Friday, January 11, 2019

Trump's Legacy of Betrayal

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    The Crisis Of The Soul is The Donald and his entire family of Cretins. The DumbSon, Jr. said regarding building the wall, “It will keep the animals out.” This proves that the crisis in this nation is The Trump and his Kreepy Korrupt Klan of lizards. Hate, lies, and corruption surround the entire Klan.
    The Cretin continued to emphatically say, “ No Collusion! No Collusion!” But in fact, there has been collusion. Paul Manafort, while working with the Trump 2016 campaign, engaged in collusion with a Russian asset. He gave Konstantin Kilimnik Trump polling data, which he gave freely away in the form of both public and private analytical data to this Russian asset connected to the Kremlin. Kilimnik was asked by Manafort to pass Trump’s polling data to Ukrainian oligarchs. This data could have been passed on to the GRU, Putin’s intelligence agency responsible for hacking into the DNC’s computers.
    This sure sounds like collusion. You cannot take volumes of polling data out of a campaign office in secret. So, What did Trump know, and when did he know it? No doubt, Mueller has this information.
    The Cretin’s clown manager, Rudy Giuliani told the press that it is his belief that The Cretin and his parasitic legal team should have the right to edit and “correct” Robert Mueller’s final legal report.
   So, when was Giuliani in consultation with a foreign dictator’s legal advisor? Wow! This moron went on to say, “As a matter of fairness, they should show it to you—so we can correct it if they’re wrong. They’re not God, after all. They could be wrong.” Was Rudy talking about Robert Mueller, or The Donald? “Fairness. Being corrected when wrong. Not God, after all.” It sure sounds like Rudy was talking about The Cretin.
    The Cretin continues to walk away from negotiating with Democrats or anyone who realizes that a $5.7B 200 mile wall is absolutely absurd. The Cretin feels that negotiating with President Xi is easier than with Chuck and Nancy.
    Okay. Okay. Let’s stop laughing. So, Donnie Demented, are we still in a trade war, with in-place tariffs, with China? How is that negotiation going? Nowhere, actually. The Art Of The Deal book, which was ghost written because Donnie had no concept of the English language, and couldn’t put a sentence together whatsoever, was just a fantasy book full of wishful ideas swirling in the head of The Cretin as he fantasized about how he put deals together deep in his imagination. Storming out of deal meetings, hammering his fist on the desk only works for Putin and his predecessors. It works for North Korea’s Lil’Kim. It doesn’t work for a small time, two-bit crook using daddy’s millions of dollars to buy up run-down apartment buildings in New York City. It didn’t work when negotiating with various NYC crime syndicate lawyers, either. The Cretin has absolutely no deal making skills. It’s a myth, a fantasy created by people he paid to distribute this myth. He relied of professionals to make his deals for him. He just signed the final agreements. He is just a two-year old who wants soda pop instead of his bottle of milk and when he doesn’t get it, he storms out of the room in a hissy fit. This is all Trump knows how to do. He has a short fuse and trouble processing information. He has trouble understanding even small, yet conflicting, bits of information. 
   The Cretin doesn’t want to compromise on a budget to address border security. Think about it folks. The Cretin’s objective is to expand presidential powers by capturing funds from the military’s budget. This is expanding Cheney’s legacy, subverting congressional oversight.

    The kleptocrat that he is, and has been his entire life, has his eyes on the military’s unused $5.7B for his version of Mt. Rushmore. Cretin’s legacy of betrayal will be known as “My Big, Beautiful, Strong, and Yuuge Wall. It’s all mine. I don’t have to share it with any other past president. I did it all myself. When those people come to visit my big wall wanting asylum they will, instead, get a signed picture of president 45 and then sent back home. Wonderful. Fabulous. I’m the bestest president ever.”

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