Friday, February 15, 2019

Donald J. Trump Fell Off His Wall

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    The Man-Child Cretin president left the Oval Office daycare center carrying his two favorite autocratic action figures chanting loudly, “Build that wall. Build that wall!!” KellyAnn was seen marching in lockstep behind The Cretin as he chanted his meme.
    Later, they dressed the Idiot-in-Chief, choosing a blue tie instead of his favorite red one, and stood him before a microphone so he could declare his so-called national emergency so he can build his legacy wall. He has proposed stealing billions of dollars from federal military construction emergency projects, as well as from counter-drug programs.
    The tantruming Trump doesn’t seem to understand or care that his national emergency will get tied up in the courts and will never materialize into a wall. “I am going to be signing a national emergency” The Cretin proclaimed from the Rose Garden. He went on to emphasize that brown people have started “an invasion of our country.”
    The Cretin was unable to complete one of his most important challenging statements before his base, since becoming president. He failed to speak in a complete sentence, once again. His handlers, no doubt, did not prep him for the Rose Garden proclamation. He must have written those words on a torn sheet of coloring paper. He left off a possible choice of words, one option being “declaration document”, which would complete his fragmented sentence, “I am going to be signing a national emergency [declaration document].” Huh? A national emergency is not like signing a picture of Trump with his squeeze Stormy Daniels, or a balloon. A national emergency is not something you can actually sign.
    The Cretin fantasized that he will spend $8B on his border wall project using funds from what was legally allocated in the Congressional bill and illegally through his capturing of funds through the national emergency.
    Trump failed to accomplish his number one campaign pledge, which he proclaimed would be fulfilled if he were to be elected president. His number one pledge, which he promised from the mountaintop, has been toppled. Many Republicans, or one must say, White Nationalists, defected from their great leader’s demands and voted for the Congressional law, which is strong enough to sustain a presidential veto. Trumpty Dumpty fell off his wall. Mexico didn’t pay for his wall. Instead, The Cretin then demanded that the American people pay for his legacy wall.
    Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer made a joint statement which stated, that such an action by the president would be a “lawless act, a gross abuse of the power of the presidency, and a desperate attempt to distract” from Trump’s own incompetence. They then stated, “Congress will defend our constitutional authorities.” We know what that means. If Trump follows through with his signing of a national security emergency document, then he will see major pushback. His backdoor method of stealing government funds will likely get tied up in the courts for the next two years.

    The Cretin will do anything to keep his base from storming Mar-A-Lago scaring off all the undocumented workers that are on his payroll. His fellow cretins at Fox News have turned on him, too. His fellow White Nationalists in Congress have turned on him, as well. They may have finally realized that standing with him may do more harm for their reelection efforts than standing with him. We may see more defections on future congressional votes and more bipartisan votes that would be veto proof. This may be the beginning of the end for Trump.

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