Sunday, August 30, 2020

Trump's Plan To Turn Our Democracy Into Authoritarianism

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

George Carlin

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

   The Russians are coming; the Russians are coming is no joke. First, they are coming to support Trump and allow him to become America’s first authoritarian and fascist White Supremacist president; the other way they are coming through Alaska’s Bering Strait, which divides Russia from Alaska. Their naval fleet along with air support entered Alaska’s fishing waters ordering Alaska fishing vessels to get out of their way as they stormed through bullying their way through those waters in the name of Russian Naval Exercises. Supposedly, Trump’s morons were aware that these “exercises” were planned but failed to pass on the memo to Alaska’s Coast Guard.
   Did Sarah Palin watch from her house? Or, maybe she was too busy preparing for here Sarah Palin versus the NYT lawsuit trial, which is coming up soon.
   All we heard from the Republi-q-canons during their version of Shark Week was that Joe Biden will have the nation’s streets in chaos, rioting, and looting, as protesters are allowed to march against cop killers and violate curfew ordinances. The video the RNC broadcasted across the networks was fake news and make believe. The video they used was from Spain circa 2017 when riots erupted in Barcelona, Spain.
   But, oh wait!!! Trump is foreshadowing his own horror story, yet Biden has been a guy sitting in his basement doing Zoom meetings. He is not president. All this street unrest and protesting is happening right now under the watchful eyes of President Donald—da’John—Trump, and his neo-Nazi Melania -Eva Braun -Trump, while surrounded by his neo-White Nationalist clown stooges that flanked him on stage.
   For four days we heard “what will-a” happen if Joe Biden becomes president, while these same “what will-as” are actually happening in real-time under Trump over the last several months. Since Trump couldn’t assemble a two-piece puzzle even if his life depended on it, so don’t expect him to manage these street unrests without a military invasion. He is not capable of calming racial tensions and the following anger based upon the killing of Black people by cops without an iron fist.
   During the fright night convention, he ignored his very own Trump virus. He said it’s gone. He ignored the economic crisis. He said it’s gone. He based it on a temporary boom in car sales and that Wall Street has recovered. He ignored that schools are having trouble re-opening. He proclaimed that it is school bus time in Trump World. He ignored that Melania Eva Braun Trump called for harmony, while Donnie is vile and vicious and that the Republi-q-canon Party is racist, and bigoted encouraging cop violence.
   We watched the RNC parade out Black Trump supports who were in full-dress denial of Trump’s racist hateful rhetoric. Knowing that Fox News hosts are Trump’s shadow chief-of-staff, Tucker—Beep Beep—Carlson was praising protester Kenosha killer 17 year old Kyle Rittenhouse who was out to kill BLM supporters. By the way, after Rittenhouse killed two protesters and injured one, the cops ignored him and then, the killer somehow went back to Illinois. It took days following the killing for Trump to acknowledge what happened. All he did was say, “I’m looking into it.” That should give his personal Black Caucus some peace of mind. These Black Trump allies believe that Trump’s Youth Militia are needed to keep law and order when those local officials cannot keep their streets orderly under the law. If they think they are safe, then let’s just wait until they are no longer safe. Now Trump wants to silence our intelligence department from informing our Congress and the American people with valuable election information. This allows the president and his government crime syndicate to manage election intelligence information in silence and behind closed doors. Read more here.

First they came for the Democratic socialists, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a Democratic socialist, but a Trump Republican.
Then they came for the my Black neighbors, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not living in their neighborhood.
Then they came for the all the White, Brown, and Black kids, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a Kid anymore.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak up for me.

   Trump proclaimed he presided over “The most successful economy in the history of our country” before his very own Trump virus took it all down!! Actually, Obama’s economic recovery was very much more successful after taking our Great Recession, which he inherited from Lil’BoyBush to recovery status, which Trump inherited. This lie was repeated by Dumby Donnie, Jr saying “look to the man who did what the failed Obama-Biden administration never could do and built the greatest economy our country has ever seen.” Jr seemed to ignore that the economic sustainability was equal to that of the Obama administration, yet Trump allowed the economy to fall back into a Bush-like abyss after Bush inherited a successful Clinton economic boom. From on idiot Republican president to another idiot Republican president.

