Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Day One Of The Clown Show

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

George Carlin

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

   The Republican White Nationalist Q’Anon (Republiqcanons) Convention clown show begins today. As two hurricanes approach our coastal communities, and as White cops in Kenosha, Wisconsin shot a good Samaritan Black man in the back 11 times (He is still alive as of this writing!), and as Americans take to the streets protesting against police violence, and as 100 million Americans will likely fall into poverty over the next 18 months, and as commercial real estate vacancies rise, and as the unemployed seek financial relief help, and as American Airlines announces its plan to furlough 22,000 workers in October, and as the Trump Virus spreads, and as Putin poisons a political rival with no outrage by his poodle in the White House, or as China flexes its muscle in the South China Sea without a word, or as Lil’Kim falls into a coma, and as Jared Kushner’s brother’s venture capital firm feeds from the government paycheck protection relief program, and as Trump’s sister calls out Dumb-Dumb Donnie as an incompetent, egomaniac filled sack of shit, and as Kellyanne Conway’s daughter forces her to resign because she hates Trump, and as the Republican Terrorist Party clowns gather to unleash their hate, fear, and ignorant messages warning their racist supporters that only fascist Donnie can transform America into an authoritarian, and Market Leninist regime they deeply desire.
   Queenie Melania, Princess Ivanka, Court Jesters—Eric and Jr, and a list of clowns will have a chance to say, ‘Heil Donnie Dumb Dumb’ as they turn the lights out in order to emphasize how dark our country will be if Biden/Harris are elected, yet they seem to ignore that the light bulbs burned out in their already dark world eight months ago as they now decide to turn off the switch to pretend that they are the ones who made the country dark and not the Democrats who want to bring light to the nation after Trump’s national blackout. Hey Idiots, the room has been dark for a very long time now. America has been dark for many months already and The Republiqcanons have been the cause. Trump still holds onto “Putting America First”. How many firsts can he put America through?

   First in:

·      The number of world infections with the Trump Virus.
·      The number of deaths per population.
·      The number of unemployed.
·      The number of shuttered businesses.
·      The number of people falling into poverty.
·      The number of days Trump will pontificate about himself during his re-election convention.
·      The number of cops killing Black Americans.
·      The number of domestic military attacking American citizens.
·      The number of useless Republiqcanons Senators in Congress.
·      The number of Republiqcanons Congressional candidates who support Donnie’s fascist policies.
·      The biggest tax cut and Treasury giveaway to the richest among us during a crisis amounting to $10T. No wonder the Wall Street is so disconnected from Main Street and reality.

And, the first having Trump's sister take down her brother as a horrible person not having the country's best interest at heart, but only his own self-interests. He is president to only enrich himself. "He has no principles, and you can't trust him." Read the story here. 


   Trump has now been removing regulations from the oil and gas industries, and the meat industries as he stands upon the stage. The oil and gas industries don’t have to do or report any testing results done by them, such as with water or air particulates or poisonings. They are free to pollute the environment and the meat farmers don’t have to regulate the way they house, or destroy or dispose of farm animals. The teeth have been removed from the EPA, The Department of Public lands, and other regulatory agencies. This is one way Trump has been making America in his own image—dark, failed and incompetent.

             ! Let the circus begin!

   The Criminal-in-Chief will try to lie, cheat and steal the election. He said that Democrats are out to steal the election and Democrats are rigging the election.

   Now we have a serious failure this blogspot is calling Postalgate. Democrats want ALL ballots counted and not just the chosen few. DeJoy’s DeJamin’ the post office’s ability to handle the volume of mail, which includes perishables (food and medicine) and ballots. He won’t be returning the sorting machines which are now sitting outside in the elements rusting out, instead of being used. Remember, we all paid for these machines!!

   This blogspot has reframed the Republican Party and the newly joined at the hip Q’Anon foolhardy, anarchist group as

      The “Republiqcanon” Party.

   This amalgam party has gathered as one party with no ideas; no platform; no vision; no future at the Trump fire and brimstone rally style convention. It is a gathering of destruction and failures, and a demand for the formation of the American White Apartheid party. In 19 years, white people will be a minority in this country. It is a party deep in a swamp of lizards surrounding the King of Lizard Monsters. Deep in a Q’Anon conspiracy swamp. The Republiqcanons’ psychotic episode wants us to believe that Democrats are the swamp filled with monsters, when if it wasn’t for Democrats Obamacare would be a thing of the past, the American people would have been facing poverty 6 months ago, many more small businesses would shuttered their doors, and much, much more.

