Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Trump And His Border Wall Fantasy

Trumpty Dumpty Report

    The Cretin said, "We're doing things. We're doing fantastic things. We're moving things around." What is he talking about? Does he even know what "things" means? It is clear, The Cretin has no idea what he is talking about. He just flaps his mouth with unknown thoughts pouring out.
    The Idiot-in-Chief went to El Paso, Texas in order to spew a brain full of lies. He told his base that "we will finish the wall". This moron has no idea that none of his wall has even been built other than those wall prototypes. What is being planned along a 14 mile section of the southern border's Rio Grande Valley is a barrier, which has not been finalized, and replacing sections of border barriers with upgraded materials. Sections of rotten and worn out fencing has been upgraded. Only about a third of the southern border has a man-made barrier.
    When The Cretin says he IS building the wall as we speak is a big fat lie. The only wall this moron is building are walls at his Lego table in the Oval Office play school.
    Trump has been pontificating about building a big, beautiful and strong wall since he first walked out onto the campaign trail, and that Mexico was going to pay for it. Then it morphed into a plan where we would pay for it, but Mexico would then reimburse us for it. Then it devolved into what we are seeing today. NO WALL. Trump failed to get his legacy wall. A structure that would have his signature embossed upon it. His version of Mt. Rushmore. He failed just as he has failed to accomplish a single populist action. 
    What he has accomplished is a significant amount of time engaged in "Loafing Time"playing with his authoritarian action figures, and time at his Lego table building big, beautiful and strong walls of plastic bricks. He spends his time watching T.V.. No doubt, he has to have the border security bill read to him because his brain is too damaged to comprehend the bill if he were to read the bill without any tutoring by his staff.
    It looks like we will be spared another government shutdown now that Trump has been told by members of the White Nationalist Party in the Senate to sign the bill, which will fund the government until September. The Cretin was told by his WNP that this bill provides a "down payment" for his wall funding. This teaser gave the Man-Child President hope that he may get more funding in September. We will see if The Cretin is still standing in September.

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