Wednesday, January 2, 2019

2019 Prediction- Trump Will Be GONE!!

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

The Hill publication, that can be read on-line, is predicting great news, which is that stupid MAGA ball cap will get knocked off the head of America’s number one imbecile—President Donnie Demented. Their prediction is that the Cretin-in-Chief will be gone sometime in 2019. The icing on the Cheeto Head cake is that Melania will be humiliatingly told to leave, too, and to take her fashion line of “I Don’t Care. Do You?” jackets with her.
    Also, the entire Cretin Klan will be moving back to Manhattan so they can resume their lying and cheating grifter-style real estate scams for all to see. They cannot live in the shadowed protection racket of New York tabloids any longer.
    The Southern District of New York attorneys general will be busy investigating the Cretin’s family business organization, as Robert Mueller pulls a Sabre Tooth tiger out of his hat unleashing it upon Donnie the Demented. As it rips flesh from his body of flab shredding off his red tie probably given to him by Vladimir Putin, his congressional White Nationalists, formerly known as Republicans, will be running for the hills distancing themselves from Mueller’s terminal diagnosis.
    The Hill predicts that the puss filled flesh wounds will expose deep, and festering indictments revealing, among other charges, that Trump sold himself to the highest bidders from Russia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and any or all autocratic dictators who would be willing to donate laundered cash to his campaign for future favors once he moved into the Oval Office’s Day Care Center.
    One question arises, which is does Trump really have any money of his own or is his cash flow fully dependent on foreign autocrats funneling him money? Was the $66 million he claims to have contributed to his own campaign, his money or did it come from a foreign autocrat he “Grifted”?
    The Hill believes Mueller’s report will be more damning than anyone would have thought. They also are worried that the economy will be showing further instability and erosion, along with it affecting the global economy damaging it, as well.
    The average wage earner is wondering what the heck happened to that “huge and biggest tax cut ever” passed by the White Nationalist congress and their Cretin leader?
    Oh yeah!!! It bought you a new set of snow tires that you’ll likely need as this winter’s climate change snowfall will dump upon your early morning commute or your slog back home. Just remember, the Cretin probably does not have a driver’s license. He likely never drives himself anywhere. His chauffeured limo takes him everywhere not like the poor slobs who got his tax cut Christmas gift of a couple new snow tires. He expects you to bow down and kiss his ring while saying, “Thank you Godfather. Thank you for the measly tax cut.”
    If we all got a dollar for every lie this Cretin spoke over the last two years, our retirement savings would be getting a real boost.
    Let’s all plan on a “De-Inauguration” rally and party in Washington, DC when the Cretin and his Lizard family have packed up the U-Haul trucks as they are rushed outta town. At that point, as we line Pennsylvania Ave., waving the MAGA hat will have real relevance.

    I CAN’T WAIT!!!

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