This was rooted in Trump’s mental illness. He defaults to believing that everything must be a conspiracy to dethrone Death Cult Donnie.
   Had Trump and his administration acted immediately, this nation would have much fewer cases and our country would be able to resume a more normal life. Schools would be able to reopen without fears of more outbreaks. But as the Atlantic article said, we may never see this virus disappear. We may be living with it forever, especially in the United States.
When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a really, really, very bad circus.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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