Saturday, January 26, 2019

Nancy Pelosi Spoke. Trump Opened The Government

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    Donnie Demented fell into a trance and when he woke up, the government opened up for 3 weeks and there was still no wall. Wearing his 8 foot long red tie, which he also uses to wipe his mouth, he gave a rambling Rose Garden announcement bloviating about how a wall is required because it works in Israel. I believe that wall had been built for very different reasons. It is there to keep violence and death from devolving into something much, much worse.
    Our southern border issues are all about people wanting to come to the United States to find a better way of life from places that threaten their safety and lives. But, Donnie the Demented has no idea what he is talking about and no one can help him understand much of anything.
    He rambled on about truck driving smugglers taking a left at the border or a right at the border and driving into the desert dropping off loads of people to cross into the U.S. by foot. And, this is how lots of drugs are being smuggled into the country. The facts are that people crossing at designated checkpoints, or by foot through the desert, are down and falling over the past ten years. Drugs come over the border through designated checkpoints, and not carried over the border in backpacks, which doesn’t make a bit of sense. I believe such a person would fill their backpacks with water, and food instead of a bunch of bags of heroin.
    Now, the Demented Donnie was trying to convince us that he never said he wanted a concrete, big, beautiful, strong wall from sea to shining sea, which is a big fat lie. That is exactly what he told us along with the fact that Mexico was going to pay for it.
    He finally ended his uncontrolled stream of consciousness rambling message by saying that if he doesn’t get his very big and beautiful wall with steel slats so he can see through it, he will go nuclear and steal the money from other agencies by declaring a national security emergency. Surprisingly he now wants steel slats instead of concrete so he can visit the border and slip signed pictures of himself through the slats taping them to the other side. As we recall, he once told us that he knows how to build things, and knows how to build a big and strong and tall concrete wall.  Now he doesn’t remember that this was a promise he made during his presidential primary campaign. This Cretin said anything to make himself look like the biggest, bestest dealmaker ever to set foot into the Oval Office. Unfortunately, his base drank the Kool-aid he was passing out along with his MAGA hats. Trump never made a successful business deal, on his own, in his life. He has NO dealmaking skills. He is a total flop. He needed associates with brains and skills to set up the deal so Mr. Moneybags could sign the paperwork. He was then patted on the back and told, “Good Job. Good Job. Great Deal”, which was not of his doing. Because of his narcissistic mind, he believed that he made the deal on his own. This is how Putin snared him into becoming a Russian Idiot Asset.
    He had a chance to sign an earlier bill last year, which was negotiated successfully in Congress, but he did not sign it. It wasn’t good enough then, but is good enough now. That bill had wall construction funding. Sadly, The Moron-in-Chief isn’t capable of remembering that far back in history.
    Ann Coulter, who appears to remind him of his father who may have understood that Donnie was an incompetent dumbass, has scolded dear Donnie by calling him weak. Nancy Pelosi, who appears to remind him of his mother, who may have been the only person who was able to stop him from tantruming, put an end to his bad behavior.

    Now Donnie can go back to his daycare center and play with his Putin and Jong Un action figures for the next three weeks before they dress him up again and prop him back up on his Lego wall and see what he will do next.

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