Saturday, August 1, 2020

Trump's Insane Brain

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here.

   It is not surprising that Trump leans toward conspiracy theories, since he has spent his entire life being paranoid, and wrapping himself in the flag stitched with bizarre images. He is attracted to them because he doesn’t believe in facts and truth. The Putz, formerly known as Mike Pence, must be just like him, since he believes he can “pray the gay away”. Hey Mike, it is not working too well for ya.
  The Cretin felt Obama was from Kenya and not an American, along with being a Muslim. Once in office, he felt there were these dark forces within government plotting to take down his administration, which was reinforced by many people surrounding him, such as Steve Bannon.
   He felt Obama had bugged and spied on him. He believed that there was a plot against him by saying that Russia was behind his 2016 election. Then he believed that he was innocent during the impeachment process and it was a plot to take him down because he believes he is the best president ever.
   Once China and the CDC uncovered COVID19, he called it a hoax and a Democratic conspiracy. Now he believes in the crazy views of a Houston medical witch doctor who says that alien sperm is being used in the development of a vaccine that would cause people to reject religion, and that if you fantasize over a movie star, and are pregnant, you could have a baby possessed by a demon. Trump found this crazy, possessed person credible. Putz also found her credible enough to meet with her. Maybe he asked her if she had a potion to make him smart.
   Death Cult Donnie had been briefed that Russian was paying Afghani rebels with cash and weapons to kill American soldiers. The Cretin had a few conversations with Putin, but failed to speak about Putin as a Bounty Hunter. Not only is Trump consumed with conspiracy theories, but is a full-blown coward and won’t stand up to Putin as he kills American soldiers. Trump makes excuses by saying the United States is guilty of such things. Malcolm Nance must be right that Trump is a Russian Idiot Asset.
Here is a link of Trump trying to vote in New York City as he drives around from polling place to polling place in 2004 trying to cast his vote but turned away each time. He ended up filling out an absentee/ mail-in ballot, yet he doesn't want any of us to fill out a mail-in ballot. Could it be that Trump never actually registered to vote, at that time, and believed he could just walk in to any polling station and cast a vote without actually being registered using an accurate address to vote? If he succeed, then could that be voter fraud? What is it all about that this video shot was able to be taken as he sits in his limousine? Trump clearly has to be filmed because of his full-blown narcissism. See Don Lemon chastise Trump over his anti-mail-in voting agenda. 

   The White Nationalist Republican Party are cowards, as well. They all are giving Trump a free pass to violate American values. The Federalist Society publication’s co-founder says that Trump has committed an impeachable act by wanting to suspend our election. Trump’s White Nationalist party continues to allow Trump to violate his oath of office time and time again. Now he and his family are profiting from his presidential campaign contributions to the tune of millions of dollars.
   From the very beginning, Trump has been profiting off of his presidency, along with his little cretins. Their grifter lifestyle is deeply pervasive within the family. He has allowed his cabinet leaders to profit off of taxpayer dollars by bringing their families along with government oriented trips, and to use government materials and office spaces for their own benefit. Pompeo is one abuser. He has allowed his wife to extract government tax dollars for herself.
   Trump, his family and his administration are using the Treasury as their personal piggy bank.
   Trump is desperate. He is trying to appeal to White suburbanites by preventing low income people, who benefit from low income housing, from ‘dirtying up their lily white communities’. He has proclaimed that he now has kept those “beautiful suburbs” from crime and those ‘bad people’ from choosing a different life for themselves and their children. He believes they don’t belong in the White suburbs.
   He raises the fear of elevated crime when in fact, crime has been down over the last 10 years. He is trying to scare White people into voting for him based on lies about crime data. This sounds like what Hitler did in regards to the Jews in Germany. Hitler scared his fair haired citizens into believing that Jews were the devil and did not below on Earth, let alone in Germany. Trump is doing the same thing. Black, and Brown people don’t belong in the suburbs. Keep them in the cities where they belong.
   In the PPS special called “I Am Not Your Negro” featured on the series called Independent Lens, documented the oppression of the American Black person and families by fearful White oppressors. Much of this documentary featured the brilliant words (speeches and narrated writings) of James Baldwin. Mr. Baldwin was speaking directly to our very current time, in spite of his life decades ago. This man was insightfully brilliant. The documentary features his stance in a debate, and on the Dick Cavett Show. This is a must see!!! Samuel L. Jackson narrates it.

Watch some clips here. Dick Cavett show. 

Listen to Congressman John Lewis' last words read at his funeral. 

Healthcare workers wearing PPE are at a three times higher risk to catch the virus than everyone else. This is incredible. 

When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a creepy circus.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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