Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Exploring Trump's Executive Time

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    Has anyone noticed that the president no longer waves at the cameras as he boards his plane or when walking back into the White House? It appears he is fisting his hand instead of a wave. His arm is only lifted half way with a fisted hand. Is this The Cretin’s form of signaling his base in some sort of White Nationalism fisted power message?
   It has been reported that it takes a lot of preparation for the president to be seen in the “emperor’s clothes” prior to such a photo shoot.
    Dana Milbank reported in his Washington Post piece, “Rejoice! The president is doing nothing.” What he is doing is sitting in his beauty salon getting coiffured everyday. This is part of his daily “Executive Time”. 60% of his Executive Time is spent in a variety locations, such as the Oval Office daycare center watching videos, playing on his cellphone, chatting with friends, such as Chris Christie, pretending to read, playing with his favorite action figures, such as Kim, and Putin, time at his Wall Building Lego Table, and having snack time, when not getting coiffured.
    Dana Milbank outlined the president’s beauty salon Executive Time. Here is how it goes. It was reported that The Cretin spent 297 hours in Executive Time over the last 12 weeks, and only 77 hours engaged is performing some sort of presidential activities. When he is engaged in an actual presidential meeting, it would last as long as 45 minutes and as little as 15 minutes. Due to his limited attention span, and need to watch T.V., he doesn’t tolerate much Presidential Time.
 Dana Milbank hypothesizes what Trump’s coiffure time looks like.
·  8 a.m.: Hair washing (30 minutes)
·  8:30 a.m.: Hair drying (60 minutes)
·  9:30 a.m.: Hair combing and spraying (30minutes)
·  10 a.m.: Skin oranging (4 hours)
·  Noon time: Lunch (1 hour)
·  2 p.m.: Makeup application (30 minutes)
·  2:30 p.m.: Photo shoot (fisting salutes included)
·  5:00 p.m.: T.V. time
·  7:00 p.m.: Dinner. Workday over.
·  8:30 p.m.: Wrap up meeting (Max 45 minutes)

    One might consider that after 9:30 p.m, the president goes back to his Oval Office daycare center to play with his toys, read his Magic 8 Ball planning out his presidential actions guided by the toy’s responses, and getting bedtime snack time with KellyAnn.
    I guess we all should be happy that The Cretin does not spend much time each day acting as a real president. We are learning weekly that this moron is not capable of performing as a real president.

    Now this moron has Tweeted that if his wall doesn’t get built, then just maybe he will authorize a human wall. A wall made up of military personnel. Does this idiot realize what he is saying? Has he thought through the breadth of this statement? Has he thought about feeding, housing, security, and basing soldiers occupying the southern border? Maybe he asked his Magic 8 Ball national security advisor the question, “Should I send soldiers to the southern border if I don’t get my wall?” The Ball responds with the word, “Yes”.  Then The Cretin tells his secretaries what the Ball told him to do. Well folks, this is our president. The day in the life of The Cretin-in-Chief.

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