Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Trump Has A Plan. Stop Laughing, Please!

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

    The Two Stooges--*RUMP and Putz, need to shut their lying mouths if they cannot tell the truth. Instead of telling Americans that the antibody tests were conscientiously being developed, which we need to know if a person had the virus and got over it, they told us they were close to being available—only days and weeks away from availability. These Stooges reduced the FDA restrictions on test development resulting in a Wild West show of bogus, inaccurate and unreliable tests entering the market falsifying any real reliable data collected on this essential reporting.
    Just as this scumbag guy in the White House told us that “If you want a [COVID19] test, anyone can get one.” A serious lie! He knew what was coming and failed to prepare the country. Read it HERE.
    All Demented Derelict Donnie wanted was for everyone to “kiss his ring” and bow before him. As over 2400 people died in just one day from the virus, [the worst number of deaths in only one day] this clown pretending to be president, just cannot stop blaming others, or criticizing reporters who don’t lick his face.
    Doris Kearns Goodwin, a presidential historian, said that a president’s true character comes out during a crisis, and in our case, a pandemic. We have seen his disgusting character for 3 years, but now, it is much, much worse. Trump is the worst president in American history!!! Absolutely no one is worse.
    Back in Mid-February, The Putz, formerly known as Pence, told us that the U.S. sent over 16 tons of our precious P.P.E to China when he and The Cretin knew that the same pandemic would attack our country. We would need that P.P.E but they were too stupid and egocentric to prepare our country for a massive onslaught of viral infections.

      LOCK ‘EM UP!

    Now, Fascist Donnie is making a deal with his two favorite authoritarians, the Saudi prince—MBS (a Monarch full of Bull Shit, and Putin, Trump’s handler, to lower oil production in order to increase the price to consumers. This was done to kiss their asses, and hopes to join their Fascist’s Club For Fools. A big reason for this action was that *RUMP wanted to boost the oil production industry in the U.S. He is offering the oil companies a bailout in spite of the fact that there are only 150,000 workers in this industry, while there are millions losing jobs throughout all sectors in the country.
    As millions of Americans are out of work—an approaching depression era unemployment rate—The Cretin only cares about screwing working class Americans. He doesn’t care about the Post Office preventing them from accessing bailout money. These front liners will be the ones delivering YOUR mail and Relief Checks. Trump hates unions!! His history in business was to screw the little guy by cheating them out of their money.

              LOCK HIM UP!!!!!

    Now, we are seeing in Trump what a complete imbecile his truly is. He is holding up relief checks to Americans by several days because he told his fascist field marshal, Stevie Mnuchin, to “hold the presses” because he wanted his name on each check! COVID Donnie cannot stop himself from exploding his toxic ego over everything poisoning what ever he touches.
    COVID Donnie has come up with his reopening the economy plan. He said, “I will authorize every governor around the country to open up their state….” The Moron-in-Chief is pretending, again. He has absolutely no authority to dictate to governors. He has to illustrate over and over again that he is the emperor with no clothes.


COVID Donnie’s plan has a few steps to open up the economy. The most important step is to have
COVID-19 test kits widely available to those who need testing, otherwise, a reopening will fail. He has botched everything!!  Jake Tapper calls out Trump.
    Physical distancing is mandatory, as well. It has been reported by researchers from Harvard that until we get a widely distributed and effective vaccine, physical distancing will go on for the next two years. The Cretin never took this pandemic seriously, and a great many Americans don’t take it seriously, either. They follow his apathetic lead. We can thank FOX News for that! This means that it will cause another serious outbreak putting the brakes on the economy causing more distrust in the opening of the economy in the future leading to the permanent closing of businesses and more permanent unemployment. This virus is more infectious than we believe. Combined with a lack of testing, and/or false negative test results because of poor quality manufactured tests or a poorly administered tests, we will not have accurate data needed to securely reopen the economy.
    COVID Donnie’s May 15 plan to reopen the economy is likely to be pie-in-the-sky. A second round of layoffs are just beginning. Read HERE

If you want to know more about making your own disinfecting cleaners, check it out HERE.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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