   As we look around the convention, one has to ask where is Steven Miller, Trump’s Brownshirt, in this feeding frenzy of the performing sharks flailing before the eyes of the world?  Miller is Trump’s foot soldier and field marshal. He appears to not be one of the swamp lizards performing on the Republiqcanon stage to re-elect his boss. Miller, a Trump Jewish Nazi and White Supremacist field marshal is a major figure in Trump world. He may be the new Steve Bannon. David Horowitz, another significant Hitlerian Jewish Nazi took Miller under his wing and trained him into becoming a propagandist educator of the far-right and a pre-Q’Anon figurehead.
   Miller was aligned with Think Tank figures whose motivations were linked to White Supremacy---a White majority ruling party pushing an agenda that black and brown people are inferior, beasts, monsters in order to dehumanize them and instill hate throughout the supporters against non-whites, which has been adopted by Trump in order to stir up fear and hate against non-Republiqcanons. Miller’s Bible is the book, “The Camp of Saints.”
   You can find this information by listening to Fresh Air link here, or read Jean Guerrero’s book called “Hatemonger---Steven Miller, Donald Trump, and the White Nationalist Agenda”.

Miller’s job has been to separate immigrant children at the U.S. border from their parents hundreds of which were deported without their children. Miller’s agenda was to inflict cruelty to the others at the border waiting for asylum. A truly Hitlerian—Nazi tactic!!
   He blamed black and brown immigrants for the deaths of White Americans, yet, Trump (and Miller) seem to ignore that nearly 200,000 Americans have died from the uncontrolled Trump Virus, and 65 million people had or currently have the virus causing long term harmful and dangerous side effects.
   Miller must be a self-hating Jew!! His grandparents were immigrants and refugees who fled Jewish oppression. His grandmother believed that Steven needed to remember how important immigrants are to the fabric of our country. His family members believe Steven needs to be punished for his crimes against humanity and his unleashing of a wave of vile hatred will horribly impact our nation forever. His grandmother died as a result of the Trump Virus, and the administration’s failure to contain it, which caused her to suffer for two months before she died.
   Miller is a remarkable look alike to Hitler’s right hand man---Adolph Eichmann. How ironic is this!!!

                It's an uncanny likeness!

Also, he loves to emulate gangster imagery by dressing up like Robert De Niro’s  Goodfella’s gangster character. Or, maybe it is Matthew Bevilaqua a character in the T.V. show called "The Sopranos".

   Trump and his Death Cult believes these death numbers are acceptable and that it is just fine that millions of Americans are heading toward poverty because he is the mastermind of the largest White Supremacy identity organization claiming white victimology and White American apartheid.
   The Republiqcanons believe that Kamala Harris is “and existential threat, a black and brown bogeyman who wants to dominate and control white people.”

   The Republiqcanon’s T.V. network---Fox News---is helping Trump’s attack against Harris and Biden. Sarah Palin called Harris a “political ‘prostitute’”. Hey Sarah, if that is so, then you took the lead on that role several years’ back. Did you forget that? You were the cause of John McCain’s failure. “You betcha!!” John couldn’t “put lipstick on the pig!!”
   The Trump family and surrogates are all out using profane, and sexual slurs against Harris. These types of attacks reconfirms that the real sexual pervert cabal that Q’Anon is trying to expose is most likely Trump, Eric Trump, Tucker Carlson, Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin, among other high profile Republiqcanons (See previous Blogspot pieces ridiculing this entire Q’Anon farcical conspiracy. One must poke fun at it when one sees who these Q supporters are.)

   Devega quotes “historian Federico Finchelstein’s book, “Brief History of Fascist Lies”, a principal goal of fascism is “to leave reason behind and return to prejudice”.” He writes “in Donald Trump and the Republican Party’s embrace of the white supremacist treasonous Confederacy and its legacy. By doing so, Trump and other Republicans are not ‘merely’ using white supremacy and racial resentment to win over white voters.” “In that dream world, white men rule over women and all non-white people.” “…The white gaze views the black body, and especially the black female body, with feelings of disgust and contempt, mixed with desire and envy.” Kamala Harris “triggers a rage response from white racists…”

This is just the first day of the Republiqcanons clown circus to re-elect their King. There is more to come!

When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus in chaos.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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