Thursday, April 23, 2020

We Have Lost More Jobs Than During THE GREAT DEPRESSION!

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

    As the Death Cult president was avoiding and running away from preparing and containing and solving the Trump Virus, it has been estimated that a thousand people came down with the virus without being identified because there were no tests available in February. Two people in California had already died from it at the same time in February.
   We are now two months beyond those initial cases and The Cretin continues to attack, remove, and criticize the medical experts who surround him. Trump continues to play politics, while ignoring and dismissing data and science.
   An emergency room doctor wrote that everyone needs to be prepared for the possibility of contacting The Trump Virus and dying from it. He said that we must have a medical directive written so our family members can communicate with the doctors exactly what their loved one wants or doesn't want done to them while in ICU. Also, a living will should also be available to those who are caring for the person before being admitted to the hospital. Read the article HERE.
   Does his very small and limited brain understand that opening up various state economies doesn’t guarantee that the nation’s economy will return to robust levels? The country is closing in on 50,000 deaths and a million people with the virus. The economy lost every single job, since The Great Depression illustrated in losing 4.4 million jobs just this past week and totaling around 26.5 million jobs lost in total., which converts to an unemployment rate of 23%. This is on Trump’s watch. He cannot blame anyone but himself even if he tries to blame others. He wanted to take credit for the good times, therefore, he must accept fault for the bad times. He cannot have only one way.
   Why is it that Vietnam only saw less than 200 COVID19 cases in the entire country? It is because they were aggressively on it when it broke out in China with widespread testing in all hospitals and antibody testing, and quarantining, masking, and physical distancing immediately. They were able to keep their economy open with restrictions during this time. But, not in the United States because of the Death Cult president called it a Democratic hoax, and listened to his fellow cultists at Fox News.
   Just like after the 2008 Great Recession, it is going to take a Democratic president to fix what Trump has broken. Obama had to do that after Lil’Boy Bush was sent back to Midland, Texas to play with his paint by numbers sets. Getting rid of Devil Donnie couldn’t happen a moment too soon!!! especially knowing that this virus will bring a second wave of illness come October and November.
   The Cretin is pacing the hallways and throwing his Oval Office Daycare Center toys because he is restless. His staff hears him saying, “I’ve gotta get outta this place if it’s the last thing I ever do!!” Being the guy in the Oval Office is getting too hard for him. He has never had to make a difficult decision his entire life. He relied on Michael Cohn, his accountants, his CFO at the Trump Organization, and others to make really hard decisions. The kitchen has gotten too hot and he needs to flee. As the economy looses every single job gained since 2008, he wants to play golf and driving his golf cart around Mar-A-Lago. Whatta guy! A real hero—sandwich gone moldy.
   To illustrate The Cretin’s complete stupidity is that he included opening up commercial gyms in his phase one reopening plan. He doesn’t comprehend that social distancing, and viral spread can be another hot spot for The Trump Virus to explode. And, the Georgia governor wants to reopen bowling allies. Now there is a real safe place, right?
   WHY? Well, it is because these millionaire and billionaire gym owners and investors have supported Trump. Another voice in Trump’s ear is Rudy Guiliani’s son, a real estate billionaire. So, it is based on politics and not on science. It is all about business at any cost, which is actually Corporate Fascism.
   The mayor of Las Vegas, Carolyn Goodman, told Anderson Cooper that she would be reopening up the casinos. And along with casinos, comes sex workers and their customers, as well. Anderson asked her how she would guarantee social distancing orders, and safety inside those buildings [where viral aerosol spread can reach 25 feet]? She said it wasn’t her problem. The casino operators had to figure that out for themselves. Heckuva job, Brownie - Goodman.
   Also, what will she do to make sure people traveling in limos, taxis and ride sharing vehicles are safe, too? Does she not realize that the hospitals in Vegas may become overburdened with COVID19 patients because of her decision? Could she be prosecuted for negligent homicide when people die as a result of her negligence? Where do people like Goodman come from?
   Another example of the Death Cult GOPers is Moscow Mitch McConnell when he said that states that need more relief money and cannot get it, such as those big cities, which are most often Democratic strongholds, should declare bankruptcy. Governor Cuomo slammed Moscow M's ridiculous and “insulting” statement. Cuomo asked how could the country’s economy regain a foothold if big cities, such as New York City, Chicago, L.A, Boston and Seattle need more relief funding in order to replenish the money spent on the outbreak that went to hospitals and equipment and PPE, among other expenses. 
   If anyone is in denial about the true intentions of the Republican White Nationalist Party and their Death Cult practices, then they need to begin paying attention.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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