Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The President Sells His Con To The Nation

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    When will the Moron-in-Chief realize fewer and fewer people are believing this sociopathic liar, who has lied over 6500 times beginning with his primary 2016 campaign. “I don’t work for Russia. I’ve never worked for Russia. I’m insulted that anyone would believe this.”
     Well Cretin, we DO believe that YOU ARE a Russian asset. We are insulted by your hiding your relationship with Putin. You’ve been lying about your corrupt connection with Russians since the 1980s. My question is- is Melania, also, a Russian asset? It could very likely be that she was directed to get close to Trump, get deep in his business life and report back to Russian operatives to keep her father from being imprisoned by the Slovenian military police. Why can’t this scenario be possible? A more detailed picture of this possibility was posted as an earlier post on this blogspot.
     Now, the Moron-in-Chief is now telling us that the squeeze on trade will result in the “need for more land” for agriculture, and more profits for American companies. “More, big, better.”
    It’s not happening! Look at Wall Street. They don’t believe him, either. Wall Street is resting itself on pins and needles.
     Our President Grifter is nothing but a real estate snake oil salesman who concocts his toxic formula into selling empty promises. He promised to bring back steel manufacturing creating a Yuuge boom. It didn’t happen; he promised to bring back the coal industry, which continued to decline; he promised to bring back small businesses, yet with the government shutdown, SBA loan officers have been furloughed; he promised to bring back manufacturing that went offshore, yet that has failed, too. Our Grifter-in-Chief is a Yuuge liar and fraud.
    Added to the fake news from the White House blubbering, babbling, bungling collection of lizards is the damaging, destructive, distractive shutdown. The deep pile of crap continues to stack up all them.
    Cretin’s ego is so inflated, imaginative, and infuriating that he actually believes the lies he spews. He sells the con that his trade deals will result in a booming economy when there is nothing there to prove it so. And, to top it all off, he says that he has never worked for Russia.

    We can give him 6500 Pinocchios.

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