Trumpty Dumpty Report
The Cretin is following the Republican, ie. White Nationalist party, platform, which has been dictated by the Koch brothers. They continue to believe that socialism for the rich is the way government should function. Trickle Down economics has been the WNPs agenda since Reagan, and David Stockman's economic plan for the country. The Trickle Down belief has always been the view that by giving big tax cuts to the rich they will eventually trickle down prosperity to those below. This absurd view has been discredited for decades, yet people like Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, and others find it to be the only way to please the rich. It has never worked.
Yet, this view of economics is socialism. Giving away money to people who don't deserve it. It is more cake for the rich to stuff their faces. They end up taking that money and moving it into off-shore money shelters, buying up more stock buybacks at discounted prices, and other tax sheltering vehicles. This is a huge con on the American people.
Trump continues this con job. He used government dollars for national infrastructure projects and gave it as a massive tax cut for the rich, while middle America got conned. This also happens when big corporations, like Amazon, shop around for the best tax breaks and free monies to locate or relocate new operations with the promise of jobs, which ends up costing the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars for each new job. The local communities end up with having to increase local taxes, after giving up tax dollars for the promised new jobs, in order to hire more municipal office workers, police and fire professionals, as well as spending for local school building expansion projects and personnel hiring. This con job occurs at the state and large city level, as well as smaller suburban communities. Often we see this expansion of socialism to the big corporations, which ends up never paying for itself, to ask for the local municipality and state to pick up the tab for sewer and utility improvements.
The White Nationalist Party thrives off of socialism, yet chastised people for wanting expansion of social programs, such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, as well as better services for the Veteran's Administration.
Back when the economy failed during 2008 under the Lil'BoyBush presidency, the bankstas demanded bank bailouts, after scaring the nation into believing that the economy would be worse than the Great Depression if they were not bailed out. This was their way of manipulating the situation. They didn't have to give up a darn thing, such as getting broken up into smaller entities. Today, these banks are bigger than ever giving a newer definition of Too Big To Fail. It ended up giving bailouts for bankstas who crashed the economy who bought and sold fake collateralized debt obligations and mortgages 10 times over. A great many mortgage holders who were "under water" could not figure out which lender actually held those mortgages. The taxpayers paid for the bailouts when Ben Bernanke, who was the Federal Reserve chairman, bought up the banksta's bad debt by trading bad debt for clean monies at zero percent interest. The bankstas were so overjoyed that they decided to take $50B of this free money and pay themselves bonuses for crashing the economy. This is socialism at its worst. These bankstas felt entitled just because they were rich con artists. The WNP accepted this. Bush, Bernanke, Hank Paulson, Geitner and the other sleazy WNP conmen looked the other way. Yet, when GM wanted a bailout because so many working class people depended on GM at the factory level, as well as down the supply chain and peripherally, Obama was chastised by the WNP Cretins.
While the rich get socialism through tax cuts that funnel millions of dollars into their wallets, those at the working class level lose their jobs, their retirement, their ability to send their kids to college and the list goes on and on. When big corporations and retailers see the executives end up with golden parachutes as they bail out of a failing company, the workers end up crashing to the ground without parachutes.
The estate tax for the richest among us is another socialist program, which passes generational wealth on to their kids without a tax penalty. It is tax free money for the kids to live off of.
Another question we are facing is what will The Cretin do in order to get his big, beautiful, legacy wall? Will he reject the $1.4B for 55 miles of wall along the southern border? Or, will he declare a National Emergency in order to steal monies from disaster relief funds that are targeted for help needed in rebuilding disaster areas, such as California and Puerto Rico, and from the military that has a fund set aside to be used when emergency construction projects are needed. The WNP president is also considering writing an Executive Order to allocated funds for his Mount Rushmore style legacy wall.
The Cretin, no doubt, is realizing that his legacy as a Russian Asset President will be minimal to non-existent. If he ends up shutting down the government over his refusal to sign a compromise agreement, then the WNP members will be blamed and The Man-Child Cretin will be told to spend more time in the playroom during Loafing Time engaging with his toys.
