Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The Trump Clowns Come Out To Play

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    The MAGA clowns are coming out into the big top to perform their idiot acts. Rudy Guiliani is riding his unicycle, yet continues to fall off every time he tries to mount it. What a clown! He doesn’t know if he is coming or going. He has no idea what his brain is telling his mouth to say. There is a total disconnect. Recently, there is a call to disbar Rudy from the Bar Association for his incompetent personal legal representation of Trump. Rudy is now setting off the Idiot Asset in the Oval Office by telling reporters that Trump told Michael Cohen to lie to Congress. First, there was no collusion. But now, Rudy has evolved to says so what if he had a close relationship with Russians. It was not illegal. Rudy knows that his fellow clown in the White House has engaged in illegal actions for a very long time.
    In the book Trumped!, by John O’Donnell, The Cretin often had no idea what his business associates were planning and organizing even after they had explained them, in detail, to Trump. Trump had trouble comprehending and understanding what his business associates were explaining to him. And, at times, he would just explode. Clearly, Trump has been an idiot even before Putin made him his American- Russian Idiot Asset. In the book, the author described how Trump created a “yuuge” casino, yet had no idea how to run and manage it, ultimately causing it to collapse. He pinned one of his casinos with other casinos he owned in order to watch chaos incur. It was like a little boy rolling his two trucks together to see them crash. Trump continues to do this with his government shutdown as he watches 800,000 federal workers and peripheral businesses crash against his desire for a border wall. This incompetent business practice caused his profits and costs to suffer. And now, the country is suffering and the negative affect to the economy is harshly impacted. A moron? Truly!!
    On another note, have you seen your 2018 4th quarter investment savings statement lately (if you are not a day trader)? It’s been crashing when compared to how it was at the end of 2017. Trump continues to say how well the economy is doing. Your investment savings is saying another story, which is ending badly. Trump continues to make more and more bold -faced lies right to your face!!!
    Now we are seeing another of Trump’s idiot comrades, Ben Stein, a terrible comic actor, is claiming that Ocasio-Cortez’s effort to push Congress toward improved social programs and toward a higher tax rate for the wealthiest in this country as something Hitler would do. And, that her policies, if enacted, would lead to genocide and mass murder. I believe Ben Stein is just another moron allowed to join his fake news comrades on FOX News as he speaks out of his ass. What we are actually seeing is mass murder under White Nationalist party policies, formerly known as Republicans, by taking campaign contributions from them and giving support to the fascist gun organization called the NRA, now led by a former Nixon administration crook—Oliver North.
    As we know, Republican President Ike Eisenhower had a 70% tax rate for the wealthiest among us. He also warned the nation of the military industrial complex taking control of the Pentagon. He was so right with his forecast. I guess Ben Stein thinks Ike Eisenhower, who was a general in the “great” war against Hitler and fascism, then became president, was actually Hitler-“IKE”. FOX News has finally stepped off the cliff by giving such idiots a television platform.
    There is a “yuuge” question why did Jared Kushner get a security clearance? Here is a guy that is a dumb as his father-in-law. Nepotism gets you a security clearance in this White House. There will be a House of Representatives investigation into this question.
   The Cretin’s popularity has fallen to just 36%, as of today. Beware of a national recession on the horizon. This will damage one’s financial investment portfolio.

    So, be careful out there!

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