Thursday, January 3, 2019

The Partial Shutdown Continues

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    President Donnie Demented continues with his government shutdown. “I want my wall!!! I want my wall!” HE was heard chanting while dragging his MAGA red blankie around the White House. HE also was heard chanting, “I will wait. As long as it takes. I will wait. As long as it takes.”
    This shutdown occurred while the White Nationalist Party, once known as Republicans, were the majority of both chambers of Congress. This shutdown is a result of the White Nationalists failure to pass what The Cretin demanded. It now continues as the Democrats take control of the House.
    This shutdown is causing a halt to District Courts around the country effecting cases going before the courts. Contractors that are working for the government are shut out, as well. The national parks are being overrun by users who are vandalizing the park’s assets, and in some cases destroying the environment, overusing non-maintained bathrooms; home and business loans connected to government funds sources are temporarily stopped; the FAA’s air traffic controller training center is closed now, and much more could be illustrated. The list can go on and on describing the harmful results of this shutdown.
    The entire effect has a damaging and cascading result, which will negatively impact the economy to the price of around $24 million in just a short time. The losses to the private sector will have a domino effect to the economy. For example, small towns surrounding the national parks will see a shutdown, as well. The damage to the economy will not see an up-ticked recovery once the shutdown ends. The shutdown does permanent damage. The Cretin has pissed on all these working class people because he is NOT getting his big, beautiful wall.
    The Democrats have agreed to allocate $1.5B for this ridiculous wall, which Mexico was supposed to pay for according to The Cretin. The Cretin is demanding $5B.
    “There are rapists and bad, bad people coming over the border”, railed The Cretin. Unfortunately, this claim is his fake news. The Cretin is the King of Fake News. Donnie’s assessment of the negotiations taxed his brain when he said, “It could be a long time, or it be quickly.” WOW!! That was a very thoughtfully formulated answer to the question, “Mr. President, how long will this shutdown last?”
    Chuck Schumer asked the president, “Give me one good reason why you should continue your shutdown. He could not give one good reason.” An anonymous White House person said, “The president does not want to look foolish by giving into a lower amount of money for his border wall.”
    One of The Cretin’s answers to the question Chuck Schumer asked him was directed toward Nancy Pelosi. He said, through one of his lackeys to Pelosi, as a “good Catholic, she should support the wall because Vatican City has a wall.” Was this the best answer he could come up with? I guess he has never asked anyone about the Vatican City wall. The wall has many entrances and exits to the City. There is free movement throughout the wall openings.
     The Cretin was heard yelling at one of his lackeys, “Since, I have a wall around my Mar-A-Lago, Chuck and Nancy should give me a wall around MY southern border. I need a big, beautiful wall to keep out THOSE PEOPLE.”

    It appears The Cretin is not about to negotiate with the Democrats. I guess he never actually wrote or practiced the principles written in the book that has his name on, “The Art Of The Deal”.

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