The Cretin is following the Republican, ie. White Nationalist party, platform, which has been dictated by the Koch brothers. They continue to believe that socialism for the rich is the way government should function. Trickle Down economics has been the WNPs agenda since Reagan, and David Stockman's economic plan for the country. The Trickle Down belief has always been the view that by giving big tax cuts to the rich they will eventually trickle down prosperity to those below. This absurd view has been discredited for decades, yet people like Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, and others find it to be the only way to please the rich. It has never worked.
Yet, this view of economics is socialism. Giving away money to people who don't deserve it. It is more cake for the rich to stuff their faces. They end up taking that money and moving it into off-shore money shelters, buying up more stock buybacks at discounted prices, and other tax sheltering vehicles. This is a huge con on the American people.
Trump continues this con job. He used government dollars for national infrastructure projects and gave it as a massive tax cut for the rich, while middle America got conned. This also happens when big corporations, like Amazon, shop around for the best tax breaks and free monies to locate or relocate new operations with the promise of jobs, which ends up costing the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars for each new job. The local communities end up with having to increase local taxes, after giving up tax dollars for the promised new jobs, in order to hire more municipal office workers, police and fire professionals, as well as spending for local school building expansion projects and personnel hiring. This con job occurs at the state and large city level, as well as smaller suburban communities. Often we see this expansion of socialism to the big corporations, which ends up never paying for itself, to ask for the local municipality and state to pick up the tab for sewer and utility improvements.
The White Nationalist Party thrives off of socialism, yet chastised people for wanting expansion of social programs, such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, as well as better services for the Veteran's Administration.
Back when the economy failed during 2008 under the Lil'BoyBush presidency, the bankstas demanded bank bailouts, after scaring the nation into believing that the economy would be worse than the Great Depression if they were not bailed out. This was their way of manipulating the situation. They didn't have to give up a darn thing, such as getting broken up into smaller entities. Today, these banks are bigger than ever giving a newer definition of Too Big To Fail. It ended up giving bailouts for bankstas who crashed the economy who bought and sold fake collateralized debt obligations and mortgages 10 times over. A great many mortgage holders who were "under water" could not figure out which lender actually held those mortgages. The taxpayers paid for the bailouts when Ben Bernanke, who was the Federal Reserve chairman, bought up the banksta's bad debt by trading bad debt for clean monies at zero percent interest. The bankstas were so overjoyed that they decided to take $50B of this free money and pay themselves bonuses for crashing the economy. This is socialism at its worst. These bankstas felt entitled just because they were rich con artists. The WNP accepted this. Bush, Bernanke, Hank Paulson, Geitner and the other sleazy WNP conmen looked the other way. Yet, when GM wanted a bailout because so many working class people depended on GM at the factory level, as well as down the supply chain and peripherally, Obama was chastised by the WNP Cretins.
While the rich get socialism through tax cuts that funnel millions of dollars into their wallets, those at the working class level lose their jobs, their retirement, their ability to send their kids to college and the list goes on and on. When big corporations and retailers see the executives end up with golden parachutes as they bail out of a failing company, the workers end up crashing to the ground without parachutes.
The estate tax for the richest among us is another socialist program, which passes generational wealth on to their kids without a tax penalty. It is tax free money for the kids to live off of.
Another question we are facing is what will The Cretin do in order to get his big, beautiful, legacy wall? Will he reject the $1.4B for 55 miles of wall along the southern border? Or, will he declare a National Emergency in order to steal monies from disaster relief funds that are targeted for help needed in rebuilding disaster areas, such as California and Puerto Rico, and from the military that has a fund set aside to be used when emergency construction projects are needed. The WNP president is also considering writing an Executive Order to allocated funds for his Mount Rushmore style legacy wall.
The Cretin, no doubt, is realizing that his legacy as a Russian Asset President will be minimal to non-existent. If he ends up shutting down the government over his refusal to sign a compromise agreement, then the WNP members will be blamed and The Man-Child Cretin will be told to spend more time in the playroom during Loafing Time engaging with his toys.
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