Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The Border Wall Fight Goes On

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

     “It’s a national emergency! It’s a national emergency!! Give me my wall or I will get it by hook or by crook, and if not, I will blow the house down! IT’S A VERY DANGEROUS SOUTHERN BORDER!” This is the methodology created by our President Man-Baby. Since Mexico isn’t paying for it; since Nancy and Chuck aren’t paying for it; Since his Go-Fund-Me site had to be taken down, he will tap into the military’s budget in order to grab the billions of dollars needed for his southern border phallic symbol. “Make it big. Make it long. Make it strong. Make it forever lasting, just like those Post Office stamps,” The Cretin was overheard saying as he roamed the halls of the White House.
   So, the Man-Baby in the Oval Office is considering the line item in the military budget called Section 2808, which allows for military construction projects, not already authorized by law to support the troops deployed in a national emergency requiring the use of armed forces.
    This act of desperation by The Cretin to get his $5.7B for his steel phallic symbol along the southern border seems so dangerous and unethical. Tapping into the military budget where funds are held for a true national emergency where soldier’s lives are at risk wherever they are deployed, seems an overreach of presidential powers.
    Out of the nearly 2000 miles of southern border, there is 654 miles of existing border fencing. 34-percent of this near 2000 miles either has a wall or a fence. Portions of this vast distance has valleys, mountains, rivers and large distances of privately held acreages of land may not accessible or feasible for a border wall. In order to build Trump’s phallic installations, the government would have to take this land through eminent domain. This requires a negotiation and a subsequent payment for the land.
    Along the southern border what does exist and already works are border officers patrolling the land in a militarized fashion, along with drones and electronic surveillance technologies to support their control of the border. So, The Cretin is too busy grabbing himself in hopes of fulfilling his need for a big, huge, beautiful wall.
    The majority of the nation does not support The Cretin’s hard-on for his border wall because what the country is doing to manage immigration and border control is enough. What is likely needed is the $1.3B allocation to upgrade and repair wall and fencing structures that need it and to add border officers and technologies where required.
    It was reported by George Packer, in The Atlantic article titled “The Suicide of a Great Democracy”, “During the Civil War, the government never shut down—not even when the capital was threatened by Confederate troops. A shutdown would have undermined the foundation of Lincoln’s cause, which was the ability of free people to rule themselves.”
    This commitment for a stable and competent White House, and the need for levelheaded leadership apparently is not a chapter in The Cretin’s Presidential Playbook. Either those pages were torn out or the words written were too difficult for the Moron-in-Chief to read and comprehend.

   No doubt, The Cretin believes that he needs his own Mount Rushmore and apparently it comes in the form of steel slats along the southern border. Will he have his image emblazoned upon each section of wall? Will he sign each slat with an engraving pen? And, when he is old and frail, will he travel to the southern border with his great grandchildren to show them what his feeble and chaotic legacy amounted to during his brief and failed time in the White House? This is probably what he is thinking as he pursues his wall by any means possible. 

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