Sunday, August 16, 2020

America-----A Nation Of Idiots

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

   American’s Idiocracy appears to be infectious. Some 20 people, who have become political candidates, are now Q’Anon cult believers. The bizarre conspiracists are true blue fascist, Nazi followers. Because Democrats believe in a country based upon freedom and rights for all and not just for White Far Right Christian Supremacists they blame Democrats for supporting healthcare for all, reducing the need for fossil fuels in order to curb global climate changes, a government safety net, pensions, retirement income, public education and more.
    The larger expanse of American idiots rely on these essentials in order to survive, yet support Trump's efforts to damage these programs. They aren't much different from Trump when smart women say very intelligent things. This scares him to the point where he wets his Space Force boxer shorts and ends up calling them “nasty”. That response is his only method of retort. His idiot followers do the same thing against Democrats by calling them pedophiles. They are unable to logically respond. Democrats scare them because they support platforms that make sense but, unfortunately their minds are filled with senseless information.
   What they seem to ignore is that their Idiot-in-Chief is likely a pedophile. He once said that he and Ivanka have “sex” in common, and “if she weren’t my daughter, I’d likely date her.”
   He watched women, in the Miss Universe pageant held in Moscow, dress and undress, since he saw himself as an elitist; he had the right as the owner of the pageant. Donald John Trump lived up to his name as being a “John” to numerous prostitutes throughout his life. And, of course, what went on when he visited Jeffery Epstein’s sex trafficking massage brothels?
   Could it not be the idiots that support Trump and the Q’Anon followers who are hell-bent on uncovering the “ringleader” of this so-called pedophile ring should look no further than their own Idiot-in-Chief?
   In the multiple articles written by Umair Paque, found on the website Medium, he identifies Americans as a nation of idiots. He breaks these idiots into two categories: dunces and fools. The former being a willful idiot; the later being a negligent idiot. “There’s the Trumpist—who doesn’t know any better, who’s only known hate, ignorance, fear, and rage: the dunce. But there is the fool…votes against healthcare, livable income, savings,  retirement, education---and should know better.” How could anyone support a government that allows a pandemic to kill more innocent people than any other place in the world? How could anyone believe that ingesting bleach would help cure the Trump Virus? Or, support an unproven drug like hydroxychloroquine? Or, believe that injecting light into the body would cure the victim immediately? I guess they must be idiots. There is no other explanation.
   Umair Paque writes ‘that America is a poor country. The Republican White Nationalist and far-right fascist Q’Anon party are making the country unlivable, and it will only get worse under their rule. Due to the pandemic, poverty will only deepen. The sick, who rely on receiving their medications, may see critical delays because The Cretin has made it his mission to damage the Postal Service and delay mail delivery. The 1% will gain more wealth, while the rest will lose their wealth trying to pay their bills during an indefinite period of unemployment. The Cretin has made it his new mission to interfere with the upcoming election by proclaiming that 20% of the ballots will be fraudulently casted (against him). He says that absentee ballots are okay, but mail-in ballots are bad even though they are one and the same. He has instructed his stooge at the Post Office--Louie DeJoy to round up as many postal drop boxes and mothball them keeping Americans from depositing their mail in their neighborhood mailboxes. Trump is blatantly acting like a Tin Pot dictator, and appears to be proud of it. 
In addition, Trump has siphoned off FEMA monies to pay for any further government unemployment relief leaving FEMA stripped down if we end up with another Katrina hitting our coastal communities or if we end up with a major Trump Virus spread once the flu season warms up. Many Americans may not be able to survive this next outbreak due to pre-existing conditions. 
   Americans have the highest obesity rates in the world, along with preventable chronic diseases, such as diabetes, and heart diseases. Paque says, “Huge chunks of American culture are so hateful, foolish, or bizarre that they’d be either illegal, laughable, or bewildering in much of the rest of the world, from Canada, Europe, or Asia.” [T]he American Idiot made his country a laughingstock the world over.”
   Paque defines poverty in broad terms. He defines poverty as an impoverished life: people experiencing a financially, a time-based, and a public health type of poverty. The American Idiot repeatedly votes against their best interests keeping them in an impoverished life.
   The dunce-like American Idiot is led off the cliff by the fool-type of American Idiot, the likes of which are seen on Fox News and the by the guy who sits in the Oval Office chair.
   “The American Idiot’s will deny their own kids, and parents decent live.” “[W]hen you deny someone the basics, like medicine or retirement, you are hurting them badly, and in very real ways.” It is all based in hate!!!
   “The American Idiot is an abuser.” “…deny[ing] you the basics—healthcare, education, and so on…[you are] destroying [the] human potential.”
   By being a willful American Idiot you are making billionaires and trillionaires along with a demagogic dictator, such as Trump, and Putin and the others he admires; therefore, you will be left behind!!
   “You will be poor socially, politically, and culturally, like in a country turning fascist—authoritarian….you’ll be poor in terms of human potential. You’ll never become what you’re capable of being—not to the same degree as elsewhere [in the world].”
   American Idiots surround us. They are your neighbors, or your cousin or your old drunk uncle. Their anger and rage is grows. And Q’Anon fuels it with their own hate. A hate that is stronger and more vigilant than the hate that was witnessed during the Reagan era Tea Party, where senior citizens wore Tin Foil hats and held up signs that said, “Keep Government Out Of My Medicare.” We are now seeing a much more intense hate than was fueled by the Evangelical Christian Far-Right movement has morphed into Q’Anon, along with Rightwing vigilante groups, that are fueling more hate and rage fear because The Cretin is in political trouble. In spite of Q'Anon followers failing to realize that the likely pedophile ringleader, which fuels their fantasy, could possibly be their very own president, continue to support him. They so badly want a fascist oriented flag waving White Supremacist, and born-again Confederate president. They don't realize that Trump is a Corporate Leninist who will continue to reward the 1% with all types of government support and leave the rest of us far behind to pay for everything. There will no longer be Social Security, Medicare, public schools, free roads, a free postal system, and the rest of the support a government for all provides. Trump will give the rich bigger tax cuts, and none for the rest. He will continue to fuel one of the largest "socialism" programs we have, which is manufacturing from the military industrialized complex: more obsolete aircraft, ships, weapons, and more. The new wave is to build a robotic weaponry, vehicles and drone delivery systems, while Americans die because they don't have health care, and watch the world's food supply diminish as climate change impacts our agricultural network. If you think about it, it is hair raising!!

