Thursday, January 24, 2019

Nancy Pelosi Stopped Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    For the first time since Trump lied and bullied his way into the Oval Office, a government person of authority has told him “NO” with actual meaning and it happened to be woman! She momentarily stopped his tantruming. The woman with absolute power and control stopped the man-child’s raging, foot stomping tantrums. He backed down!
    The lady in the House stopped the child from his tantrums. Could it be that Trump’s mother was the only person capable of controlling Donnie when he threw tantrums in order to attempt to get his way?
    Speaker Pelosi understood that if she didn’t stop his Build-A-Wall tantrum, the Cretin would use shutdowns as his way to get his way again. Bravo to Pelosi—BTP!!!!
    The Cretin continued to blame Pelosi and Democrats for the shutdown he owned until she told him that she controlled the lights and could lock his ass out; he crossed her Red Line. Now The Cretin said he would wait until the shutdown was over to give his message. Before he relented, he said, “Nancy Pelosi-or Nancy, as I call her—she doesn’t want to know the truth.” The truth being that he is a spoiled crybaby having tantrums? Then he said, “I think that’s a great blotch on the great country we all love.” The great blotch on the country is Donald J. Trump demanding that the country spend $5.7B on 100 miles of his fantasy to build his own Mt. Rushmore with his face emblazoned and embossed into the concrete memorializing his horribly failed presidency.
    Trump told Speaker Pelosi that he had important information to deliver to the country. Oh, he’s going to tell Americans that their Wall Street retirement investments fell around 20% in 2018? Or, maybe that over 34 plus days of the shutdown small businesses are closing and 800,000 federal workers will see many more lost paydays? Or, that Wilber Ross, his cretin Commerce Secretary, wonders why furloughed federal workers can’t just borrow money from their bank to live off of until the shutdown ends, which would amount to a pay cut for these workers after paying interest on these loans? Or, that many on medications have seen their costs increasing, not decreasing, after being promised that drug costs were supposed to drop?
Or, that the trade war is a “yuuge” benefit to our economy as the economy slips backwards? Or, that you did tell Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about your potential business deal with Putin, and that you have a Russian love child? Or, that Mike Pence is actually not human? Or, that there is nothing to worry about in our air travel industry in spite of dire risks being forecasted if the shutdown continues?
    The Cretin also said, “It would be so very sad for our Country if the State of the Union were not delivered on time, on schedule and, very importantly on location!” Hey Donnie, this is not a reality television show. What takes precedence when looking at on-time delivery is NOT your rambling message to the country, but the pizza ordered over the phone!

    Hey there Donnie, we are not so very sad that you cannot bullshit the country with more of your nonsense.  We are glad to hear that you’ve been cancelled and will be staying in your Oval Office daycare center until the shutdown is over.

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