Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Trump Exhibits His Man-Child Temper Tantrum On Television

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

    Fascist Donnie is losing control. He believes he has full authority over when to open the economy, when in fact, he doesn’t. The governors make that decision for their own states. The dictator isn’t wearing any clothes. He insists that he and only he has the power-the authority of a dictator—when the country opens up. In fact, Governor Cuomo is coordinating with other governors around the country when and how they will reopen their state’s economies.
    Trump has no plan other than wanting fireworks and a big bang grand opening for the economy. But he has no plan. ZIPPO!!!
    Why does Hong Kong only have 4 deaths during this pandemic? It is because they have been prepared for years. Ever since the SARS outbreak, everyone was prepared for the next one. Even hospitals had tests on hand. They have antibody tests, as well. They also instituted mandatory quarantining for those with the virus, those who were around infected people, and those suspected of being non-symptomatic carriers of the virus. They also believe in physical distancing whenever possible. Hong Kong has 426 square miles in size. NYC has 321 square miles. Hong Kong has 7.4 million people and NYC has around 9-10 million people. NYC residents who got the virus were 1 in every 100 people. In Hong Kong the numbers were low with only 4 people losing their lives. Another big reason why the people of Hong Kong avoided the virus that hit the mainland was that EVERYONE wore a mask, some wore gloves and gowns when they went about their business. Hong Kong didn’t need to do an island-wide shutdown of businesses because THEY WERE PREPARED FOR YEARS!!
    This virus has even reached the Amazon jungle, yet Hong Kong was not infected. This clearly indicates, as others have documented, Dictator Derelict Donnie ignored the seriousness of this pandemic back in January of 2019 on through January of 2020. He was not involved in the discussion of the coming pandemic. He doesn’t trust doctors, and scientists and career employees with medical credentials. He called them the Deep State. But they were the ones raising the warning flag. He trusted only his sidekick crackpots, such as KellyAnne Conway, FOX News freaks, Ivanka, and Jared. What a bunch of losers!!!
    Now The Cretin is flaming his anger—having a serious temper tantrum—during his press briefings. He was so upset that he was NOT getting the praise and ring kissing by reporters that he so demanded. He called them names. He said they were disrespectful of him. He called them horrible and stupid and the worst ever reporters. He told them that Americans didn’t believe them and that they were “Fake”. He told them that they asked horrible questions and that they needed to ask “positive questions”, since he believed that he had done the best-ever job and was totally on top of the pandemic. He praised himself back in January and in March acting effectively toward solving the pandemic problem, yet one reporter asked--- well then, what were you doing in February? She said that he spoke about January and March but left out February. He didn’t know what he was doing then. Probably playing golf.
    This economy isn’t going to open up anytime soon without a detailed and manageable plan, such as continued physical distancing, widespread testing, quarantining when required and everyone wearing face coverings or masks. And, those in his base, such as the freaks that run Republican White Nationalist States, such the governor of South Dakota, Arkansas, and Georgia and Florida, just to name a few. They must follow the plan, otherwise, the viral containment plan won’t work.
    Dumb-Dumb Donnie should have said  that he had a detailed plan on Monday but he was clueless to a plan. He should have reassured the American people that he had a detailed draft plan that he could publish for everyone to read. But he has no plan. He never has a plan.

    You can see The Cretin’s meltdown HERE.

Also, you can see Chris Cuomo’s COVID19 quarantine diary HERE. Chris tells us that he just cannot beat the fever after living in his basement for two weeks. He talks about what this virus does to a person.

You can watch Jake Tapper's assessment of Trump's propagandistic press briefings. See it HERE.  

Watch a heartbreaking interview on the death of a 41 year old healthy man who lost his life because of the virus. You need to watch this in order to see how we are all vulnerable to this contagion.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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