Thursday, April 16, 2020

Donald Trump Still Does Not Understand This Viral Pandemic

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

    The evil clown in the White House has decided that FEMA can step out in front of states that are ordering and bidding for P.P.E and equipment in order to capture the products so King Trump can hand the stuff over to his Red State governors, who might not actually need what they are given. It is the game called, “You’re In and You’re Out”.
    We are approaching 30,000 dead Americans from the virus, yet the Rightwing, Fascist, Market Leninist organization called Freedom Works believes that shutting down the economy in order to contain this deadly virus and save lives, and prevent a total collapse of our entire hospital network was the worst idea the country ever made. You remember these folks. They wore those tinfoil hats calling themselves The Tea Party Patriots who carried signs reading, “Keep Government Out Of My Medicare”. A Republican White Nationalist Congressperson, Dick Armey, was a key figure in this crackpot organization.

    Devil Donnie has decided to pretend he knows how to be in charge by putting together a group of clowns to develop a plan to reopen the country’s economy. This group doesn’t include scientists or medical experts. These clowns can parlay, plot, plan and project ideas to reopen the economy, but unless they include nationwide testing, the wearing of masks (Governor Cuomo has order this for New York state) and physical distancing, their plans will fail. When Trump and his family don’t take this virus seriously, this plan to open the country is all a charade.
The Red State governors take their lead from the Moron-in-Chief. They, too, don't take this virus seriously as their states begin to get infected. They just don't understand even though their overall cases began low, the virus picks up victims as it gathers momentum. By failing to issue shelter-in-place orders, these governors allow their citizens to get infected and die. "Over the last five days, confirmed cases have increased more than 30 percent in North Dakota, 22 percent in Arkansas, 26 percent in Oklahoma, and 260 percent in South Dakota. That compares to roughly 26 percent over the same period in New York, the epicenter of the pandemic."
These governors need to be taken to court for negligent homicide. They have seen the facts. They have chosen to ignore them.
The Cretin missed him moment to come out on top of this pandemic crisis. He would have solidified his grand moment in history, but he is so mentally impaired that he was not capable of being a noble, honest, and competent president, and person. His entire life has been filled with dysfunction, lies, and psychopathy. He is a mentally ill sociopath and not capable of standing upright. He is a full blown knuckle-dragger.

Here are stories of people who cannot get their needed medications to keep themselves alive because of this pandemic and economic collapse. Read them HERE.

This virus is not the only pandemic coming our way. There is another one on its way. Read it HERE.

Chris Hayes details the repeated failures that Trump does over and over again. This blogspot wrote about this in past postings. Listen to Chris Hayes- Here.


“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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