Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Trump Hit The State Of The Union Wall

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

The Grifter-in-Chief hit into his wall as he addressed the Congress and American people during his State of the Disunion. Reading the transcript of The Cretin’s teleprompter reporting, one was left wondering who the f**k is this fool?
    The Fool said, “We must reject the politics of revenge, resistance, and retribution---and embrace the boundless potential of cooperation, compromise and the common good.” Words without meaning. The Cretin has done nothing but engage in the very actions and behaviors that he fantasizes we as a nation should embrace. The Fool does not know how to perform in the way he professes.
    “We must choose between greatness or gridlock, results or resistance, vision or vengeance, incredible progress or pointless destruction.” Trump is the gridlock president by allowing McConnell to block anything Democrats bring forth to the floor of the Senate. What is Trump’s vision? It is to make the rich even richer, embrace authoritarians, give permission to kill journalists, abandon anything that would begin to clean our air, our water, our soils, and our climate. This Fool is full of vengeance. He talked incessantly about Robert Mueller’s witch hunt against him. He spoke repeatedly that “I have no deals with Russia. I have nothing to do with Russia” while a video has been brought forth proving otherwise. This video shows Trump in Russia in 1996 or 1997 trying to make a deal with a Russian developer to build a underground mall in Moscow. He repeatedly kills any action that Obama wrote to make American lives better, such as the ACA. Trump has been the destructive president. He imprisoned and separated many undocumented families and children. He walked away from international efforts to curb climate change. He stepped toward an arms race with Russia. He took monies targeted for infrastructure improvements and molded it into a tax cut for the rich.
    The Idiot called for a wall, yet failed to mention that a “yuuge” bust of heroin was apprehended at the Port of the Everglades, which was being smuggled in by boat. The Coast Guard commandeered several boats full of drugs with a street value of around $700M. A wall would have made no difference. What made a difference was security technology, and professionals to do the job. It had nothing to do with a big truck taking a left or a right at the border and bringing drugs across the desert.
    The Idiot-in-Chief went on to say, “As a candidate for president, I pledged a new approach.” And, what new approach did he bring forth? It has been a vengeful, hateful, angry, incompetent, and a pointless destructive approach. He actually believes that he has been the savior to America’s safety from the bad men around the world, such as Kim Jong Un. He believes that it is HE that has prevented our country from entering into deep in a war with North Korea. This guy has anointed himself as the King of Delusion. The tensions between N.K. and U.S. before he haplessly fell into the W.H. were not even close to a war.
    “Both parties should be able to unite for a great rebuilding of America’s crumbling infrastructure.” He stole infrastructure monies and passed in on to the rich in the form of a tax cut.
   “It is unacceptable that Americans pay vastly more than people in other countries for the exact same drugs, often made in the exact same place. This is wrong, unfair, and together we can stop it.” Hey Cretin, when the f**k are YOU going to do something about it? We have been waiting. Where is your plan? Where is YOUR party—the White Nationalist Party—in solving this problem, which you claim was one of your presidential promises? It is nowhere! The economist Dean Baker’s solution is for the government, the American people, to own all the drug patents, since we already give billions of dollars to these drug companies in the form of funding for research and testing, through the National Institute of Health, and grants to universities and research hospitals. If we owned the patents, then the drug company’s costs would be much lower as they would only be the manufacturer of the drugs. The ReCons run away from this solution. If they reject this solution, then what is their solution?

    The Grifter-in-Chief failed to talk about many serious issues, such as climate change, voter rights, campaign reform, HIS shutdown, and reforming gun laws. All he did was read a speech written for him in order for him to try and appear to be presidential.

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