Friday, February 22, 2019

The Actual Deep State

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

There’s been this belief by Republicans that embedded within our government lives a Deep State—liberals who work below the radar, as a group, to undermine our current president. Surrounding The Cretin are people with questionable credibility, such as Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi, both conspiracy theorists. Such wackadoodles are tied to Moscow and Russian oligarchs.
    Republicans, or in other words, White Nationalists, have been stirring up their paranoid and frightened base, mostly made up of white folks, for decades. It could be a creation of the Koch brothers or a design concocted by one of their think tanks.
    The ruse is that liberals and career government employees afraid of losing their jobs undercut and sabotage the political agendas of those very elected Republicans.
    It’s all a big slight-of-hand trick. If you say it enough times, then the Kool-Aid drinkers will eventually believe it. But, what is the real trick is that the Deep State exists under plain sight. What if the Deep State is not made up of career politicians—liberals or otherwise, but Republican White Nationalists often trained in the ideological playbook written by the Koch brothers, their Vladimir Lenin theorists, their think tanks, their right-wing conferences and university classrooms who are working to erode our democracy, our social safety nets, our desires for equal pay and equal rights, affordable health care, safe and affordable drugs, clean air, water and soils, safe food, sustainable energy, and more.
    What if the Deep State is actually a cover for autocracy, kleptocracy, and right wing Supreme Court rulings (Clarence Thomas to reexamine the 1960s case New York Times v. Sullivan) on behalf of the kleptocrats with their sights on the eventual control of the media and of free and objective information? What if it’s the eventual legitimizing of a wannabee gangster, dimwitted Russian asset puppet president who takes his orders from Russian assets inside the White House and in the Congress?
   What if the Rightwing autocrats have been trying to distract the country from seeing that the Deep State is actually them by using their visual media propaganda spewing talking heads and print media influences to convince their base that the Deep State is not actually them, but those who oppose them?
    The Koch brothers and others started all of this back in the late 1950’s furthering and legitimizing their actual Deep State White Nationalist agenda gathering more and more momentum to this day whereby they finally elected their choice into the White House. They chose Trump because he was already a compromised perfect stooge. A stupid sociopath with repressed development—a man-child with limited intelligence with difficulty processing serious and difficult information. This made him controllable and malleable. He is not capable of taking full control and becoming the mastermind of his political agenda, which might scare the very base of voters he first convinced to vote for him. The takeover of the country by a brilliant and convincing authoritarian would have to be gradual in order to convince voters to allow the takeover of state governments and the U.S. Congress so the nation’s executive would have full and commanding control of the country.
    The current executive has failed in the mission designed by his handlers because he has been stupid and sloppy choosing greedy and delusional, as well as clumsy, lieutenants to act on his behalf and help cover his misdeeds, criminal and colluding activities and conspiracies. The choice of Trump by the senior commanders of the White Nationalist party was inept because The Cretin had been incapable of proving he had the skills and intelligence to pull off a successful presidency, since he was a bungling and incompetent business executive. Trump had his commanders fooled, just as he had his voting base fooled. Unfortunately, many in his voting base cannot see through the smoke this dirty trickster has clouded before them.
    Sadly, there are too many people, who march in lockstep, who accept this destruction to our democracy and way of life by their favored politicians who desire autocratic and authoritarian political systems, which resulted in Americans losing their lives as they fought to reject it! Donald Trump and his Deep State associates believe in those abhorrent political systems that took the lives of Americans who stood up to defend democracy against those abhorrent political systems.
    When will Americans realize that Donald Trump must be expelled from his position as the President of the United States? When will they realize that he is an incompetently dangerous person who has committed high crimes and misdemeanors, and is incapable of fulfilling his duties because of the criminal cases that have been filed against him?

   It is time to unmask the truth about the Deep State and how it came about, as well as who are the fabricators of this fantasy. It is time to shed light upon the fabricators of this fantasy who are rooted in Moscow, with Putin, and within the global White Nationalist- White Supremacist movement.

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