Thursday, February 14, 2019

Trump Hits The Wall Again

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

The Congress has been working on a bipartisan bill to provide funding for keeping the government operating through September in hopes of avoiding a Cretin declared shutdown. Also the bill provides funding for securing the southern border.
    The Cretin said, “I’m not happy. I may find funding for the wall elsewhere.” He also said, “I’ve already started building the wall.” Everyone in Congress just nod their heads to placate the Idiot-in-Chief even though The Cretin has not been building his big, beautiful, and strong wall. The only wall he is building is in the Oval Office’s daycare center with his big red cardboard bricks.
    This moron doesn’t comprehend reality. He doesn’t live in reality. He is a delusional sociopath. He doesn’t appear to understand that he lies more often than anyone else that has stepped foot in the White House. His world is made up of lies. This shapes his world. He fabricates a world in which he alone lives in. It appears that tells himself many lies in order to feed his fragile ego even though those lies are not based in any facts. He pretends to have been a smart and capable business person when, in fact, he used his much more capable staff to assemble his business deals. They negotiated the deals. The Cretin just signed the paperwork, while his staff stroked his ego by telling him he is a terrific business negotiator. This strategy kept him from exploding and tantruming. He needs to be seen as the most capable person in the room.
    He tells Americans he is building the wall and will finish it. He has not built a wall as he has described over the years. What has been built are sections of barriers that have decayed or been found to need replacing with upgraded materials. There are no new sections of Trump’s big, beautiful and strong wall slats or made of concrete. He has made this statement up. He tells his gullible base that he has already been building his wall. And, that he will look for available funds elsewhere to finish his legacy wall. This means that he will use Executive Powers to capture funds from other agencies to build his non-existent wall. The issue is that if he declares a National Security crisis to steal funds, it will be challenged in court because the president has already said that he has been building his wall, even though this is a lie. The courts will say that if he is building his wall, then there is no national security crisis.

    The Cretin has hit the wall again.

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