Friday, August 28, 2020

Melania Trump's Dog Whistle to Nazi Supporters At The Convention

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

George Carlin

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

   The criminal clown show continues. The circus was being dominated by the Trump family crime syndicate, doing what they are masterful at, which is to lie, cheat, and exaggerate every single fact laid out before them. The sideshows were being played out by a combination of criminals and Trump stooges.
   Tim Scott, a Republi-q-canon Black man supporting a racist, fascist, authoritarian bigot for president was in total denial and decided to spin all of Trump’s anti-Black behaviors and actions onto Joe Biden. He spun a single Biden quote into a YUUGE issue, yet ignored Trump’s daily agenda of hate. Scott has more in common with Kanye West. West lives in a fantasy world, as does Tim Scott. West’s platform will use the framework of the fiction movie script world of the Africa kingdom of Wakanda, where the Black Panther character come from, “because it’s the best explanation of what our design group is going to feel like in the White House.” Trump’s vision of America is more frightening than West’s vision.
   Nikki ‘Nutbag’ Halley spewed a fantastical imaginary revelation that Biden will take his orders from Pelosi, Sanders, and The Squad. How hysterical. Trump takes his orders from Vladimir Putin, and his Fox Newscasters. Trump recently scolded DHS chief of staff, Miles Taylor, ordering him to follow Lou Dobbs on Fox News and receive his instructions from him. Dobbs appears to be Trump’s “shadow chief of staff”. Scary stuff from a total dumbass.

   Halley vomited up a huge lie that Biden will create a socialist country, when in fact, Trump ushered in the largest socialist agenda America has ever seen.

He has done the following:
·      Gave the 1% a major tax cut and COVID cash relief funds amounting to $10T.
·      Loosened regulatory rules allowing big corporations to increase their profits as they erode our environmental standards.
·      Hand out education vouchers through the Department of Education eroding our public school systems.
·      Increasing the military budget handing over Treasury taxpayer cash to military contractors.
·      Enriching himself by billing the taxpayers for his repeated stays at his golf courses and clubs, as well as encouraging his political guest to book rooms, indulge at his restaurants, and shops when staying at his Washington D.C. Hotel.

Another convention stooge claimed that Trump increased access to telemedicine but, in fact, rural hospitals are shutting down, and overall availability to P.P.E is under funded and under supplied.

 If Trump is so competent and capable, as his stooges were saying, then why did he fail so miserably and ignore experts by dismissing their recommendations, while at the same time, claimed the virus was a hoax and a conspiracy directed by Democrats to destroy him? Why was his immigration policies a big fail? Why didn’t Mexico pay for the wall, which ended up coming out of other government budgets in order to repair old sections of the wall and about 60 miles of Trump’s new visionary wall? It didn’t go from sea to shining sea. Why didn’t he obtain a deal with Lil’Kim? Why didn’t he succeed in lower the national debt? Why didn’t he succeed in a trade deal with China causing massive agricultural failures, suicides and more? Why has he failed to calm tensions resulting from cops killing Black people? If he is so competent and capable, then why has his own sister and niece spoken about how incompetent, stupid and mentally unfit for the office of the president?

It has been reported by Brian Stelter in his book, “Hoax”, that Fox New hosts dictate Trump’s policies and “is dangerous to democracy.” Fox has orchestrated the Trump re-election clown show.

On the stage, were those gunslinging husband and wife racist haters who were fearful for their lives when peaceful protesters entered their million dollar gated home community. The husband drew his semi-military style weapon, while the little misses pulled out her pistol. They spewed the meme that “suburbs are being destroyed.” What does that mean, anyway? The suburbs are basically already integrated and multicultural.

Trump’s law and order proclamation as he is the only person who can fix the “the blood stained sidewalks of Chicago” and “the anarchy of Seattle and Minneapolis” with his law and order iron fist. It is code for keeping black and brown people in their ‘rightful place’, as demanded by his White Supremacy and Q’Anon base.

