Wednesday, April 22, 2020

After Some States Reopen, Will There Be An Economic Recovery? Probably NO

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

   In February, when The Death Cult president claimed there were no TRUMP VIRUS cases, it appears that two Californians died from COVID19. This was when Devil Donnie had loosened regulatory standards allowing drug testing companies to produce less accurate COVID19 tests as a result of decreased government supervision and accountability. The reason for this was that the CDC’s ability to produce an accurate test failed repeatedly, before they finally succeeded. Now we are seeing testing kits and antibody testing kits producing false “negative” results. This means that people with the virus are being told they don’t have the virus.
   The idiot-in-chief blames Obama for not creating a COVID19 test when the virus hadn’t yet surfaced. Listen to the clip of Trump blaming Obama HERE. Obama warned of a pandemic when president, and wanted the Republican White Nationalist Congress to step up and fund the restocking of the National Stockpile warehouses, which they refused to do. Then Trump came along and failed to restock the National Stockpile warehouses, listen to his preparedness experts that a pandemic was coming, and move on a vaccine, testing kits and PPE when he was told by the WHO and his people working with the WHO that COVID19 had hit Wuhan, China. When the Death Cult took over the White House they continued to refuse to move forward with a national pandemic preparedness plan. Then when the Trump Virus became a problem, The Cretin continued to do nothing except prove that he is a complete imbecile and incompetent fool. See the timeline HERE.
   If you want to listen to a person who was in a coma resulting from the Trump Virus and her eventual near death recovery, you can listen HERE.
   Congress wrote in the Relief Bill that The Cretin’s businesses are NOT eligible for any loans or grants for their high debt hotels, and golf course resorts. Yet Dumb-Dumb Eric Trump didn’t appear to be able to read the clause that restricts the Trump Organization from feeding at the public loan trough. The Trump Organization runs on debt. They own Deutsche Bank nearly $800M in debt payments, yet Ignoramus Eric Trump wants more money, from the government for their debt riddled businesses. If big dollar corporations can’t put money away when times get bad, then they don’t deserve government bailouts.
   Jim Cramer, the host of “Mad Money”, said that this crash in oil prices is emblematic of the nation’s economic health. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to tell us that when people aren’t driving, flying or traveling, crude oil is no longer needed; therefore, down goes the fuel crude wholesale prices. This should tell all of us on Earth Day that fossil fuels are no longer needed, while solar, wind and geothermal are sources of energy we should be focusing on. Just look at how many electric cars, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, and airplanes are being developed along with charging stations that you just drive over and park for a charge.
   These alternatives to oil would boom the economy once the pandemic eases up. The oil industry employees around 150,000 workers when solar, wind and geothermal, along with the upgrade to the electric grid, would employ millions of Americans!! But the Death Cult party doesn’t want this to happen. The Death Cult Party, i.e. GOP, have their mouths open to the fossil fuel industry’s nozzle pumping cash into them.
   As of yesterday, crude oil prices went to zero, and into the negative zone. Producers were paying oil brokers and storage companies to take the crude off their hands. There are oil tankers in the ocean going nowhere waiting to unload. This would not happen with solar, wind and geothermal energy, which is always available.
   This pandemic has brought about a new normal, as we are seeing with fossil fuels. In China, researchers have uncovered around 30 new serious coronavirus mutations, which would likely be even more deadly than COVID19, i.e. The Trump Virus.
   What this means is that we need a person in the White House who has a clear, intelligent, competent and compassionate mind to build a solid pandemic preparedness foundation before the next virus breaks loose!!! Trump has proven to be the worst possible choice to do this.
   The CDC director is now warning the country that COVID19 may likely rear its ugly head when winter returns and will be complicated when seasonal flu hits the population. This is a warning for the administration to prepare and stockpile so as to be ready for an onslaught of cases hitting our health care system later this year and into the next. Unfortunately, the CDC director, Robert Redfield, is wasting his breath on the Death Cultists in our government, and the protesters paid by Rightwing White Nationalist organizations, such as Koch Industries, The Mercer family (real Nazis), The Freedom Foundation, and Betsy DeVos’ non-profit foundation, just to name a few. These groups are fascist Market Leninists, who don’t believe that science TRUMPS politics. They don’t believe there is a climate change emergency because corporate profits TRUMPS science no matter what.
   The Death Cultists, including their idiot-in-chief, is calling for fascist radicals to protest state governors to “LIBERATE” their shutdowns and reopen their economies without adequate safeguards. Trump doesn’t believe in science. He just reassigned a doctor who came out not willing to support unreliable, unproven, and dangerous drug therapies just because The Cretin told him to do so. Because this doctor wouldn’t “Kiss the Ring” he was reassigned.
   The Devil Donnie said,

 “Not everybody believes we should do so…much testing. You don’t need so much …Democrats and some others…want maximum because they want to be able criticize because it’s almost impossible to get to the maximum number and yet we’ve been able to do it already.”
   What the F..K is this moron talking about?

   Of course we need more testing—maximum testing—to guarantee a safe and stable economic reopening and recovery. People seem to forget that just because the country reopens in various states that the economy will recover!!! People need to believe that they will be safe and protected from catching the virus. This moron in the White House isn’t capable of understanding the complexity and dangers of this viral contagion.
   The question arises---because Trump failed to get ahead of the pandemic, which resulted in his
overwhelming disastrous response to prepare and contain The Trump Virus, can he be charged with a war crime, since he sees himself as a “wartime” president?
    Now isn’t that a sweet smelling pipedream.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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