Sunday, January 6, 2019

Subjugation-Trump's American Policy

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

The Cretin is saying that the shutdown could be lasting months, or even, years, even though he hopes it doesn’t happen. That’s right Donnie. Donnie Demon doesn’t care about working people. He only cares about his fragile man-child ego. “I want my really, really big and bestest wall. I want it now. Big. Huge. Huge. Big. Tall. White Wall. Big wall. WALL. WALL. WALL!” “I want Sid and Nancy to be-best. Give me my wall!”
    He met with Democrats to find agreement on the shutdown. Cretin said, “Good, Great. Big. Small meeting.” In other words, he had no plan to negotiate an agreement. He’s wasting America’s time.
    The DOW-market rose 800 points but later in the day, Friday, the day after a big drop, it settled at 746 points. The why could be related to a growth in wages and drop in unemployment, although the economy was on that trajectory since the Great Recession began to recover; but the real reason has more to do with the wealthy traders who sold when their stocks hit a high point, then bought when it fell. And then, on the next day when it went up over 150 points, they sold taking profits. Yet the market is also reacting to The Cretin’s unstable man-child mind and policies. The rest of us are left screwed because we are not wealthy enough to be day traders manipulating the market for their economic benefit, and are victim to this insane sociopath in the White House.
    The Cretin in the White House has forced a portion of the shutdown workforce to work for free. Subjugation!!!! Now, TSA workers are calling off sick. They are objecting to being made to work for free.
    Such employees are just working stiffs trying to pay bills, tuition, help out a sick or unemployed family member, to list a few of the reasons how these federal workers use their limited income. Income The Cretin has taken from them because of his fragile man-child ego. Congress, and Cretin’s cabinet members continue to receive their pay. Sweet. Right?
    President Donnie Demented doesn’t really care about working people just doing their federal jobs, be it working in our national parks cleaning bathrooms, or patrolling the boundaries; or, as TSA workers protecting air travel; or, air traffic control training facilities making sure the air space is safe, to name a few of the effected jobs.
    The Cretin has this ridiculous belief that his overly expensive wall is the best way to solve the undocumented immigration problem.
    Instead of using the difference between Cretin’s price tag for the wall and the Democrat’s realistic spending offer for the wall for a better purpose, he chooses not to take the sensible offer.
    The Cretin is stomping his feet, throwing another one of his tantrums by trying to say that because he hasn’t gotten his $5B wall, he now feels it is a national emergency. Hit the deck kids!! Hide under your desks. Find a broom closet and hunker down until it passes. Turn your radio dial to FEMA's emergency broadcast system!! Do it now!! IT may already be too late! 
    He believes that a $1.3B wall budget amounts to a national emergency, while a $5B does not. This has to be one of the most flagrant abuses of presidential powers, as he begins the new year. Just a few days in and this is how it starts. Look out everyone. 2019 will be a tumultuous and, possibly disastrous, year. And, Robert Mueller hasn't even published his report.
    Regarding declaring the wall budget dispute a national emergency, Cretin’s lackey said, “Depending on the severity of crisis it’s always been an option. Now that things are getting worse, we are looking at how that could be operationalized and used to confront the crisis.” This "crisis" is all of the Cretin’s doing. He is subjugating American’s working stiffs. It’s that simple Mr. Moron Lackey for the Cretin!
    Cretin said, “We can call a national emergency because of the security of our country.” What the heck does that mean, anyway? Another incoherent, fragmented thought formed into a sentence. He must of been playing with Silly Putty at the time and was confused which was more important--thinking and talking, or squeezing and stretching. The Cretin once said of himself, “I have a really big, smart, uh…..brain.”

    A difference between budget proposals is all about “the security of our country”? What is clear, the emergency is the harm being subjugated upon the working people suffering from Trump’s government shutdown. The real national emergency is that the Moron-in-Chief is STILL living in the White House and pretending to be the president. As this moron often says, “SAD! SAD!”

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