They will run with Trump’s illogical and stupid assumption that a person born in the United States by foreign born non-citizen parents can not be vetted as a vice presidential candidate, let alone president of the United States, if it comes to that. This is happening to Kamala Harris. Trump’s stale and worn out Birther trope has been resurrected from his personal meme toy box, which is kept on a dusty shelf in his Oval Office daycare playroom. The American idiot is alive and not too well.
   Mike Pence, known also as The Putz, has stepped out of the Oval Office daycare center swinging his rubber daggers and offering himself as the pitchman for Arby’s fast food drive-thru operations. His new mission is to guarantee that there will be plenty of beef/ meat to go around during the pandemic so the beef glutens can keep buying expensive amounts of beef and pork guaranteeing that their diseased hearts and arteries stay clogged over the next four years.
    Putz is trying to convey his rubber dagger swagger against Kamala Harris who wants to educate Americans that it is important to take care of their bodies and health by eating healthier so they can live long enough to come out this pandemic and watch their kids grow up in order to take care of their ailing parents who ate too much meat over their lifetime.
    This is Putz’s big stance while the nation is enveloped by a major pandemic, which is the worst in 100 years, and suffering from a major unemployment rate, which is equal to the unemployment rate of the Great Depression, as well as an economy falling deeper into trouble as businesses shutter their doors, close down shopping malls, and as corporations are stuck with near empty buildings while their workers work from home. The Putz continues to pretend that the country is doing just fine
   Putz focuses on “the meat” thing. He seems to forget that many of these large meat processing plants are suffering from major interruptions due to the pandemic. They are having to shut down temporarily because their workers end up with the Trump Virus. These processors are having trouble keeping up with the back log of food animals waiting for slaughter. Animals are being slaughtered at the farm because the farmer cannot wait for the processors to take their animals. These animals are being cremated right there on the farm. So, what is The Putz talking about? He is a true blue American Idiot clueless to the crisis within the meat processing industry. Not only that, but due to some consumer inflation, meat prices are rising, along with other consumer goods. Meat/ beef and pork may end up less affordable for many Americans creating a slow down in processing in the long run. As Americans must decide how to spend their diminishing cash flow, meat may ultimately be cut out of the budget. Sorry Mike Putz.
   Putz may be preparing for being unemployed in January 2021. As he examines his options, he could be considering setting up a barbecue food truck back in Indianapolis featuring his homestyle special Grey Gay Pulled Pork sandwich.
   It is too bad that The Putz cannot think two steps ahead. The grey ghost of the White House is trying to reinvent himself, once again, since his boss might find himself trying to stay out of prison once back in Manhattan. Putz is a lightweight, but Trump is a political arsonist. The Cretin will lie and cheat in order his attempt to beat Joe Biden. He will lie and continue to lie. That is all he knows how to do. When questioned about his daily pathological lying, he cannot answer or even defend himself. The bully-boy cannot defend himself when confronted by those he bullied. Trump is clearly an orange headed coward.

      “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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