Saturday, February 16, 2019

Trump's Overreaching Use Of Executive Powers

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    The Cretin, in his third grader typical self, downplayed the fact that his signed proclamation to get his wall built will be challenged in court. He used his “na-na-na” sing-songy voice to make light that his proclamation will be challenged in the courts.
    This is how it went:

    “I expect to be sued.
      They’ll sue us in the 9th circuit

       [They’ll sue us as we work it,
        They’ll sue us when we break it]

      And even though it shouldn’t be there,
      And we’ll possibly get a bad ruling,
      And then we’ll get another bad ruling,
      And then we’ll end up in the Supreme Court,
      And hopefully we’ll get a fair shake
      And we’ll win in the Supreme Court.”

      [And we’ll spin the Supreme Court]

    La, la, la, na, na, na, blah, blah, blah.

    For over a year, Trump’s been fuming and scheming to subvert Congress and use his executive powers to declare a national emergency in order to steal funds from wherever his dirty, pathetic, sticky little fingers can find them for his legacy wall.
    Trump publicly said, “I could do the wall over a longer period of time, didn’t need to do this, but I’d rather do it much faster.”
    What his statement clearly indicated was that there was actually no national emergency, but only political motivation. There is no emergency. The facts are clear about this. Trump continues to insist that “they lie” when it comes to the facts about the number of immigrant crossings, desert crossings, and checkpoint crossings.
    The Cretin said he didn’t need to do the proclamation. He admitted he was scamming the American people in order to build his legacy wall, a wall with his signature would be embossed upon its surface for all to see as they rode golf carts along the Trumpian border wall with autographed glossy photos of the worst president in American history, which The Cretin insisted for a very long time that Mexico was going to pay for it. They didn’t. In his dreams, Americans end up paying for it.
    This is how he has done many of his business dealings. He says he will pay for the project, but then, the project goes bust and his investors end up getting a fraction of their investment recovered, while Trump and his Cretin Klan walk away fully funded and intact.
    No doubt, The Cretin will end up long gone, and hopefully trying to defend himself before the Southern District court of New York, before the U.S. Supreme Court rules on his use of executive powers that falsely proclaimed the nation experienced a year long, on and off, national emergency, which is why the president insisted in a blasé manner that he needed funding for a wall that never needed to be built so as to keep the country safe from undocumented immigrants invading the country from Mexican murderers and criminals as they carried satchels overflowing with drugs across the desert.
    The Senate majority leader, the senior ranking obstructionist turtle, McConnell stuck his out his head from his stinky, moldy shell to say, “…Democrats decision to put partisan obstruction ahead of the national interest.” This dirty, scumbag seemed to forget that he obstructed Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Eric Garland, from getting an up or down Senate vote. This sleazy White Nationalist Party clown continued his worthless rhetoric when he said, “I urge my Democratic colleagues to quickly get serious, and put partisanship aside…”

    Hey Mitch the Turtle, they are serious. Damn serious. Your partisanship has gotten in their way. Now it is time to get out of their way.

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