Thursday, August 20, 2020

Trump's America--A Nation In Decline and Ruin

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

When you have clowns and freaks running the show, you end up with a circus in total chaos. 

Under the non-leadership of the Moron-in-Chief this country is going to be left behind as the rest of the world moves into the 21st century. Trump is a luddite. He doesn’t see the 21st century as anything worth paying attention to. As the United States drinks its fossil fuel oil and snorts its natural gas, the rest of the world is doing everything they can to harness renewable energy sources. If The Cretin had his way he would reopen all available coalmines and drill-baby-drill in every nook and cranny possible. He wants to drill in the only pristine part of the United States located in Alaska’s virgin wildlife reserves. The only vision Trump has for all of us is to destroy our democracy and embrace a full-blown Market Leninist society where the richest among us own everything, and the rest of us pay rents and fees for their use. In return, they reward the legislators for their compliance. Yes sir, Mr. Koch. Yes sir Mr. Zuckerberg. Yes Sir Mr. Bezos…..

   An example of the future is the vision that Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt have for a 21st century city to be built in the desert surrounded by 3000 year old historical sites. This futuristic city will include 100% renewable energy production, an extremely high tech center and a livable city with all that its residents would require in order to be happy. It will encourage and invite tourism as well as full-time residents. It will run on solar and wind energy. This city is called Neom. By having this city built on the land of three countries, it will allow those nations to prosper and expand the use of renewable energy. In fact, what we might actually witness is the Middle East becoming the land of the future and not stuck in the past.
   The United States will be stuck in the past if Trump gets another 4 years. With another 4 years, this country will become a place where the Idiots live and fascism and authoritarianism rules sending our future into the past. We will become a Black Hole where all our energy will be sucked inward devouring itself.
   As we see all around us the life of the American Idiot ignores all rules that would contain a growing pandemic. This ignorance is expanding and becoming drunk with radicalism. Liberals are NOT the radicals of this country. The Right Wing White Nationalists and Fascist leaning Republicans are the new radicals.
   The reason our kids cannot go back to school safely is because of the American Idiot who resists and rebels against safety and responsibility. This is the same reason why small businesses have shuttered their doors, and larger companies are keeping their employees working from home. As a result these companies are realizing they no longer need to occupy large office buildings and office complexes requiring them to sell them for pennies on the dollar or to just abandon these locations for smaller office spaces. As more office and commercial spaces become vacant, so goes the small businesses in the areas and more employees are sent back on the unemployment rolls.
   New York City will be forever changed and it is happening right now as 300,000 rental units are empty and people are leaving for less expensive places, if they can. Others end up homeless.  Moody’s Analytics have reported that 75% of commercial office buildings in NYC will end up vacant over the next 18 months, and nationwide one-fifth of all office space will also end up vacant. This is incredible!!! Trump has really brought the nation into decline and into ruin because of unbelievable incompetence.

This is Trump’s America- a nation in decline and in ruins.

   We are watching the Republican White Nationalist Senate planning to reduce any financial support for working class Americans who are suffering as a result of Trump’s nation in decline and decay as, just yesterday, we witness 1300 Americans suffer with the Trump Virus. We learned that only after one week the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill had to close  because the American Idiots living in one fraternity and in one dorm violate pandemic safety rules. This may very well be our future. Schools opening and then having to shut down because of a dangerous pandemic taking hold infecting those who resist being safe.
   What will happen if this variant form of the Trump Coronavirus Virus found in a Malaysian lab that is ten-times more infectious lands on our shores? All it takes is one person arrive in the United States and off it goes.

   This is why we need to dump Trump back into the hole from which he came out of.

   Our only chance right now is to elect Biden/Harris because the alternative has been and would continue to be a disaster. As Rome burned back in the day, today Trump plays golf today.
   If you read various websites that post a wide range of news, you will read that electric cars, trucks, planes, surfboards, boats and homes are running on alternative energy sources ranging from solar, wind, and hydrogen fuel cells.
   The range of electric cars and trucks are expanding. There are even engineers in auto rebuilding shops taking vintage exotic and luxury cars and converting them into electric vehicles using Tesla’s powertrain and other generic powertrain systems.
   Tesla and Nikola are building over the road cargo hauling trucks. Ford, GM, Rivan, and others are building electric delivery vehicles. But, we are watching Dumb-Dumb Trump playing with his action figures in the Oval Office Daycare Center instead of rebuilding our electric grid to support this massive wave of electric powered vehicles. Instead, he prefers to spend resources on drilling for oil in hard to reach parts of the country.
China will be selling one of their own electric cars in the U.S. for around $15,000 with the tax credit included.
   As Biden has said, along with Sanders, over and over again, the jobs of the future are in the renewable energy sector. This how to put America back to work.
   Even Jay Leno realized this ten years ago when he outfitted his infamous Jay Leno’s Garage with solar and wind to power his massive car restoration and display collection. Leno may have one of the largest vintage car/truck/motorcycle/bus collections in the world.
    As Trump plays with his toys and eats Fish Crackers wearing his Space Force jammies, the nation is trying to move forward in spite of all the pitfalls created by this failed administration.

   The Senate Intelligence committee has reported that The Cretin conspired and colluded with Russians to steal the 2016 election. He and Paul Manafort are criminals and traitors to the United States. Manafort should spend the rest of his life in federal prison and Trump should be removed from the office of the presidency immediately and then, put on trial as a traitor.
It has now been reported that Steve Bannon, Trump's White Supremacist 2016 campaign consultant, has been indicted for being Trump's version of Bernie Madoff. He defrauded/swindled donors out of millions of dollars by contributing to his fantastical Build a Wall organization, and moneylaundering. He used that money for his own personal use. Trump did the same this to his donors who contributed to his re-election campaign. 

Dr. Fauci recommends wearing eye protection.

COVID and a childhood syndrome link. May cause profound immune changes. What is happening is that children hold an incredibly large amount of viral load in their bodies making them highly contagious. Even once the virus has been passed, the antibodies created in their bodies as a result of the infection begins to function is overdrive creating an overactive immune response effecting their heart, lungs, brain and other organs. It is clear that Trump, DeVos, and the rest of the fascists surrounding The Cretin don't really care about whether kids in school end up catching the virus and suffer lifelong effects.

Excellent interview of Carl Bernstein by Anderson Cooper about Trump, and his mail-in voting rampage. Watch it here.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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