Friday, August 7, 2020

The "I Can Fix It" President

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

  We are reading that the people surrounding The Cretin are worried that he might start a war!! He is so desperate and frightened of losing the election that he could unleash his anger upon an adversary. The people surrounding The Cretin have warned his adversaries that Trump might start a war with anyone of them.
   The very unstable idiot is like a bull shark heading for trouble. So what did he do to distract himself in the short run? He headed to Ohio for a “Daddy Needs Love” rally at a Whirlpool manufacturing plant. He went on and on about himself and how he saved their washing machine business from foreign manufacturers by placing a 50% tariff on imported washing machines. Yet, while he waves his MAGA hat and postured with his fat tiny fingers, Mississippi became the nation’s Trump Virus hot spot. School kids are spreading the virus, and a 7 year old died from his “plague”. An infected churchgoer infected around 90 others from his church and they became super spreaders.

 Donald Trump has been a significant factor in changing the economy for many years to come. Because of his failed COVID response, he has changed the face of work maybe forever. As of now, big companies, and others, are rethinking occupying brick and mortar buildings and offices since a great many of their employees are working remotely. Why pay rent, mortgages, utility bills and upkeep if a majority of the space is unoccupied. These white collar workers, who live in high rent and high mortgage/tax communities are now rethinking about moving away either out to locations where it would be cheaper to live and, with some, out-of-town completely.
   If a person is working in downtown or near downtown Chicago, New York City, Washington DC, for example, may decide to move to a place where they would rather live, since they are working remotely for at least this coming year, and even possibly into the long range future.
   What we may end up seeing is that these workers, who maybe Blue Voters, may choose to live in a Red Voting community. Over a short time, these Red communities may see a change as more Blue Voters move in changing the demographic, and the voting demographic.
   This evidential and likely change can be attributed to Donald Trump’s total incompetence. Because of his failure to act against the coronavirus, he has brought about this Domino Effect change. First it was the virus. Next came the lock down. Then came remote work. Then came a resurgence of the virus and further fears of infection. Then came a demand for expanding remote learning. It is being projected by medical experts that the death toll could rise to 300,000 by December.
   The effect of this change is fewer commuters on the roads and on public transit. Then came fewer shoppers in and around the workplace. That means more business closures. That also means fewer business air flights and more Zoom meetings.
   When fewer people are commuting, that means fewer after work shopping trips. This Domino Effect can be renamed The Trumpty Dumpty Effect. It very well could be that he has delivered to Democrats for Red becoming Blue voting districts. 

   Another bizarre uprising is with this group calling themselves QAnon. Trump railed against Antifa during the Axios interview claiming they are a reason for the violence during the BLM protests. That has been proven wrong time and time again. In fact, a group of Antifa protesters saved the life of a policeman after he was attacked. It has been proven that White Surpremacists and, no doubt, QAnon supporters were causing their share of violence.
   QAnon, “Q” meaning the person leading the insider cult has them believing that it is Dr. Fauci, is a conspiracy oriented group of bizarros. They believe that Fauci created the coronavirus to take down Trump. This bizarre cult of Kool-Aid drinkers believe that there is a group of government insiders operating a sex trafficking and pedophile ring. They seem to not believe in science, facts or reality, which is obvious, but embrace this conspiracy theory.
   One interesting comment Death Cult Donnie made during the Axios interview was his positive remark made toward Ghislane Maxwell, Jeffery Epstein’s pimp and an accused pedophile herself, when he said, “I wish her well.” Would he have wished Jeffery Epstein well? He didn’t wish the family of Congressman Lewis well, or any of the Black men who were innocently killed at the hands of cops. But he wished well a likely pedophile and sex trafficker.
   Maxwell found teenage girls for Epstein to sexually abuse for money and also held captive on his New Mexico ranch and on his personal island. Trump was photographed and seen with Epstein and Maxwell. The images showed that Trump and these sex traffickers were friendly pals.

   So…..should QAnon be looking no further than the big cahoona conspiratorialist Donald J. Trump as “Q”? Could it be that the very person they admire and support is their suspected pedophile and sex trafficker operating deep in the bowels of government? Trump has engaged in the sex trade for decades. He even went as far as bribing a few women to keep quiet, which didn’t work out so well for him. Trump has been a “John” his entire life. His name reflects that moniker. He believes he can touch women whenever he wants because he is so rich. He said so to BillyBoy Bush during a taped Access Hollywood interview.
     He is known worldwide as Donald J. Trump. The ‘J’ stands for John. How appropriate! He has been living up to his name for 74 years. His parents must have realized when Donnie Dumb Dumb was born that he would live up to being a “John” throughout his entire life.
   He is now being sued for raping and sexually assaulting a woman who was part of his Apprentice television show. It looks like it is going to have its day in court. The woman accusing Trump asked for a DNA sample, which could be compared to the stain on her dress, which she has kept all these years later. That sounds a bit familiar.

   John means a prostitute’s client as well as a toilet. Trump lives up to both those definitions. Everything he touches ends up soiled and being flushed down into the sewer.

When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a really, very, very bad circus.

Chris Cuomo speaks out. See it here.

Ari Melber goes after a Trump advisor for his fake news on the economy. See it here.

How obesity can be a problem for people getting a vaccine. Read it here.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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