The Trumpty Dumpty Report
In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a
revolutionary act- George Orwell.
Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s
stooge who shills lies on Fox News time and time again, said that Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House
Intelligence Committee who spent months claiming to have evidence of
Trump-Russia collusion, is “completely compromised” and must step aside.
The reality is Conway’s moral integrity has been seriously comprised
when she lies, and distorts the truth as it applies to President Buffoon.
In Andrew McCabe’s book, The Threat, he said that [Trump’s] “anger seems
difficult to contain.” “…has been nurturing a strain of insanity in public
dialogue that has been long in development, a pathology that became only more
virulent when it migrated to the internet.”
He then went on to say regarding the Russian interference in 2016
election, “Those investigations raise questions about the legitimacy of his
presence in the White House—questions that prompt fear. Fear is why the
president still has a map of his electoral college victory hanging outside the
door of the Oval Office. Fear is why he asks people to pledge personal loyalty.”
McCabe writes, “…he does not know what democracy means. He demonstrates
no understanding or appreciation of our form of government. He takes no action
to protect it.”
Trump demands the names of FBI
confidential informants compromising their safety and identity, as well
as their assignments. This is what Putin would do. This is what Kim Jung Un
would do, or any other authoritarian paranoid dictator. Trump is an inept,
incompetent, ignorant Man-Child buffoon compromising the integrity, safety and
national security of the country.
In the
book, he writes that Trump uses the language of totalitarian regimes. And, has
Tweeted a call to his base, which he calls the “real Americans” to “start
getting tough”. Trump is NOT a real American but a bi-product of becoming
Putin’s Idiot Asset, which is a bought and paid for Russian stooge. His “real
Americans” are those Americans who support the erosion of democracy by wanting
to circumvent the rule of law, the Constitution, and Congress, and the elevation
of a self-deluded insane buffoon who wants to be a dictator, since dictators
are his BFFs.
Therefore, Kellyanne Conway has, too, been compromised, and compromises
our national security.
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