Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Trump says, "It is what it is."

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here.

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

   The Death Cult president said in an Axios interview when asked about the number of deaths related to the Trump Virus, his answer was, “It is what it is.” When the interviewer told him that there have been more deaths and infections than anywhere else in the world based upon population, The Cretin’s angrily answered, “You can’t do that!” “You have to base it on just the numbers.” Trump is a psychotic. He has no empathy. He really doesn’t care about who lives and who dies. His soul is pure evil. He said, “We have done a great job. We are doing great under the circumstances. There is nothing more we can do.” WHAT THE F**K! There is nothing more we can do? How about using the National Production Act to ramp up everything our doctors and nurses and teachers and rescue workers need to do the job. What about increasing testing and testing stations and labs to analyze the tests? What about making mail-in voting easy and simple so Americans can avoid the polling stations, which are having trouble recruiting volunteers.
   What the interview illustrated is that he has no idea what to do even if he cared to act. He is a total incompetent with the intelligence of a child. The amazing part of this is that he doesn’t care that he comes off as a psychopathic incompetent.
   Trump is off the rails. He has taken the fight that Americans engaged in overseas on to our own streets. He is unraveling in such a way that his law and order message has become a plan to attack, arrest, detain, and kidnap American citizens as they demonstrate their right to protest their government and their government’s actions, of which they disapprove. Trump and his sleeping fascist followers don't seem to realize that they just woke up a sleeping giant that has had enough of their cultish racist behavior and violence against Black and Brown citizens. They are calling out the cult we have named "Police" that hide behind the Blue Wall when they themselves violate the law. A tsunami of young Americans made up of different races and backgrounds, from the city and the suburbs, have swelled onto sites around the country to proclaim that they have had enough of the White Nationalist Republican Party and their ways of suppression and oppression. They have had enough of their plutocratic Market Leninist policies, which keeps average earners down and indebted to "Da Man".
   Since he has lost his battle against his very own Trump Virus and fumbled his push for school’s to fully re-opening around the country, he has taken his heightened aggression out on those citizens who are not his supporters be them Democrats, Independents or Anti-Trump Republicans. He has gone full-blown tin pot dictator on us.
   After reading about the candidate for Allegheny County Pennsylvania’s District 18, Sean Parnell, who is running against the incumbent House Democrat Connor Lamb, a Trump target, we are seeing insurgent Republican candidates defend their fascist and White Supremacist president’s positions. 
If you go on Parnell’s website, what you end up reading about is his military action in Afghanistan, and how many he killed over there. This is his campaign message. It is basically, ‘I am a military fighter. I write books about military fighters. I will use my military skills as a warrior to attack Democrats who want to destroy your Second Amendment rights, freedom, and defend Trump’s fascist and White Supremacy agenda for another 4 years.’ This appears to be his only campaign message. It is frightening! It appears that Parnell is stuck in Afghanistan fighting a war, which he wants to take to Washington. His website has no real plan of action to address the problems we face. His plan is to support and prop up the Death Cult President and all his psychotic plan to destroy the country even more. He says he is all about the Second Amendment, which is really a non-issue even though more guns have been purchased since the pandemic than any time in history.
   This candidate has a master’s degree in psychology, yet he appears unable to see that the president is mentally unstable, NOT a very stable genius, is a pathological liar, has a despot’s view of staying in power, has the intellect of a fifth grader, displays serious abnormal behaviors, such as displaying full-blown narcissism along with sociopathies/psychopathologies. Parnell is ignoring that Trump has ignored, looked the other way and given excuses, as Putin puts bounties on the heads of American soldiers in Afghanistan. These are Parnell’s brothers in arms, yet, he too, appears to be looking the other way and supporting a president who was impeached, is an Idiot Russian Asset of Putin, and sold out our soldiers. So, what does that say about the educated psychology expert-Sean Parnell?
   This candidate is just one person running against a Democrat in Congress. What about all the others? They must be very similar to Sean Parnell of the Pittsburgh area. He is running on his military record and Trump is running on his use of para-military personnel who are taking to American streets, without approval by those mayors and governors, to attack American citizens. Are the Republicans running against incumbent Democrats operating like Parnell? Are their positions strictly about allowing Trump to go unchecked?
Trump’s claim is to protect federal buildings and property. But, their presence has been more than that. It has been to ‘Occupy Cities’ on behalf of Trump. Their flag banner likely would read: ‘Occupy Democratic Cities’.
   This is fascist. Trump is fascist. His hatred toward Black and Brown people has become overwhelming. His fantasy to push back the suburbs into the 1950’s where White families buy homes with white picket fences, and stroll down the streets filled with homes built for White people is frighteningly pathetic. Black and Brown, and at that time, Jewish people, as well, were not welcome.
Trump said in a tweet: "I am happy to inform all of the people living their Suburban Lifestyle Dream that you will no longer be bothered or financially hurt by having low income housing built in your neighborhood." "Your housing prices will go up based on the market, and crime will go down. I have rescinded the Obama-Biden AFFH Rule. Enjoy!"

“The American dream would be quickly snuffed out and replaced by a socialist nightmare.” “The end result will be to totally destroy the beautiful suburbs.”

Trump proclaimed, “Suburbia will be no longer as we know it.” “They’re going watch it go to hell.  Not while I am here.”

   In the quote he said, “Your housing prices will go up.”
   Isn’t this what homeowners want? They want their prices go up. What he wanted to say, but his brain wasn’t functioning properly was, “Your property values will go down.” But, in fact, there is very little data to prove this viewpoint.
The Idiot-in-Chief is completely delusional. Doesn’t he realize that many suburbs are already integrated with middle class working people who are of all races and religions? Except for the gated and monitored housing plans, those communities that surround urban areas are integrated.

   In addition to his suburban psychosis, Black Death Donnie has horribly impacted our country with a devastating economy, and his pandemic homicide. As the United States slips into the black hole of infection, recession and chaos, China began to dominate the world. Trump has managed to fumble his way through his presidency, which allowed China to take up the slack and dominate as a major player with the rest of the world.

   Because Trump is so needy for attention and positive accolades (Daddy Needs Love), as seen when he basically said that America likes Dr. Fauci more than they like him, he has been played da’ fool by China’s Xi, Putin, and other world leaders. They all told Trump what he wanted to hear, as well as, giving him a pat on that disgusting head to keep him docile and compliant allowing them to manipulate him at every turn.

When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a really, really, very bad circus.

60% of recovered COVID patients will be dealing with these side effects for years to come. See here.

Are some people protected from the Trump Virus? Read it here.

Trump and the Trump Organization is being investigated by New York for tax fraud and other crimes. See it here.

Deutche Bank launches investigation into Trump and Kushner. See it here.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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