The Trumpty Dumpty Report
Just Gimme Some Truth
Stayin' Inside
In a time of deceit, telling the truth
is a revolutionary act- George Orwell
No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare
Let us not become the evil we despise.
Just Gimme Some Truth
Stayin' Inside
WorldoMeter on Coronavirus
The youngest of The Three Stooges didn’t get the fact that Vietnam is the great success story with only 276 COVID cases and NO deaths, while we have more deaths than Americans killed during the Vietnam War.
The Three Morons From Outer
Space, also known as The Three Stooges of Pennsylvania Ave. are at it again.
Devil Donnie said we’ll be close to giving 5 million tests per day—“We’re not there yet but we’ll be there very soon”,
but on the following day he denied saying it. One must guess he couldn’t
remember. Too many Clorox Highballs the night before probably disinfected his
Then there was The Putz, the
second moron, formerly known as Pence, didn’t wear a mask while being face to
face with Mayo Clinic doctors and patients. His reason for going without a
mask, while EVERYONE had one on was, “I wanted
to be able to look people in the eye.” Putz’s wife had to step into
the ignorant muck left on the floor by her moron said, “He
didn’t know that the hospital required wearing a mask.” So then why
did he make up a different excuse? Can’t the two coordinate their lies? Here is one of Putz's face masks, which he didn't know how to put on correctly.
When told that he was overheard
saying, “Now I feel so stupid. The Clorox
Highballs make me a bit confused.”
The third of The Three
Stooges being Creepy COVID Contaminated Kushner went on Fox and Fiends
basically saying to America, “Mission Accomplished”. “We’re
on the other side of the medical aspect of this. The federal government rose to
the challenge, and this is a great success story.”
The youngest of The Three Stooges didn’t get the fact that Vietnam is the great success story with only 276 COVID cases and NO deaths, while we have more deaths than Americans killed during the Vietnam War.
Now that is a real irony!! WOW!!
The U.S. passed one million
COVID19 cases and 61,000 deaths, as well as 30 million unemployed mirroring the
losses of jobs during the 1930s Great Depression.
Heckuva Job Stooges!!
Heckuva Job Stooges!!
The Make America Great Again
slogan has turned into a major failure. Trump’s new slogan is
“I’ll Make Americans Grieve Again, if
you re-elect me.”
A Trump supporter said, “He said, ‘I’ll Make America Great Again’, but all I
got was this stinkin’ red hat.”
Fascism is growing from the roots
of the Republican White Nationalist Governors. Iowa’s fascist governor
threatened meat processing workers who are afraid to return to work under
mandatory orders, will have their relief funds withheld. The meat is more
important than human lives.
The Market Leninist
administration has a plan and that plan is to enrich the 1% of the biggest
corporate companies by allowing them to tap into the CARES ACT relief monies
coming out of Steve Mnuchin’s treasury department. Written in the CARES ACT was
allowing these wealthy companies to write off any business losses as a tax
deduction. This includes The Trump Organization and Kushner and Company both
making big profits while able to declare losses that come disguised, for
example, as property and building depreciations. This is their end game. The
Treasury’s tax deduction gift in the Senate bill, along with free money in the
form of cheap cash was meant for small businesses and working people.
Corporate lobbyists have been
pushing the GOP, since 2017, to give the 1% a tax break without conditions. Now
they got it. Many of these companies were not financially hurt by the pandemic,
but the GOP wanted to give them a big gift so they would in turn get a reward from them come
campaign fundraising time. Plutocracy is the goal. This is Market Leninism in real time.
Another plan discussed by this
administration with medical experts is to bring about Herd Immunity, infecting
everyone possible. The only flaw in this plan is that there is no guarantee
that the antibodies created when recovering from COVID19 will last any length of
time. This administration is counting on the antibodies to last forever. From
this assumption, they want to sort out those with antibodies from those who
don’t have them. They imagine embedding a chip under the skin of those people with
antibodies allowing them to circulate in society, go to jobs, and move about
without masks. The others would need to stay quarantined and tracked in a different way. This is not made up. This is actually being discussed. This blogger heard it discussed in an interview. This is their plan.
This is their dystopian worldview
scenario for Americans. There are those who are in and those who are out. There are those with privileges and
those who don’t have them.
to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.”
Abraham Lincoln