   Here are the facts:

“Obama’s second term, of course, built on the accomplishments of his first. He inherited an economy that, based on GDP growth, had declined catastrophically in the last years of his predecessor. It grew dramatically during his second year in office, 2010 (5.1 percent growth, the best figures since 1983, and a bigger growth number by five or six times than the best year of Trump’s presidency, and that great growth number isn’t even included in the data I’m about to give you).”

   “Quarterly GDP growth, average per year, during Obama’s second term: 2.4%
Quarterly GDP growth, average per year, during Trump’s first three years (this does him the favor of ignoring the negative growth of 2020): 2.5%.
New jobs created per month, average for Obama’s second term: 215,000.
New jobs per month, average for the first three years of Trump’s term: 182,000.
Increase in the Dow Jones Industrial Average during Obama’s second term: 38 percent.
Increase during Trump’s first three years: 56%.
Of course, the Dow had a major crash in 2020. It has bounced back, although not all the way.” (Eric Black, August 24, 2020, “Obama and Trump on the economy: a comparison”)

   “…the economy did grow and produce jobs during Mr. Trump’s first three years in office. But its performance under Mr. Trump during that period was weaker than during the last three years of Barack Obama’s presidency. Almost exactly 1.5 million fewer jobs were created on Mr. Trump’s watch than during Mr. Obama’s final three years.
Without facts, Mr. Trump resorts to lies. He has claimed more than 360 times that the economy on his watch was the “strongest ever.” Not even close. Annualized growth under Mr. Trump ranked seventh among his 11 predecessors. And growth actually slowed during each of Mr. Trump’s three years.
To accomplish only that much, Mr. Trump needed one of the largest tax cuts in history, a cut that grossly favored business and wealthy Americans while exploding our deficit. Almost 85 percent of the benefits of the bill went to businesses and to those with incomes above $75,000. (NYT, “The Truth Behind Trump’s Rocking Economy”, Steven Rattner)
   Trump claims to be our law and order president when, in fact, he has lived his entire adult life full of disorder. His life has been full of illegal activities, such as alleged tax fraud, which is being investigated by the Manhattan District Attorney. His entire life has been filled with lawsuits, an impeachment, bribing hookers, cheating contractors, falsifying loan documents, possible money-laundering, and more. He has been evading the law for decades; therefore, he is actually the lawless and disorder president!
   Trump didn’t talk about his 2012 budget if he wins the election. His plan is to cut $1.6 trillion from social programs, and will cut around $700M from police funding. Currently, he is trying to cut the payroll tax from employers forcing the workers to pay the tax at the end of each year, unless you make more than $104,000 per year. Then your employer pays the payroll taxes, or you are exempt from the tax payment. The plan is not clear. It appears here are two ways a re-election of Trump will seriously hurt the lives of his supporters, but apparently they don’t care because they want Trump no matter the impact of the circumstances.
Trump is colluding with the religious right, White Supremacists, Neo-Nazis, complicit Republican Party members, oligarchs, foreign authoritarians and Q'Anon to win his re-election. The Trump family crime syndicate wants to steal our democracy and replace it with an authoritarian regime. This takeover will continue with their theft of the U.S. Treasury as the Trump family has been doing for nearly four years. The Trump crime family has made millions of dollars from scamming the country by using their government positions to syphon off cash from the Treasury through trips, use of government security details, as leverage when doing their private business contracts (Jared and Ivanka), along with Pompeo, and others who surround Trump.
The Cretin has always admired dictators, and authoritarians, and dismissed democratic leaders. He knows, after visiting a variety of dictators, that they are extremely rich. At a minimum, they have tens of billions of dollars stashed away because they have syphoned their nation's wealth for themselves. This is Trump's fantasy and is using his idiotic followers to give him such a gain. 
As with Putin, he sold off state industries funneling him shares of those sales and profits as the Russian people pay fees and rents to those crime syndicate oligarchs that purchased these industries.

 When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus in chaos.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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