Friday, April 17, 2020

The Trump White House Is Actually A Protection Racketeering Operation

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

     The Republican White Nationalist Tea Partiers protested around the Michigan capital building wanting the economy to reopen. These protests are stuffed with fascist groups affiliated with Trump supporting organizations, and one affiliated with a funded Betsy DeVos organization, as well. These groups are American fascist groups.
   One has to wonder how many of these angry Michiganders voted for Trump and didn’t complain when he ignored the red flag warnings that a killer pandemic was on its way? No doubt, they all voted for COVID Donnie and now are upset that he failed to prepare the country turning their anger against their governor, and other governors around the country. Well folks, the majority of Michiganders are in support of the governor and her shut down decisions. This is the Trump Virus and now they want to blame their governor(s) for the failures of their leader.
   One has to feel very bad for those out of work and own shuttered businesses. They need to realize that if they reopen, they just might not see very many customers engaging with them. Trump is to blame. Had he responded at the first sign of the virus or even before the outbreak, their businesses might have stayed open.
   There are not enough tests, face coverings/masks, and more to make sure people are ready to enter the economy.
   One must keep in mind that anyone who is pre-COVID19 can spread a large viral load BEFORE they even show any symptoms and get sick!! Such a person can contaminate many, many people spreading the virus, once again. But those White Nationalist Tea Partiers and fascists don’t really care to know the facts. They don’t care if they spread the virus throughout their families, workplaces, and businesses they might frequent.
    This is a very dangerous virus, which should be called The Trump Virus! Those who recovered may get a relapse of the virus at some point contaminating many others. Just because you had the virus once, and your immune system may show antibodies toward COVID19 indicating you recovered, you may still be harboring the virus—maybe forever, not unlike other viruses, such as Herpes, Chicken Pox, or Epstein Barr. Even though you have recovered, you can still get a relapse without showing symptoms shedding the virus through your breath or when speaking via a viral aerosol spray which can travel up to 25 feet when indoors landing on things you touch, landing on the clothing of others, or splashed directly into the airways of the person near you.
   Without a serious reopening plan, the country may experience another YUUGE outbreak sinking the economy deeper, sinking Wall Street for a long time to come, and permanently shuttering small businesses bringing about a permanent unemployment problem.
   As the Trump Virus takes down the country destroying American lives, he loosened EPA restrictions to begin poisoning Americans by allowing more mercury to enter our air and water during a time when he should be focused on the pandemic.


    We just saw over 4500 Americans die from the virus in a 24 hour period. The national death toll is over 35,000. The death toll is actually higher because there are people who die at home who are not counted because they did not die in a hospital or nursing home. The silent home death count brings the overall count much higher. Killer Donnie believes that we are ready to reopen the country’s economy. Does this make any sense? Anyone who doesn’t shut down, such as a church, and then a person dies from their negligence, should be prosecuted for negligent homicide.
    We’ve got Lindsey Graham—Cracker going around lying for the Devil Donnie by saying that his crime boss has been doing a great job fighting the virus. No one believes him except the South Carolinians who keep his White Nationalist ass in Washington.
    Why is it that Vietnam avoided serious contact with the coronavirus? Because they were PREPARED!!! They stepped into containment mode and testing mode at the very first warning signal in January, when COVID Donnie was calling it A Fake Virus, and a HOAX along with FOX News. Dumb Dumb Donnie ignored the scientists and medical experts alerting him to the coming virus just as Vietnam and Hong Kong jumped into preparedness mode. Devil Donnie cared more about his impeachment, the stock market, his reelection and playing golf.
   We have more incompetent idiots surrounding The Cretin than imaginable. Kushner is a perfect example. He actually believed that the Strategic National Stockpile is NOT for the states to use during a national crisis or disaster, such as worldwide pandemic, when in fact, that is actually what it was set up for!! Where do these idiots come from? Oh Ya, --The Trump Crime Family. Even Ivanka felt that the rules don’t apply to her. She ignored the federal travel ban when she traveled to New Jersey to spend Passover at her daddy’s golf club.
   The Strategic National Stockpile was established in 2003 and stockpiles vaccines, antibiotics, antidotes and critical medical supplies. There are 32 storage facilities spread around the country. It coordinates with the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Health and Human Services. They have 12-houe push packs ready to go. Each pack weighs around 50 tons filled with antibiotics, emergency medicines, fluid kits, airway bandages, vaccines, antitoxins and ventilators. It is essential that these packs remain viable and up-to-date. They have Chempacks, as well, to provide materials when a nerve agent attack or industrial accident occurs. The SNS was used during 9/11, terrorist attack attempts, Katrina, Rita, and other incidents. So for Kreepy Kushner to say that the SNS is not for the states to use, but is the government’s stockpile is ludicrous and foolhardy.
    Every president used the Strategic National Stockpile when states required it, since its inception. Every president but Trump has used SNS for the states because he uses it to buy votes and support from Republican White Nationalist governors.
    Donald Trump treats the COVID19 recovery plan like a crime syndicate protection racket. If Republican governors praise The Cretin’s motivation to lead the country away from the viral abyss in rooted in his deep desire to act as the nation’s crime syndicate boss. He sees this as his big chance to be known in the world of crime bosses and a big player. If you ‘Kiss The Ring’, then you get what you need, and even more, from the SNS.  If you don’t ‘Kiss The Ring’, like Democratic governors have refused to do because he doesn’t deserve it, then you get a Doggy Bag of items from the SNS.
   You need to Pay to Play. You pay in the form of being nice, speak positively about King Donnie, and “show respect”. Only then can you play with The Cretin.
   This resembles a crime boss in a New York or Chicago or LA neighborhood shaking down storeowners for “protection money” if they want to see their deliveries, and kept from physical harm. If they don’t pay, then they may suffer the consequences.  This is how Killer Donnie operates his White House during the pandemic.
   If the Republican Senators don’t praise their crime boss, then they get “hurt” via Trump’s Twitter account. “Kiss The Ring” or die.
   Trump has turned this pandemic into an extortion operation, a shake down protection operation in order to make sure that he gets votes and support and cash into his reelection campaign funds, otherwise, you suffer!!!
Trump is supporting these fascist protests against their governors demanding that their states reopen their economies. He has vocalized his support for his followers to open up their economies at any cost. 
         Are you in or are you out!!

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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