Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Two Ways Of Removing The President From Office

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

     The Cretin is quickly slipping into the arms of Vladimir Putin. The likely scenario is that Trump is deeply indebted to Putin since the 1980s when Russian oligarchs, Putin cronies, bought enough Trump properties to bail him out of near bankruptcy. At that point, Trump was baited hook, line and sinker. Paul Manfort, his campaign Russian conduit, was extremely deep in the sheets with Russian powerbrokers. He secretly handed off to one of his Russian contacts Trump’s campaign polling data, which was illegal. Allowing a foreign agent, or nation to influence an American election is illegal. So, by handing off Trump’s election data was allowing a foreign agent to take that information and pass it off to another Russian to study and then use in order to help their presidential choice for president get elected in whatever way they find most effective. One way to use the data would be to target desirable voters through social media. Russian bots and trolls would target individuals with fake news, and fake social media interactions that would suggest that Trump was the best choice for president. This is what happened.
    Trump pleaded with Russian hackers to steal Hillary Clinton’s emails and publish them. Putin’s goal was to hack his way into making sure Trump became president. They needed Trump to accomplish Russian goals.
    Trump met with Putin 5 times in secret, and, no doubt, received marching orders. Trump kept the subject and content of those meetings secret even to his cabinet. He even confiscated the translator’s notes demanding that this person keep quiet.
    Trump has repeatedly threatened to pull out of NATO. Putin would love to see the U.S. leave NATO. NATO is a threat to Russian interests and objectives. Several Eastern European countries are part of the NATO alliance. Croatia, Hungry, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Romania were once under the thumb and control of Russia’s one-time Soviet Union. These countries now leaning away from Russian dominance and more toward NATO, and the E.U, are a threat to Putin and the power of Russia. Having Trump pull out of this large alliance symbolically leans the U.S. away from this alliance and toward Putin and away from world’s growing democracies.
    By pulling out of NATO to the objection of many military and civilian Americans would send the wrong message to the entire world. Such a message would threaten the stability of our position in the world. This view of the United States would create a “crisis of the soul” (to quote Trump) and an actual national security crisis.
    In order to stop such a national security crisis from occurring, which would come on top of other cracks in the nation’s national security, such as a partial government shutdown displacing and furloughing hundreds of thousands of workers, as well as putting peripheral small businesses at financial risk. His polarizing message of hate dividing the country and support of haters causing violence in the country. His fear mongering around desperate people huddled around our southern border. Instability in the markets, and among allies around the world is another layer. Lay all of this on top of Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election and if any or all of Trump’s political circle of menacing, maniacal morons were involved in this Russian conspiratorial collusion. This poisonous layer cake is making America sick and weak. The “baker” stirring up this toxic, stinky mash should have his MAGA chef’s hat knocked off his orange head! The one way of doing this is for his cabinet members to vote collectively to remove him from the office of the presidency because they deem this Russian Idiot Asset (a phrase used by Malcolm Vance) to be not fit to perform and fulfill the duties of the president effectively.
    Trump has become a national security crisis, and, therefore, could be deemed appropriate for removal. But over the last two years, Trump removed any cabinet members he saw as a threat to the fabric of his presidency who might consider him unfit for the job. Rex Tillerson, former secretary of state, called him a moron. Others have, as well. No doubt, many see Trump as the Cretin he is and a danger to the strength of America.

    Once again, The Cretin is threatening and moving closer to pulling out of NATO without the threat of his cabinet turning on him. Bolton and others are dangerous to the nation and stand behind their chief comrade. The only other way to remove Trump from the Oval Office is impeachment and it must be initiated by his fellow White Nationalist congressional comrades. This is the only way to end the “crisis of the soul.”

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