Kimberly “Klanswoman” Guilfoyle, the Fox News freak, and currently squeezy toy to Trump Jr., basically raised her arms and hands with her mouth wide open, where on can image 1938 Germans saying, ‘Heli Trump, Heil Trump’, save us from all those immigrants, socialists, suburban annihilators, and make America White again. This American Fox News idiot said that Democrats will control your lives. Hey Moron---Trump is doing that right now!! Millions of people are unemployed due to no fault of their own, but as a result of Trump’s Death Cult plan. They are sick with the Trump Virus. He is controlling our lives right now. You are just another delusional sociopath. You fit right in with the Trump grifter crime family.
    She believes she is a first generation American. Now, we know she is an idiot, and this is why she fits right into the Trump circle. She was born in Puerto Rico, as were her parents. Puerto Ricans are American citizens and have been since 1917. It is no wonder she is in like flint with the Trumps. Idiots attract idiots. Lil’Donnie blamed Biden for saying that “the rioters were peaceful protesters”, when in fact, Trump caused the protesters to rise up out of desperation. Trump’s White Supremacy rioting allies were identified by the FBI to be those very rioters. To claim that Trump curbed the Trump virus by keeping Chinese people from entering the U.S. is absurd. There were some 60 exemptions to this travel embargo.

Trump lambasted American companies forcing job losses. His 2021 budget platform includes cuts to police funding making him the “Defund Police” candidate cutting police funding by $17M. And, $1.6T from low income programs.

Then there was Cardinal Dolan, an Irish Catholic and a part of the St. Nicholas of Torentine Church located in the Bronx of N.Y. He gave Monday night’s fright night prayer, which gave a slap in the face of those who worship at St. John’s Church, in D.C., where Trump marched his fascist foot soldiers through a peaceful crowd of protesters so he could have his upside down Bible photo op. Trump is America's arsonist.

The clown show had to cancel one act because the speaker was spreading anti-Semitic tropes on the Internet. They couldn’t have that at THEIR convention! But, the did have a true clown freak proclaiming that women should be told by their husbands who to vote for. She bellowed from the mountaintop that women should do as their husbands say! She is a real 21st century trailblazer. Let’s take the country back to those “mid-evil” days of yesteryear.

There are progressive Democrats who claim that they are “WOKE”, but once Trump is re-elected they can kiss their ideologies good-bye forever because the country will never, never recover from a collapse into authoritarianism. The gravitational pull into the darkness will be too strong after four more years.  (Woke---“Alert to justice in society, especially racism. ‘We need to stay angry and stay woke’”).

The Republi-q-canon White Supremacy Idiot population will strengthen because they would have four more years to embolden their fascist evangelizing rhetoric. At that point, Nikki Haley will likely become the first facist female president continuing authoritarianism.

On Wednesday night, the RNC freak show continued for a third night ushering in The Putz, formerly known as Pence, to accept Trump’s footman position, since Putz couldn’t secure financing for his Indianapolis Indiana Grey Gay Burger food truck business.
   We heard how Trump is collaborating with Congress on a financial relief package for the 23 million unemployed Americans, all the while he writes another regressive “executive order” out BeBesting Obama’s number of executive orders. As we remember, Trump criticized Obama for writing them. One more lie. The stooges on stage were trying to make The Cretin appear presidential.
   And then, we heard Queenie Melania gurgle up her hypocrisy as she spoke in the Rose Garden, which violated ethics laws by using government taxpayer funds for her creepy stage show. She decided to wear a military jacket resembling the same one worn by Adopf Hitler. This was her dog whistle to Donnie’s Nazi and White Supremacy base. How much more blatant does it get.

                  The Hitler Nazi salute
                    photo appears to 
                   Laura Ingraham, if not
                 it's a good Photoshop image

See the clown show on Youtube as Joe Scarborough details it. Video here.

       Tucker Carlson praises the Kenosha, Wisconsin shooter.

Ann Coulter said that she wanted the Kenosha, Wisconsin shooter to be her president!

If a person doesn't believe that the Republi-q-canon Party are Nazi fascist White Supremacists, then it is time to pay attention!! This movement is completely out in the open. There is no denying it.

   She has spent millions of dollars for her elaborate wardrobe costumes and jaunts to her hideouts in Florida and NYC. Michelle Obama’s expenses paled in comparison to Melania’s abuse of her expense account. Early on in her Queenie Lady-ship role, she was playing games with her King in order to score a big dollar pre-nuptial agreement before she would move to the White House. In only several days, her travel costs rose to nearly $1M!!! And then, there is Donnie Dumb Dumb jr who traveled to Italy using a government security detail costing all of us nearly $400.000. This is a family of grifters feeding from the government trough over and over again.

Trump is gearing up to occupy Kenosha, Wisconsin with his Dark Army forces. One of his teenage militia morons shot and killed two innocent protesters. This is Trump’s law and order message to his people---‘You go ahead and work for my law and order policy of ending protests’ after cops shoot to kill innocent citizens. The Putz wants you to choose what type of America you want to live in. It has been revealed that the violence was fueled by rightwing anarchists. That is the American The Putz wants for you.

