Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Trump Begs For The Wall

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

     The Idiot-in-Chief gave an Un-address from the Oval Office last night for the first time since he moved in. The big question of the evening was—what was that thing on his head? The left side of his head looked like a two-story parking garage. He could have kept his toys hidden in that side of his doo. The doo was an orange version of Lil’ Kim’s North Korean-style doo. I guess he has a picture of the two of them on his make-up dressing table.
    The lies flowed like a malfunctioning toilet. That was expected. Should we ever expect truth, fact, and the American Way from the mouth of this comic book nemesis –The Cretin?
    Marvel or DC comics could have an anti-Christ character modeled after Donald. An orange headed piece of flab whose vocabulary is limited to only adjectives, such as, huge, big and beautiful, along with non-words and mangled words, such as  Covfefe, yuuge, win bigly, bestest, schlonged, the cyber, bad hombrees, to name a few.
    He would be dressed in an undersized red ball cap, a very fat and excessively long red tie, and Space Force jammie bottoms.
    The Cretin made a comment regarding the shutdown as “immoral”. Donnie Demented has to be the most immoral person to have ever sat in the Oval Office. He is a sociopathic pervert with a fantasy over his daughter, Ivanka. This brain mashed man-child has lived his entire life as a knuckle dragging daddy’s boy living off of his million dollar handouts. If he had not had his actual Freddie Sugardaddy, he would be nowhere anyone would have notice.
    The Idiot-in-Chief tried to make a case for the $5.7B he wanted for around 200 plus miles of wall along a nearly 2000 mile southern border, and the $1.3B the Democrats are willing to give him resulted in a $4.4B difference between the two was a national security emergency, immoral and a crisis of the soul.
    Was he for real? The real crisis of the soul is that people voted for this fool and the White Nationalist Party in Congress has not sent him back to Mar-A-Lago for good.
    The real crisis of the soul also involves the The Putz, also known as Mike Pence, has Trump’s finger up his nose leading him all around without objection. This guy sold his soul to the devil in exchange to get the V.P office and residence.
    The real crisis of the soul is the disgusting swamp lizards that slithered into cabinet and department secretary positions from government hating corporations, Think Tanks and agencies. There was supposed to be a draining of the last swamp filling up Washington, DC, but instead, it was filled up with White Nationalists. These swamp lizards have a crisis going on in their own souls!
    The “security crisis” is not the southern border, but having him as our president. The “humanitarian crisis” began with border prison camps and the child separation policies, which he orchestrated.
    The Cretin first said he would take full responsibility for the shutdown, but he soon realized by doing so, he could not blame others and blame would blow back onto him. That was unacceptable because he NEVER accepted responsibility for anything. So, he went to his Magic 8 Ball toy and asked it if he should blame Democrats. It showed a response, which said, “It Is Certain.”

    And it shall be claimed, the crisis is Trump himself.

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