Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

   It’s been reported that The Cretin is “hopping mad!” That is what he said as he went hippity hoppiting down the loony toony dummy trail. There is a new tell-all-inside look into the Trumpty Dumpty White House. The Idiot-in-Chief said, “Who is this guy? I don’t know who he is?”
   Sorry Mr. Loony Toony, you DO know who he is. He is the guy who videotaped you in the White House. He was your information guy. Your fake news spinmeister guy. Cliff Sims, a conservative blogger who spent 500 days in the Cretin’s den of incompetency. It’s called Team of Vipers. The Idiot-in-Chief is dismissing this guy as a nobody player, a low-level staffer, but actually, he had alone time with Trumpty Dumpty. The Dumpster-in-Chief just cannot fire up enough brain cells to remember this guy. His title under King Trump was Assistant to the President and Assistant Communications Director for White House Message Strategy.
   The book describes a White House that is disorganized, chaotic; a mess!! Trump is “very pissed off!” We would think so.
    Cliff Sims was on the inside. He saw it all. He wrote about the ‘Moron In The White House’ story in detail. Sims helped The Cretin with his weekly video and radio addresses and The Cretin cannot remember who he is?
    What this tells us all is that Trump is so out of his league as president that his organization is a dis-organization. He should be removed from office. He is a total misfit and incompetent fake.
    He has been pretending to be a fantastic, wonderful really smart businessman. What a joke. This guy cannot business-manage/deal make himself out of a paper bag. He is a total incompetent. He doesn’t even know the people who surround him in key roles. He is too busy playing with his Putin and Kim Jung Un action figure toys and obsessively flipping his 8 foot red necktie.
    The country can collapse all around him and he could care less, as he threatens another government shutdown if he doesn’t get his Wall To Trump, which seems to be crumbling around him.
   Now, it seems that Trump’s two dumbass sons: Dumb and Dumber fired back in regards to The Trump Organization’s hiring of 20 undocumented workers to do jobs in some of the golf club resorts. They fired these workers and claimed they will get to the bottom of this Trump family hypocrisy. Donnie senior rants and rails against brown people at our southern border, yet hires them to work as indentured servants in his golf clubs. These women and men that were hired were directed by a club manager to get fraudulent papers and documents from their go-to forgerer. They then were told to do what they were told by a club manager. They were under the control of The Trump International Organization.
    New Jersey and New York Attorneys generals are very interested in investigating this possible crime, which includes the hiring of undocumented workers, tax fraud, social security fraud, mistreatment of undocumented workers, immigration fraud, and a list of other violations. The FBI was asked to get involved, as well. This has been going on for, at least, 20 years!
    Another deep concern regarding this corrupt and horribly bad administration is the turning away from two poisonous chemicals in our drinking water that has been identified in the past year, of which the EPA is ignoring. The Trump EPA is failing to do anything about these two poisons that a great many Americans are drinking everyday. These two chemicals used in the manufacturing of Teflon and foam based fire retardants are in violation of the Safe Drinking Water Act. These are known as PFOA AND PFOS, which are linked to kidney and testicular cancer, hypertension and other medical conditions. Chemical companies, such as 3M, are at fault. These two chemicals are a target under the Superfund law, which would force the predatorial companies manufacturing them to clean up these environmental toxins.
    The Cretin’s administration has been a leading no holes barred supporter of corporations to make as much money as is possible even if they poison everyone in their path toward profits.
    This is what is meant when the White Nationalist party, formerly known as Republicans, when they say they are a populist party. Populist meaning predators in support of corporations over people. These chemicals could possibly cause generational disease altering a person’s DNA passing on predispositions to cancer and other diseases to further generations. This is the legacy of the Trump presidency.
    This legacy will be imprinted into the DNA and genetics of millions of Americans for generations to come.

    And, The Cretin continues to pass out Kool-Aid to around 35% of his supporters. I wonder if his Kool-Aid is laced with PFOA? Drink up MAGA hat wearers!

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