So, we had a cop shoot a good Samaritan in the back 7 times after trying to break up a fight between two people. Angry Black community members hit the streets in protest only to find Trump’s citizen militia causing violence culminating in a 17 year old hater flailing his rife around killing two people. Kenosha cops ignored this moron carrying his AK47 on the street and even rewarded him by giving him a bottle of water!! This is Trump’s law and order America!!!

 We heard from Jared Kreepy Kushner. He just cannot keep his dumbass mouth shut. He said about the athletes who decided not to play as a result of another White cop killing an unarmed Black man not engaged in anything illegal, that it was easy for them because of their high salaries. This is genocide pure and simple.
   What was Kushner talking about? He is an incompetent idiot, who has been feeding off the public trough for nearly four years!!! He has no real job in the White House. His jobs are all fake jobs. He has accomplished nothing with a lasting effect. He really doesn’t work. He really has never worked. He was a total idiot as he pretended to be a real estate tycoon.

The Trump Virus continues to spread away from Sturgis, North Dakota as the bikers head back home and on into Rhode Island by bachelorette partygoers and landing a Milan, Italy airplane, as a woman caught the virus in the bathroom.

In Trump’s America, while Dr. Fauci was under the knife, he was left out of a CDC change to the COVID guidelines resulting in fewer people being tested or contact traced. Trump doesn’t like facts, or the amount of testing being done, which ultimately shows more cases or contact traced data. Trump doesn’t like the amount of testing being done because it shows the truth about our infection rate. He doesn’t want asymptomatic people tested because we already know are nearly half of all cases of the Trump virus. They need to be tested and traced. Children are also asymptomatic carriers of Trump virus.

In Trump’s America, another one million people applied for jobless benefits surging to nearly 23 million in total. Trump keeps telling all of us that he can bring back the economy following his ‘miraculous’ economic recovery, which was, in fact, a recovery he inherited from Obama, which allowed him to keep the country on a path of sustainable growth. Trump did nothing exceptional. Even Hillary, at a minimum, would have done the same thing. Clinton would not have allowed the Trump Virus to devastate our economy taking a terrible toll on human lives.
   Trump’s fantasy is that only he, and only he, can fix the economy is a delusional psychotic episode rising up from his subconscious, and out of displaying his mental instability illustrating a false belief that he is an exceptional businessman; although, his life has been scarred with a long list of bankruptcies and terrible decisions. Michael Cohen’s book will clearly outline all of this in detail.

The Putz spent his evening on stage delivering a speech full of “alternative facts” dominating his delusion that everything is beautiful and that he and his boss have been skipping down the yellow brick road, littered with potholes, crushed homes, overturned vehicles, and downed trees and powerlines, toward glory-be as a serious hurricane hit with gale force winds and water attacking Louisiana’s gulf coast.

 The Putz asked, ‘Do you want to live in a law and order country presided over by Biden, or Trump?’ Putz’s fantasy island hallucination style administration has created a violent law and order country fueled by their iron heel platform. It is clear that if Biden is elected, the country will become calmer. He and Harris would address the problems of cop killing and social unrest.

Biden could only do better to repair a deeply infected nation and damaged economy. Trump’s obsessive reliance on his Fox News pals to run his policies would finally end. And, policies would be formulated by competent minds that are not fascist leaning crackpots, but problem solvers, and not flame throwers.

 Putz proclaimed that Trump oversaw a strong domestic economy. So, where is it? It is like saying, I once weighed 120 pounds, all the while ignoring that I now weigh 200! He said, “You won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America.” Hey Putz, we are currently living in Donnie ‘Death Cult’ Trump’s America crumbling all around as non-Trumpians are sick and tired of cops killing innocent citizens as a “First Resort” to a problem or situation they cannot handle.

Trump proclaimed that if he is re-elected this lawlessness in our cities would end. Well Moron, you are STILL president. You just cannot seem to end the lawlessness right now!! The reality is that you can’t and won’t do it.

The Putz said, “He does things in his own way, on his own terms.” Hey Putz, “his own way” is done by thinking through problems like a fifth grade school bully who puts his pants on inside out day in and day out. “He’s certainly kept things interesting, but more importantly,…Trump has kept his word to the American people.” “Kept his word "?

His promises are nowhere to be found, unless you are the 1%! 2021 will be more of the same failures. 

An emergency room doctor tested negative to COVID 5 times, yet had COVID. She was asymptomatic. Read it here.

When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus in chaos.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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