Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Why Does Anyone Care What Steve Bannon Has To Say?

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

   Steve Bannon a full-blown White Supremacist said during an interview that “Democrats want the death of the America economy and the destruction of the American way of life, and I think if that’s hightlighted by the end of the week, it’ll smoke Joe Biden out of his basement.” Bannon was Trump’s campaign director for a short while during the 2016 election process. Bannon meets with Nazis and White Supremacists in Russian and Germany, as well as in the United States with regularity. His ties to White Supremacists are well documented as he as spoken and organized conferences well attended by Nazis and White Supremacists. Apparently, Bannon has been hiding is some bunker in an undisclosed area of the country causing him to miss what has been going on in the country since January. His former boss has torched the American way of life in a big way. As a result of him being the Commander-in-Chief of American Idiots he has brought the economy to a near meltdown resembling the Great Depression, and infected the nation with his Trump Virus killing, in real numbers, 200,000 Americans and sickening, in real numbers, 6M people with no end in sight. This self-destructive moron said, "[Democrats will be] talking about more globalization, more economic devastation, now coupled with this kind of undergirding of this cultural Marxism and anarchy of antifa and certain elements of the Black Lives Matter."
   Bannon must be suffering from some sort of mental decline because we have watched Trump destroy the economy in only 9 months, while embracing Market Leninism by giving a massive tax cut to the 1% and free Treasury cash in the form of COVID relief loans that don’t have to be paid back amounting to $10T. He has appointed big campaign mega-donors to jobs in government that their only object is to destroy those agencies they have been assigned to, such as the post office, HUD, EPA, Department of Education, and all the rest. Bannon apparently doesn’t know what Antifa is. Most of the anarchy and violence had been performed by White Supremacy groups during BLM protests, such as The Boogaloo Boys and others. Antifa was not the source of violence. The source of violence was Trump. He seemed to ignore that had Trump addressed George Floyd’s murder at the hands of police, and consoled the family by telling them that he would have BillyBoy Barr get to the bottom of the crime, none of those protests would have likely happened; therefore, it was Trump that created this nationalized protest movement. It was Trump's objective to bring out the White Supremacists to loot and cause chaos. This resulted in Trump jumping for joy when he declared war against the protesters using his masked men of his Dark Army. 
   Stevie Bungle-Boy Bannon said, "So I think it's perfect because this is going to come down to a pretty bold choice between, do you want the America of globalization, do you want the America of Joe Biden and do you want the America of these political and financial elites? Or do you want the America-first economic nationalism and populism of Donald Trump?" What kind of drugs is Bannon injecting into himself? Is is high does of hydroxychloroqine? Does he not know that globalization is going gangbusters under Trump and all past presidents before him? Is he so drunk on his own ego that he forgot that the American corporation owes no allegiance to their home country and have set up shop all around the world?Why would a multi-national corporation want to return to the United States after watching Trump totally bungle protections for the American people, the business community and more from a deadly virus now called the Trump Virus? He was very clear that if you want a White Supremacist president, who can't do the job, or any job for that matter, vote for Trump. If you want to see Social Security, Medicare, pensions disappear vote for Trump. He had it wrong when he referred to Biden as the puppet of the political and financial elite. Just look at the Trump administration. The financial and political elite are running agencies and departments. Look no further that Louie DeJoy and Betsy DeVos. Look no further that his moronic grifter family---Ivanka and Jared, who are complete incompetents, have faked their way through life.
   Bannon made it clear—if you want more of the same: anarchy, chaos, economic destruction, a pandemic running rampant, and a Scorched Earth presidency, then vote for Trump.
   Trump has now pledged to end Social Security by eliminating the payroll tax, which funds Social Security. This is one aspect of the Market/Corporate Leninist position where Americans must pay for everything on their own, while the 1% get government cash to operate and create more wealth for themselves if they fund those in government who look after those in charge of Congress and the White House departments, as well as the courts.
   Bungleboy Bannon is legitimizing a White Supremacy, Nazi, Confederate style rebellion by ReCon anarchists who will be infecting their fellow morons (From Outer Space).

   Trump and his authoritarian regime are no longer dog whistling the base but megaphoning them to rebel against democracy, freedom protections, and public health protections. The Moron-in-Chief said the post office has been “Run horribly” and “mismanaged”. The fact is that it is running a deficit because the ReCons in Congress forced the post office to pay pension costs years into the future, which no corporation would ever do because of its crippling effect on the budget. It was done to disable the post office’s budget in order to force it into privatization. More Market Leninism at work.
   Trump has been challenged by a judge in Pennsylvania to prove that Pennsylvania has cases of mail-in voter fraud. There are no cases. Come on Donnie. Put up or shut up! The statistics of voter fraud nationally is .0008%. Oregon, which has had mail-in voting since 2000, has had .0004% of voter fraud cases. There is more fraud committed by Donald Trump that what has been seen from mail-in voting. 
It's Fake News, Donnie. Trump--you are a Fake News President!!!

Covid19 was first found in a Chinese mine far from Wuhan years earlier.

How the Trump Virus is changing brain function. Read it here.

Trump's new epiphany is to use an herbal product to cure the Trump Virus. Ben Covid Carson and Mike Lyndell, Mr. Pillow Brain are backing this cure. Lydell, who brought this product to the attention of The Cretin, has a financial stake in the company producing this product. From one snake oil salesman to another.

The facts about airborne transmission of the virus.

A newly discovered strain of COVID which is ten times more infectious. Read the story here.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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