Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Sewer Rat President Donald Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

The sewer rats scurrying around the White House are honing their authoritarian skills possibly to the detriment to their own survival. They convinced the Moron-in-Chief to proclaim the nation to be in dire need of a national security proclamation in order to build a Mt. Rushmore-like monument to the dirtiest of all rats-Donald J. Trump.
    The Cretin signed a proclamation declaring a national emergency even after he dismissed its seriousness when he said, “I didn’t really need to do it. I just wanted to make things go faster.” There are currently several lawsuits challenging Trump’s go-around of Congress to feed his greedy, self-aggrandizing demented ego in order to build a wall to memorializing his failed presidency was a concern when the authors of the Constitution created it. They were fearful of the abuse of presidential executive overreach. Subverting Congress through presidential overreach is what Trump is doing today. Now we have to wonder if Trump has walked himself into being impeached? Nixon faced the Articles of Impeachment as a result of his abuse of his presidential powers. A president can be removed from office for “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Presidential abuse of powers fits into this definition.
    “The powers relating to impeachment are, as before intimated an essential check in the hands of [Congress] upon the encroachments of the executive” was written by Alexander Hamilton.
    Trump seems to be raising his middle finger at Congress by forcing the courts to back his stealing of public funds to build his wall, which is an abuse of presidential overreach to obtain his goals.
    In 1971, Nixon proclaimed a national emergency as a way to go around Congress to say there was a national emergency regarding the nation’s financial reserves and to impose an additional 10% surcharge on certain imports.
    What is now known as the Federal Circuit Court in D.C., wrote a decision at the time in response to a lawsuit filed against the Nixon overreach which said, “Though such a broad grant may be considered unwise, or even dangerous should it come into the hands of an unscrupulous, rampant president, willing to declare an emergency when none exists, the wisdom of a Congressional declaration is not for us to decide.”
    Was this 1971 court decision foreshadowing Donald Trump’s “unscrupulous” proclamation?
    In 1974, Nixon had three Articles of Impeachment filed against him by Congress based upon presidential misconduct, as was included in the Constitution.
    Today The Cretin continues to go around Congress as he decided to give Saudi Arabia nuclear technology resources. And, The Cretin asked the temporary and former acting A.G. Matthew Whitaker to ask an attorney, a Trump appointee, from the Southern District of N.Y. to take over the Michael Cohen case. This sounds like another abuse of presidential powers by attempting to influence an active justice department case that involves him.

    It now seems to be the right time for Congress to proceed as Congress did in 1971 to begin Trump’s impeachment.

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